Oh, M&H How I've Missed You, Part Deux

Margaret, my apologies in advance. This isn't going to be pretty. It's going to be petty. Which also happens to be the best way to describe Ann Coulter.

Awhile back I reviewed her latest book and said it was so poorly written that 10 monkeys randomly typing on 10 typewriters would produce a better book in about 10 minutes. I also said she had feet the size of an Emu. While accurate, it was indeed harsh. But I'm neither a literary critic, nor a zoologist, or anyone of real importance actually so, in fact, I was punching up.

In truth, I am so insignificant that when I do call someone a name or otherwise insult them, I am almost always punching up. The same could be said about Ann. She is neither a good writer nor a good person so technically she too is usually punching up whenever she is attacking liberal politicians. But exactly how pathetic of an asshat does one have to be to actually attack a child and, in particular, a child who is simply showing affection for their father? Someone as low as Coulter actually managed to punch down.

Yesterday, Ann Coulter attacked Gus Walz. A teenager. And when she learned that Gus has a form of autism, she didn't apologize. She blamed Democrats for making her attack him.

So, GOP, I am asking you again. Aren't you tired?

Ann Coulter was not the only one. She and the rest of MAGA nation have shown you time and time again that they are the worst among us. They have nothing but contempt and hatred and ugliness to offer. And this alpha male masculinity thing. I mean what is that? If you are worried that not picking on kids means women aren't going to procreate for you, please don't worry. I am sure there are plenty of Marjorie Taylore Greenes and Lauren Boeberts in the world who will be more than happy to show you a good time in a darkened theatre.

Ooops. I went there, didn't I? I just did what I am accusing you of doing. But in my defense, do a quick google on some of the trash that comes out of those ladies' mouths daily. You know what. I take that back. I apologize for saying it. I might be insignificant, but making fun of Margorie and Lauren is definitely punching down because you just can't get lower than those two.

Aren't you sick and tired of it?

Since the moment Donald J Trump came down that golden escalator and called poor immigrants "rapists" and "murderers" we Americans have been at each other's throats, and the GOP has slowly devolved from a political party into a cesspool rife with racism, misogyny, and dick jokes. But Ann Coulter, Mike Crispi, Jay Weber and MAGA faithful still managed to punch down against a 17-year-old kid who wept as he told his Dad he loved him.

Really. Aren't you tired of it?

Before Trump, we had our disagreements. We had our differences. And sometimes tempers flared, and insults ensued. But this? This constant stream of garbage that comes out of the Trump campaign day after day. The nonstop stream of grievances, name calling, racial slurs, religious intolerance, and just plain hatred…

Aren't you tired of it?

When Al Gore lost the 2000 election, Democrats were pissed. And in 2008 when Obama was elected, Republicans were pissed. But you know what? We removed our political signs from our yards, and we waited 4 years to vote again. We didn't make bigger signs and yell at clouds.

Aren't you tired of it?

Lots of people loved Bill Clinton. Lots of people couldn't stand him. Families didn't break up over it.

Lots of people hated George W Bush. Lots of people loved him. Nobody stormed the Capitol.

Aren't you tired of it?

"Little Marco"


"Lyin' Ted"

"Sleepy Joe"


Aren't you sick and tired of it?

The worst that Dems have returned in response is to call two rich, white guys weird because there really was no other appropriate term.

"The late, great Hannibal Lecter is a wonderful man." – Trump

"I hate the police." – Vance

"Immigrants are taking black people's jobs." – Trump

Democrats are a "bunch of childless cat ladies with miserable lives." – Vance

"We're being inundated. Think of it. Millions of people are coming in from prisons, from mental institutions, they're terrorists at levels that we have never seen before."- Trump (who is married to an immigrant)

"I had a Diet Mountain Dew yesterday and one today. I'm sure they will call that racist." – Vance

"I've had the experience—I take a shower, I want that beautiful head of hair to be nice and wet; lather. I want it to be lathered beautifully. And I get the best stuff you can buy, and I dump it all over, and then I turn on the water and the damn water drips out. I can't get this stuff out of my hair, it's a horrible thing." – Trump

"Every day George Soros sends a 747 to Columbus to load up disproportionately Black women to get them to go have abortions in California." – Vance

"What would happen if the boat sank from its weight, and you're in the boat, and you have this tremendously powerful battery, and the battery's now under water, and there's a shark that's approximately 10 yards over there… from the boat, ten yards, or here. Do I get electrocuted if the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking? Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted, or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted?" – Trump

Fake news.

Stolen elections.

Failed nation.

There really is no better word for it. They are weird. And for the love of God, I am so tired of it. Aren't you?

Before he became President, Trump admitted on camera to sexual assault. You explained it away as locker room talk. Later he was found liable for it in a court of law. You blamed everyone but Trump. But… Secretly you were disturbed by it. Weren't you?

Before he became President, he made fun of a disabled person. He literally mocked the way he looked and talked. You pretended it never happened. But deep down you were disgusted when you saw the video, weren't you? Surely you had to be.

When he gave a tax cut to the rich and then worked to take away your health insurance… weren't you just a little bit pissed off?

When he downplayed COVID but then got COVID himself and was rushed by helicopter to one of our nation's finest hospitals… didn't you pause and take a second look at the refrigerator trucks being used as overflow morgues? Surely you did.

When students were gunned down in an Iowa school he said "It's just horrible, so surprising to see it here. But have to get over it, we have to move forward." Did you wonder why he waited 36 hours to comment and that was the best he had to offer to the grieving parents? Get over it.

When you found out that his foundation had to be shut down because it had misused funds that were intended for charity… surely you were disgusted. Weren't you?

Some of you are my neighbors. Some of you are my family members for crying out loud. I know you. This stuff has to bother you. You are too good for that man? What are you waiting for?

The demons on the left are not who you think they are. They have created millions more jobs and invested in thousands of more infrastructure projects. Affordable healthcare. Medical and family leave. Social Security. Medicare. They've offered real solutions to the immigration issues. The weirdos on the right have given you what exactly? A larger 401k? I just can't with this nonsense anymore. The stock market has doubled since Trump left office.

Trump made everything worse. And deep down you know it. You didn't hate your neighbors before Trump. You didn't mock children before Trump. You respected hard work. You respected the sacrifice of veterans. You elected people who didn't embarrass you on a regular basis.

Put Trump. Put Vance. Put Bannon, Miller, Flynn, Giuliani. Coulter, Greene, Boebert, Lake, That Weird Pillow Guy…. Put them all behind you. You are better than this. We are all Americans and we are better than this. I mean it. Really.


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