It's Not a Bug. It's a Feature.

Ever wonder why the mainstream media isn't calling out the easily provable lies that Trump tells daily, or why they never bring up things like Trump and his son Eric Taking the 5th nearly 1000 times when questioned? How about why they never bring up the obvious cognitive issues when Trump confuses Nancy Pelosi with Nikki Haley, or when he increasingly glitches mid sentence and has to grasp for words?

Ever wonder why the mainstream media doesn't even mention Trump has told us prior to the 2024 election that he won't accept the results if he doesn't win? How about the fact that he did the same thing before the 2020 election and also prior to the 2016 election as well? The mainstream media also doesn't bother to mention how many of Trump's associates are convicted felons and seem to have normalized the fact that he is a twice impeached convicted felon himself.

He ran a fraudulent university and a fraudulent charity both of which were shut down. Does that get the attention it deserves? Not only was he found guilty in a court of law of defaming a women he sexually assaulted but there are more than 20 other women that have come forward with similar stories and the idiot is on tape bragging about the very conduct they allege. Past interviews and court documents reveal how closely Trump was tied to the sexual predator Epstein.

With regard to his business acumen it's hardly mentioned that the buffoon went bankrupt six times and has had a lifelong playbook of not paying those he owes money to. One could go on and on about the corrupt behavior Trump has exhibited his entire life.

That fact that the majority of Americans cannot come together and declare this wannabe dictator unfit shows just how tribal and sick to the core this country has become thanks to not only Fox "News" and the other right-wing pro fascist outlets, but also the so called "liberal" mainstream media.




2 Replies to “It's Not a Bug. It's a Feature.”

  1. I don't disagree with any of this. The problem I have is that we are all preaching to the choir. And yes, the choir members must get out and vote blue. But is there any hope of getting the rest of America to finally wake up and smell the shit that is Donald Trump?

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