It took us a year to have a reception after Ben and I got married. Why shouldn't it take an additional six months beyond that to go on our honeymoon?
I only call it a honeymoon because we used money we got as wedding gifts to pay for it. I view it as a much-needed respite from the absolute insanity both of us are dealing with at work. And Denver. Oh yes, a very overdue escape from this hellhole.
Our original plan was to simply fly to Atlanta for a few days and visit Ben's cousin and his husband. When we realized how close we were to Columbia, South Carolina, the plan changed a bit because we realized we could drive over and visit our friend John, whom we hadn't seen since we were in Arkansas a couple years ago when both he and I were getting inked by Erik.

The flight over was uneventful, save for the asshole who paid for priority boarding for himself, but then proceeded to save three additional seats for his family members who boarded later. I hate people.

We arrived at Ben's cousin's house after briefly getting lost (Thanks, Waze) and were treated to a delicious dinner at The Red Snapper. I guess we were both exhausted, because by the time we got back from dinner we both crawled upstairs and immediately fell asleep at the Denver equivalent of 6:30 pm. (I was falling asleep in the car, truth be told.)
An old house, a wonderfully chilly room, and a toasty electric blanket made for some very restful sleep. We were surprised when we woke up at 9:30 the next morning, having clocked more than 12 hours asleep.
Our plans for the day were to visit the Atlanta Botanical Garden. Lots of pictures to follow.

Done at the Garden, we then grabbed lunch and headed downtown.
We toured The World of Coca Cola. It reminded me of the Walmart Museum, but on a much larger scale.
I was kind of disappointed that while we got to sample some of their more bizarre brands from around the world, we didn't get to taste actual Coke from anywhere other than the US. Ben's cousin told us African Coke was a very different taste experience but it simply wasn't available.