Oh M&H, How I've Missed You!

Margaret, I have loved every minute of the DNC. You really need to find your glasses and turn on the boob tube, Honey. Such joy. Such diversity. Such excitement and hope. Considering the hell we've all been through since Donald Trump screwed up the nation, it's truly a miracle. If Kamala can do this as a candidate. Imagine what she can do as President.

All of you Republicans out there. I just have to ask you. Aren't you tired? The hate and negativity of Trump has to be exhausting.

It all started with Rubio and Cruz talking about Trump's small hands and eventually it got to weird shaped mushroom descriptions. I wonder which GOP Congressman will be the first to claim they know what it really looks like. Boebert? Greene? Gaetz? The porn star told us and that was more than enough information for me.

Fox News says Obama's joke was a low point in presidential politics, conveniently ignoring that Trump goes lower daily. The difference being Obama was actually funny… and maybe a little bit too on the mark.

But I ask you, GOP. Haven't you had enough of Trump? Everything that man touches turns to trash. I mean stop digging. You've reached bottom with that guy many times over.

Don't get me wrong. There are some real douche bags on the progressive side too. But we aren't electing them for President. They're harmless. We're just laughing at the ugly Tesla truck they're driving. But your guys, the GOP douche bags… now those guys are the real deal. They are passing laws about who is standing and who is sitting to pee. Honestly, it's really creepy that your political leaders are spending this much time imagining how people are peeing. And now they are literally making women flee their states because the unthinkable has happened during an otherwise very wanted pregnancy or worse still, during a pregnancy caused by incest. Since the day that orange twat came down his golden escalator, your party has gone to hell.

Don't believe me? Just look at your base. One sign in their yard wasn't enough. They had to put all the signs in their yard in hopes of pissing off their neighbors. And I'll admit it works. It pisses us off. They win. Ten Trump signs in their lawn and we're triggered. But what does it say about your base that pissing off your neighbors brings them joy? And what does it say about Trump that he brings out the worst in us?

We've got some yahoo in my neighborhood with the giant Trump banner and the huge flag and a Go Brandon sign for good measure. I mean, I've seen Taylor Swift fans with more restraint. I'm truly embarrassed for him. But that's what Donald does. He doesn't lift anyone up. He pulls everyone down. He encourages you to be your worst. If anything was a low point in presidential politics, it wasn't Obama's joke; it was Trump's January 6th rally where Trump convinced mostly ordinary citizens to storm the Capitol. There is simply nothing normal and certainly nothing patriotic about that. He and Vance are not just weird; they're asshat crazy.

Now maybe the Dems went a little overboard with the sofa joke, sure. But honestly, it's hilarious to me that particular joke caught fire. That so many people believed it says more about Vance than it does about social media. If you listen to the shit that Vance says, you really do wonder if there might be some truth to the story. I know I'll never look at my sofa the same way again.

But seriously. Haven't you had enough? Truly. Walk away from that trash heap Trump calls his base and join us as we take our country back from Trump's basket of deplorables.

Donald Trump, the former President, was found liable for sexual assault and convicted of fraud. He cheated college students. His kids stole from charity. When we needed a leader during COVID, he was so ineffective he couldn't even pull the nation together long enough to get people to wear a mask to save their grandparents. He mocked a disabled person. He used the Bible for a prop after paying to cover up an affair with a porn star. He cheated on his first wife with his second wife and then cheated on that one with the third one. He politicized the plight of immigrants and asylum seekers rather than using his power to seek a solution. He gave a tax break to his rich friends and tried to take healthcare insurance away from everyone else. He calls his supporters basement dwellers. He said getting the Medal of Freedom is better than the Medal of Honor because veterans are full of bullets or dead. Right now, he's encouraging Israel to continue bombing because a cease fire would benefit Kamala. The man is garbage.

Value and character matter. They should. They have to. Decency. Honesty. Kindness. Joy. Don't you miss it, GOP? Trump is the old guy screaming at the kids to stay off his lawn. He is a fake solution looking for an imaginary problem. Turn the page. Put a smile on your face. Come outside and really meet your neighbors.

Again, I ask you. Aren't you tired of it all? And when you come into the comment section below and start arguing about what we have written, calling us names or telling us how ugly you think we are… Just stop for a minute and ask yourself – Don't you have anything better to do? You live in constant fear that someone is going to take your guns, turn your child gay, or steal your job and give it to an immigrant. Guess what? It's all a big lie.

He's got your whole party saying the absolute stupidest things. A woman becomes a lawyer, a District Attorney, an Attorney General, a US Senator and Vice President and MAGA says she slept her way to the top. A veteran retires honorably after 24 years of service to his country and MAGA says he abandoned his responsibilities. Imagine that. Veterans turning on fellow veterans. That is the stink that is Donald Trump. MAGA are asshats. Don't be a MAGA.

Windmills don't cause cancer. Solar energy doesn't require you to turn off your TVs at night. Electric cars are everywhere and you can still drive your gas guzzler if you want. Your shower heads and your dishwashers work just fine. Elon Musk is a moron… no wait… that's a different post. This one is about Trump. Nuking a hurricane is all sorts of crazy. Putin isn't a good guy. North Korea isn't our friend. Big strong men don't come up to Trump and cry because he found them a job in a coal mine. We don't have open borders.

Facts: The economy tanked under his leadership. Crime went up. The deficit exploded. The stock market has doubled since he left office. The wall didn't get built. Obamacare didn't go away. It got more popular. We lost jobs. We lost global status. We lost lives. We lost our dignity while that man sat in the Oval Office. He didn't unite anyone. Families broke apart. Neighbors turned against each other. He is a cancer. He broke America.

Trump had his chance. He failed miserably. Leave him. Join us. We won't go back. I won't go back. Margaret can't go back because she's too busy looking for her glasses. Trump is bad for America. I mean it. Really.


2 Replies to “Oh M&H, How I've Missed You!”

  1. Thanks for posting this, Mark. I went to the blog and passed this on to my friends. If you have the time, read the letter to the family for Thanksgiving. Like MasterCard….it's priceless.

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