On This Groundhog Day, It's Good To Remember…
I Think We're ALL There…
Brazil Gets It
"Somebody Wake Up Hicks!"
I'd Live There
If It Seems Like I'm Cleaning Out My Downloads Folder Tonight…
Boys Will Be Boys
Of Course They Don't…But I Have A Feeling They Soon Will
Vomiting It All Up—And Boy Is There A Lot Of It!
Evening Soundtrack
"So…What Are You Going To Do Now That You're Retired?"
45's Explanation Of The Recent Air Tragedy In Washington
More Advice For Dealing With the Orange 🤡
From Mock Paper Scissors:
Scissorhead M Davis sends in this handy list of ways to deal with convicted felon and career criminal The Orange 🤡 during the course of his misadministration. Per a 2017 article in the WaPo, this is attributed to Bernice King, daughter of MLK and Coretta King.
I think it has been updated (the original referred to THAT MAN as 45, while this says 47.
1. Don't use his name; EVER (47 will do)
2. Remember this is a regime and he's not acting alone;
3. Do not argue with those who support him-it doesn't work,
4. Focus on his POLICIES, not his orange-ness and his mental state;
5. Keep your message positive; they want the country to be angry and fearful because this is the soil from which their darkest policies will grow;
6. No more helpless/hopeless talk;
7. Support artists and the arts;
8. Be careful not to spread fake news. Check it;
9. Take care of yourselves; And
10. Resist!
When you post or talk about him, don't assign his actions to him, assign them to "The Republican Administration, or "The Republicans." This will have several effects: the Republican legislators will either have to take responsibility for their association with him or stand up for what some of them don't like; he will not get the focus of attention he craves.
A lot of this corresponds with tips we've been saying since the election, especially the paragraph at the end: Make the Republicans Own It All.
I still believe the best advice is from St. Molly Ivins: Don't pay attention to what he says (he's lying), pay attention to what he does (the record, the record, the record). Look at what bills and Executive Orders he signs, who he appoints. Don't listen to a word he brays.