
I hope I live long enough to see the Republican party completely self-emmolate.

From TPM:

I just wanted to underscore how horrific the Republicans' abortion bill was, and how it's sent shockwaves through my circle of friends. While I'm political, many of my friends aren't, and they were terrified last night when they heard the 20 week ban had passed the House. They didn't understand the process and thought it would soon become law. I had to assure them that the Democrats would stop the ban and that it'd die in the Senate.

You see, to my friends, many of whom are in their 30's and plan on soon starting a family, this wasn't a political ploy, it was a bill that threatened their very lives. I think most women, and probably most men too, have known someone who needed a late-term abortion due to a severe fetal defect. The thought of having this happen is bad enough, it's an expectant mother's worst nightmare, but then being forced against your will to carry a fetus that you know will die to term? That's the cruelest of torture. Can you imagine going out everyday and having people excitedly asking you whether it's a boy or a girl, when the baby's due, etc., when the baby you're carrying is fated to die? That's what the Republicans want for every woman in this country, and that makes them monsters.

The Republicans are officially on record as wanting to torment and torture women (I won't even get into the lack of a health exception for women, or the rape language…). My friends, many of whom are socially conservative, will never vote for the GOP. I just don't think Boehner understands the long-term damage he's doing to his party. How can you win elections when you're on a regular basis voting against the health and well-being of 50% of the electorate?

One Reply to “Horrific”

  1. I haven't been on top of this, so I don't have the facts and motives. I wonder why they did this, and what were they thinking it would do, really?

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