This move has been a killer. I'm not 28 years old any more, despite what my mind and maturity level may say.
Everything is back in the new/old house. Construction isn't complete, but it's far enough along (we have a working kitchen and bathroom) that we can make it work while things are finished up. The dishwasher still needs to be connected, bathroom lighting/mirror needs to be hung, closets in all the bedrooms put back us usable condition, baseboards need to be installed, touch up painting, a few switch and outlet covers still need to be mounted, porch light needs to be installed, front door refinished…the list goes on. But at least we're back and it feels like home.
Now the toughest part starts. Unpacking and trying to find shit!
Hope you are well and the move was not too taxing. Very unusual not to see a daily post from your blog.
I feel for you guys. Packing/Unpacking is a drag.
Just do a little at a time so you don't get overwhelmed.
Things will be back together soon.