I had forgotten how stressful and disorienting a move to a new city in a different state can be. The last time I moved somewhere totally new to me was 1986, when I relocated to San Francisco. After six months I was still having such a hard time adjusting to life there that I was almost ready to pack it up and return to Phoenix. There was no way I was going to do that, but I finally had to post an affirmation on my refrigerator that read, "San Francisco is my home. I love the City and The City loves me back." It must have worked, because I stayed sixteen years, and to this day—while I could never return permanently—I still consider San Francisco Home, as home with a capital H.
The Good
- Ben is with me. He is keeping me sane and grounded during this transition. His patience is amazing.
- Denver is beautiful. It still amazes me to look to the west and see snow on the mountains. We haven't had a chance to do much exploring yet, but I cannot wait to start. It was 85 degrees today and we had light showers. It was 102 and sunny in Phoenix. Do the math.
- We got a local address where mail can be forwarded. The Post Office had some pretty strict residency requirements for getting a box, so we went with one at a UPS store (at an exorbitant rate, I might add) instead.
- I got a call from a new recruiter today, and I'm meeting with her in person next week.
- I had my first Pinkberry last night. I'm not a huge fan of frozen desserts, but I have to admit it was pretty damn good.
The Bad
- The extended stay hotel we're staying at has definitely seen better days. The rooms are small, the kitchenettes are a joke, and while it seems clean enough it just has that skeevy feel about it that does not inspire a great deal of confidence. I've stayed at Motel 6s that were classier. We definitely do NOT leave our Macs in the room unattended. We're only committed to a week at a time so it's not like we're trapped there or anything; we're still debating whether or not we want to find a different place and pay more.

- The traffic in Denver is horrible just about any time of day. It's easily as crazy as what I remember of the Bay Area, and although I've yet to see any of the abject stupidity that marked Arizona drivers, on the whole they don't seem to be an especially courteous lot either. There also is no logic whatsoever behind left turn signals. Sometimes they're before the traffic direction, sometimes after, and other times during.
- I got a call from one of the headhunters that I'd been working with regarding a job while we were driving up here. Unfortunately the top rate they were willing to pay was way below the minimum I need to live (never mind the amount I was making at my last job), and I'd have to pay for my own health insurance. No thanks, I'm not that desperate yet. I've only been out of work less than a week.
The Ugly
- I swear I left my brain in the apartment in Phoenix. After so carefully putting everything I thought I might need until we got permanently settled into separate boxes that would not go into storage, I stupidly packed away into storage both my Social Security card and my birth certificate. It's been so long since I've had to look for a job I completely forgot that I would at the least need the Social Security card to get employed. Yesterday afternoon, after having the movers unload the truck and stack everything so meticulously in our storage unit, we had to tear back into their work in order to at least find my birth certificate so I could order a replacement Social Security card. And wouldn't you know it, when I went to the SS office today, they didn't even need it. I'll have a new card in two weeks, and in the meantime they provided me with some official paperwork telling prospective employers that the card is being replaced.
- Even with navigation on my cell phone, I am still getting lost, going in the wrong direction, and having to make some moves in traffic that I am amazed have not resulted in a vehicular mishap. In short, I'm driving like an out-of-state asshole because I haven't got a clue where I'm going half the time.
- The internet at the hotel sucks. I mean seriously sucks. It's worse than being on dialup. And if that's not bad enough, for some reason my Verizon broadband card is acting all wonky as well. I get five bars (better than I ever got in my office at work), but the connection speed is only marginally faster than the wireless at the hotel. I do NOT understand it. We're heading to the Verizon store tomorrow to have it checked out and if it comes back with a clean bill of health we're going to be spending a lot of our free time at Starbucks or Peets over the next few weeks.
- Ben is an official student at DU today and bought Office 2011 Mac (something we've been putting off getting) at the university bookstore. He was going to purchase the Home and Student edition which provided three licenses, but the girl at the counter said, "Oh, you don't need that, you need 2011 Standard." Ben asked about the number of licenses included with it, and she told him it was two. So instead of paying $139 for the Home and Student, he picked up the Standard version for $89 and thought he'd gotten a great deal. That was, until we got back to the room and after successfully installing it on his Mac tried to load it on mine. "Invalid Registration Number." Fuck. Me. Since it's already been opened and activated we can't return it, so now we have to shell out another $89 for a second copy of Standard—that we didn't even need to begin with because neither of us uses Outlook!
But even with all the negativity the past couple days, almost by magic, while we were shopping at Target today, I ran across this and took it as a message from the Universe. Things will get better. These are just growing pains. I just hate this feeling of being unsettled and having to live out of boxes…
UPDATE: I am a dork. I must've been fat-fingering the Office serial number. Ben tried putting it in tonight and it worked just fine. D'oh!
The adventure begins….
And hugs to you both!
Good luck guys!
Just returned from Peet's here in Studio City.
Yours are in the Sheraton Denver hotel downtown, on 2nd street in Cherry Creek, and in Boulder if venturing up that direction. Good wifi, better coffee drinks.
Yes, that hotel looks like it is ready for a move-out.
A few more dollars per day will probably brighten the attitude and improve on the security.
Just hang in there. Finding a job in this economy is a bitch, but you have great skills and live in a Major Metro area, not in the provinces like I do. I really like that hat, where on earth did you get it?
What an adventure you guys are on! I can't wait to read more about it as time goes by!
Welcome to Colorado!
If its any help, remember, the mountains are always west. You can't always see them but they're a good landmark to help you get your bearings.
Take it easy for awhile, the altitude may take some getting used to.
Chubbys = good inexpensive Mexican food.
Have Anderson checked out and maybe adjusted for high altitude performance. Check the air pressure in your tires.
Harvest restaurant on Colorado Blvd, in front of Target, for a healthy organic meal. King Soopers is usually the better market, almost always cheaper than Safeway. Walmart is usually cheaper but its Walmart.
Cheesman park is the best gay park in Dwnver. Take your camera, the rose garden is beautiful.
Glad you guys made it safely.
The law states if you live in Colorado you have to buy at least 2 flannel shirts before winter, 5 if you're a lesbian. They go on sale in September… :0)
And yet… you are impeccably dressed, so that just about compensates for all the "ugly!"