From Mock Paper Scissors:
I know I have more than a bit of a Pollyanna reputation (I can hear you guys), and I suppose I should be as sardonic as the next blogger and post some cynical nice knowing ya, democracy post given our corrupt and illegitimate Supreme Court essentially torpedo'ing the Rule of Law. (5 of the 6 Republican Justices were put in place by Republican Presidents who did not actually win: all of 'em except for Thomas, and boy-howdy, Eiron really outdid herself there!)
But I'm not going to do that.
We've been in tough times before, we will be in tough times again:
If you're about my age or older… you're familiar with this uncanny sensation of living through a moment when history turns. It's happened every few months or years since Bush v. Gore: First, Bush v. Gore itself. Then 9/11. The Bush torture regime. The collapse of the false case for the war in Iraq. The global financial crisis. The election of Barack Obama. Then of Donald Trump, with control of the Supreme Court again on the line. COVID-19. The death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Dobbs. And now this: The Supreme Court's whole-cloth fabrication of criminal immunity for presidents, just as the incumbent's path to re-election is closing, and his challenger flaunts dictatorial ambition undisguised.
I don't want to sound like Captain Kirk not believing in the Kobayashi Maru no-win scenario, but I do see the world as an engineer and so set-backs are problems that need to be solved. I look at times to my Civics education and have a basic understanding of how government stuff works, and of course, our American history.
The simple truth is that we legislate laws. Laws change all the time. We amend the Constitution, and we even have repealed a Constitutional Amendment. What I am getting at is that the Supreme Court is not the last word, we the people are the last word. We have the superpower to make any change we want, but we MUST vote and hold our representatives accountable. As I have said elsewhere, it is a heavy lift, but not an impossible one.
Everything we are facing is a problem with a solution, and the solution begins with us; no one is going to rescue us other than ourselves. As we've said here so many times, there is no cavalry coming, there is only us.
We vote the bastards out, up and down the ticket, and then the real work begins. IF we can get the Trifecta (House, Senate, Presidency),then there is nothing we cannot do, including remaking the Supreme Court. As the corrupt Roberts court has blown up the tradition of stare decisis, we can toss out and over rule their obviously corrupt and un-American rulings. Our history is littered with Supreme Court decisions along the roadside of progress.
So buckle-up, it's a rough 4 months ahead, and we need to be unified and get shit done. As Ben Franklin said,
We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.
I see dark days ahead.
Thank you – I needed this. When the ruling came down yesterday, I was terrified for the future of this country. I still am terrified, but I am going to get involved and DO something about it, rather than sit at home and wring my hands. I am going to join my local Democratic committee and do everything I can to get people out to vote, and let everyone who will listen know how lethally important this coming election is – the existence of our democracy depends on it.