Our final morning in Columbia was spent at the Riverbank Zoo and Garden.

It was still very pretty…
We didn't spend a lot of time at the zoo. It was spring break and the place was crawling with kids. By the time we'd gotten through the reptile exhibit I was ready to bolt for fresh air and open skies. Thankfully, we actually did need to be on our way back to Atlanta.
And as they say, a good time was had by all.
Before we left Columbia, John asked if I'd ever done any technical writing. Nothing officially, I said, but I'd done a lot of documentation not only at my job in Phoenix, but also at my first job in Denver. The reason he asked is that his company might be needing someone with that skill set; a position that could be easily worked from home.
Right now I'm trying to track down the documentation I did for my last job. I'm going to tweak my resume a bit to add that skill, and then send it (and samples of that writing) off to him tomorrow.
We got back to Atlanta just in time for Ben's cousin's home-made tacos. They were just as delicious as they were the last time I had them at his parent's house in New Mexico. Another early night and we were packed and on our way to the airport the morning.