Going solo, not going to Solo (a movie, despite my Star Wars fandom, I'm in absolutely no hurry to see).
Ben is in El Paso with his friend Barry for the weekend, and I had no plans other than in his absence to give this place a thorough cleaning and decluttering. To that end, Friday evening I got the living and dining room swept, dusted (including the top of the bookcase, something I'm embarrassed to admit that I haven't touched in over a year) and decluttered. I spent the rest of the evening enjoying music on my new old stereo.

Today the dogs let me sleep in until nearly 6am. After getting up, feeding and letting them out to do their business, we all went back to bed for a couple more hours.
The rest of the morning was taken up with laundry, cleaning the bathroom, mopping the floors, and finally clearing out crap from under the kitchen sink. (Every time we look under there Ben and I look at each other and say, "We really need to…") Some of the shit down there dated from Denver and was long past any reasonable expiration date.
After making myself lunch (it was already 103℉ outside by that time and I had no desire to venture into that just to grab lunch), I called it quits for the day and the dogs and I laid down for a much deserved, cool afternoon nap.
Tomorrow my plans are to finish up laundry, dust and sweep the bedroom, and then head to the coffeehouse for a few hours to relax and then run to Target for the weekly shopping.
Not as fun a weekend as Ben is having, but I do take a degree of satisfaction in knowing "This house is clean!"
Mark, I wish my husband would go away for the weekend so I could
have the weekend you described! mwg