
"I sometimes have the feeling that we should kiss."

"I sometimes have the feeling I should do crystal meth, but then  I think, hmmm…better not."

This past weekend Ben and I saw Pitch Perfect. It wasn't a film that was even on my radar, but it had been months since we'd gone to a movie and this seemed to be a good escape.

I went in with no expectations and was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. It was everything—and more—that made the first season of Glee so delightful until it transformed into the hot mess it's become. Great songs, good singing, cute boys (and girls, if you're into that) and characters that you generally come to care about (or at least want to bitch slap).

"Nothing makes a woman feel more like a girl than a man who sings like a boy."

I liked it so much I even got the soundtrack off iTunes…

Highly recommended. Go see it.