
Back in June when my clutch went out, the shop also informed me that I had a small power steering fluid leak and that the front control arm bushings were shot and needed to be replaced. Neither item was critical or had to be done immediately, so since it happened right before we were scheduled to leave Arizona and I really didn't have the extra cash, I put off getting the work done.

This past Christmas, Ben gave me $250 to cover the deductible on my mechanical breakdown insurance to get the bushings repaired (I figured I could keep topping off the power steering fluid), and yesterday I took the car in.

Of course, the appointment was on the one day this week that snow was predicted.  Of course. Right after I vowed that the next time the white stuff was scheduled to fall I would leave the car at home and take public transit.  Still, I wasn't too concerned; the forecast was for only 1-2 inches. When I got up at 5 am, it was just starting to come down, and it really didn't look so bad.

By the time I left the house an hour later however, it was coming down hard, and of course nothing had been plowed—as usual.

While I was at least able to get out onto Colorado Boulevard this time without getting stuck, it was still white-knuckle driving all the way to the shop in Littleton.  In fact, after I'd arrived and pulled into the parking lot, my hands were shaking so badly I could barely text Ben to let him know I'd gotten there safely. (I don't think I am ever going to get used to driving in snow.)

Originally I'd scheduled a loaner for the day, but at that point there was NO WAY I was doing any more driving that day—especially in a car I was completely unfamiliar with. The dealer shuttle was already on its way downtown (not the way I needed to go), so my service advisor had one of his assistants take me to work. (Totally unexpected, but that alone earned my loyalty to Ralph Schomp MINI.)

The snow continued to fall during the day. 1-2 inches my ass. That much had fallen before I'd even left the house that morning.  And I can't begin to tell you how relieved I was when the shop called and told me they'd have to keep the car overnight. I'd be taking public transit home and back to work in the morning.

While the snow had pretty much stopped by the time I left work, it was now bitterly cold, and while I enjoyed the walk from work to the train station (about the same distance I used to walk from my last apartment in San Francisco to the Castro MUNI), the one thought I kept having was, "Forget the cap tomorrow. Wear your damn beanie!"

My bus/train commute this morning was very pleasant. There were a lot fewer people than I'd expected and I had a seat the entire way.  Amazingly, I only left about fifteen minutes earlier than usual and got to work at the same time I normally do.

I'm seriously considering doing this more often—and not only when it snows.  In fact, even though it's supposed to be clear through the first of next week, if I didn't have to go to the bank at lunch tomorrow to deposit my first pay check as an employee, I'd take the bus/train again.

So, $315 later, I have the car back with the two items from last June's to-do list done. (I ended up paying about $60 out of pocket for the power steering leak to be repaired; if I'd known back in June it was only going to be that much—maybe I did; I was pretty freaked out over the clutch at the time—I would've gotten it fixed then.)

Of course they found two more items that now need attention: there's a crack at the top of the front passenger side strut, and there's a slow coolant leak (which I already knew about) from the thermostat. Replacing the strut is the next thing to be done; thankfully it too falls under my insurance. The coolant I'll just keep topped off until I have the money (less than my deductible) to get that fixed. Since the next major expense will be getting the car registered in Colorado, that's not going to happen any time soon.

And then there're the two struts that hold up the rear hatch that have completely failed with the onset of cold weather. Fortunately that's something I can do, and relatively inexpensively.

Anyhow, if you've managed to stay awake through this post, you're entitled to some eye candy:

One of the MINI Advisors. (Unfortunately NOT mine.)

8 Replies to “Bush(ing)ed”

  1. Hey Carter where have you been? Alex, when I moved to San Francisco in 1975 I quickly got rid of my car, Dodge Dart. I did not miss it until I moved back to L.A. later that year. The car we had befor the RAV's was a Honda CRX. It was thee best little car ever. We had it for 18yrs and put almost two hundred thousad miles on it.

  2. Mike, Carter…My very first new car (back in '83) was a Toyota Corolla SR5. Loved it. I stupidly sold it a couple years after I moved to SF, because it was more of a hassle to have a car in The City than to not have one. In fact, it's one of two long-gone cars that consistently show up in my dreams as never having been sold, just having been "put in storage" all these years. I'll leave that to a psychologist to unravel.

    Secondly, Anderson has nearly 70,000 miles on him at this point. Repairs are to be expected with this brand; a brand, I might add, that I will immediately purchase again when Anderson's odometer has turned its last mile. I've never had so much fun, or—dare I say—bonded with a car the way I have with the MINI. It is going to be a very sad day when we eventually have to part ways, a sadness that will only be alleviated by the purchase of another MINI. (On that front I'm torn between getting the 4WD or the convertible. The 4WD would undoubtedly be more practical if Ben and I stay in Denver long term, but I've never owned a convertible, and it's something I think everyone—or at least every gay man—needs to own at least once in his lifetime.)

    As for driving in snow, several people have told me that snow tires are a must. In fact, another customer at the dealer I was talking to yesterday even recommended a specific brand. All well and good, but I don't have the money at this point for four new tires and rims, nor do I have any place to store them off-season. So until that day comes, on snow days I'm just going to take public transit to and from work. Problem solved!

    1. Love the availability of public transportation. Use it extensively here in LA of all places. No snow tires, just good public transportation.
      My problem with the Mini is the use of more expensive gasoline.
      My only criteria in selecting a car to buy is it must run on regular gasoline, or an alternative fuel supply.
      Had the convertible, loved and hated it at the same time. Sunburned ears, scalp, etc. Denver weather not too cooperative for soft tops – but if you had a hard top!!!

  3. He looks like a maxi advisor to me!
    Agree with Mike – Toyotas are meant to run, and run, and run, with only minimal maintenance.
    Have had 3 Rav4s, now the 2nd Highlander with over 100K already and plenty of life remaining.
    But Spring is just around the corner….(?)!

  4. Every time I read something written by a non- snow driver I giggle a little bit. When I was a pup, I learned to drive in big-assed American rear-wheel drive cars, so learning to drive safely in the snow whilst driving a land-barge was a necessity. Thank you Dad!

    Be safe Alexander. And might I suggest a Xanax prior to driving in the snow? LOL

  5. I feel bad about your car needing all these little and some big fixes. We have two Toyota RAV4's. One is going to be 15yrs old in May and the other is only 3yrs old. The older one has never givien us any trouble. I'm not endorsing Toyota, I just think we have been somewhat lucky. About the cold and snow. I am a southwest desert rat and I could not handle living in cold and snow. Stay warm and drive careful.

  6. I've driven in snow since I first started driving, so I don't even think about it. Not that I've had to this year… we haven't had any.

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