Just The Right Amount of Fretting

From Greg Fallis:

We're two weeks out from election day and there's a whole lot of OMG OMG Trump's gonna try to steal the election if he loses OMG WTF do we do now?! floating around in social media. And it's making some folks downright frantic.

Yeah, Trump is absolutely going to try to steal the election when he loses. That's just a fact. We all know it. We saw him try to do it four years ago. Of course, he's going to try it again. This time he's better prepared for it. This time he knows what he did wrong last time. (Okay, that's not entirely true; Trump is just a bone-ignorant as he was last time, but now he's got a cadre of feral GOP fascists who are far more skilled at ratfucking.) This time the stakes are higher…both for the nation and for Trump his ownself. He loses, and he's looking at prison.

So yeah, it's understandable that folks are worried. EXCEPT for this: the Dems are also better prepared than last time. We've had four years to put as many safeguards in place as possible. We've had four years to anticipate Trump's moves. Things look better for us than they did four years ago. For example:

        • We've changed the Electoral Count Act to make it far more difficult for state legislatures to reverse the results of an election.
        • We have hundreds of lawyers, lawyers in every state, ready to counter the GOP's attempts to ratfuck the votes, and they've got dozens of briefs already written and ready to file, tailored to each state.
        • The governors of five of the seven so-called 'swing' states are Democrats. The two GOP-led states includes Georgia, where Gov. Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger both resisted Trump's efforts four years ago.
        • Of the 60+ lawsuits brought by Trump four years ago, all but one was shot down. Many of the judges in those cases were Republicans, some appointed by Trump his ownself. They're no more likely to agree with him this time.
        • Four years ago Trump had the Department of Justice and the Attorney General in his pocket to help him. Now, the DOJ and the AG are more independent.

This isn't to say that your anxiety isn't warranted. It's not to say there's nothing to fret about. Trump, his Nazgûl lawyers, and his angry supporters are willing to use any corrupt means that might give them a chance to obtain power, including violence. We HAVE to be concerned and vigilant.

But remember, Trump failed last time. He'll almost certainly fail again. Failure is Trump's true brand. Trump is all make-up and weird hair. His strength is mostly an illusion. So yeah, there's reason to fret. It's right and proper to fret about the election.

Fret enough to get out to vote. Fret enough to encourage your friends and fam to vote. Fret enough to put up a yard sign or cough up some coin to donate to your local candidates. Ain't nothing wrong with fretting about this election.

But don't fret too much.

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