5 Replies to “Vomiting It All Up”

  1. P.S. Yellow Journalism or Newsertainment…started with Reagan:

    "After Reagan ended enforcement of the Fairness Doctrine in 1987, radio and TV stations were no longer burdened by the requirement to "program in the public interest" to maintain their broadcast licenses; within a year (1988) all three major TV networks had moved their news divisions — which had universally been losing money in the competition for "real news" — under the arm of their entertainment divisions, where they remain to this day and have become significant profit centers." – The Hartman Report


  2. I sent this to ABC,NBC,CBS today:

    I will keep this as short as possible.

    I find it disgraceful and premature for the Mainstream (or any other) News Media to be giving exaggerated attention to any suggestion by anybody that President Joe Biden step aside without also suggesting that Donald J Trump drop out of the race for the good of the country because of his total incompetence and dangerous ideas.

    I have seen little if any fact checking or calling out Trump's lies, his impaired mental functioning, his disgraceful comments, or his not-so-subtle calls for violence. We all know what chaos he will cause should he not win in November and you in the TV Entertainment News (I hesitate to call it journalism) will be to blame for the results of your biased reporting.

    The main stream media (YOU) is having a feeding frenzy every time a prominent Democrat comes out in favor of Joe dropping out. The negative press will not only become self-fulfilling, but will give the Liar-in-chief Trump more ammunition with which to sabotage either Joe's or any Democrat's candidacy.

    I urge you, before it is not too late, to dish Mr. Trump a daily plate of TRUTH, call out his lies, and demonstrate to your audience and the American people using your own archival video footage that Mr. Trump is a shyster and a criminal, whose incompetence is blatantly obvious to any rational person and that he is not, nor was he ever, worthy of the Office of President.

    I will vote for Joe Biden even if he were on life-support and about to take his last breath. Should Joe, himself decide not to run, I will vote solidly Democratic all the way.

  3. Didn't GFN and Andy Ostroy take arithmetic in third grade? Five out of 535 is just under 1%, so possibly 0.9%. 0.009% is wrongity wrongity wrong.

    "So? It's a small number either way," I hear you say. And that's true (though from this morning's news the number is growing.) But the idiots on the other side love to fasten on to minor points and claim that those minor points make the main point invalid. Our side needs to be careful not to give them such an easy opening.

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