Mark Alexander
You're a bad man. You're a very bad man!

Irreverent, independent, and often snarky partnered married gay boomer and doggie dad who is tired of moral pontification by hypocritical conservative assholes and hate filled religious bigots.
This blog is NSFW and intended for adults only.

It may contain unapologetically liberal diatribes and photos of naked men, either alone or together, doing things that may cause inexplicable erections among certain sanctimonious anti-gay Republican congressmen. In addition to my personal photography, images displayed here have been pulled from the internet.

Based on some recent incidents, let me reiterate: If you are the owner of a photo that appears on this site and wish it removed, you don't need to get all legal and send threatening letters and takedown notices; just email me with the photo's URL or leave a comment on the offending post and I will gladly remove it.
In other words…

I picture myself being born in the Trump family, and I feel bad. I would be unable to endorse what my father does, and would be severely excluded. (The same would go if I were born to an American family, voting republicans by tradition.)
What itches me the most when I see the grown-up children of Trump, is that they only act by clan interest. It's the only thing that bring coherence. All the rest is a thick layer of hypocrisy, that is hard to stomach. (And I'm French, I'm already spared from 99% of their public speeches.)
Clan interest… It's not far from the tribal scale of politic. This was the definition of the political scale in medieval times. It's like we're traveling back in time. Humanity is struggling towards grown-up Nation states, defending the public interest, or at least our nations (corporate) private interests. But many countries worldwide are still thinly veiled dictatorships, run by kleptocrates. Their ruler are mostly motivated by the interest of their family and their closest allies.
The cult for Trump and for its family blurs the line with the cult of celebrities. (Movie tv and internet stars, tabloid, fantasized billionaire socialite life, etc. Things that are already overplayed. The business model of most media is to sell your brain spare time to advertisers. And it's worse when one group of media belongs, in majority, to one familial billionaire share-owner.) It's another thing that should not have been mixed with politics. It's not a popularity contest at high-school. Having money, having pretty white faces, speaking loud, and having a vocal group of supporters, should not add so much credibility to your argument.