Change in the Weather

Months of anticipation have finally come to an end. This is the view from the top floor of our apartment's parking garage this morning as I was leaving for work. (Thankfully I have a spot in the covered portion.)

I actually made it to work in the same amount of time I normally do; the only difference being that the usual level of crazy was conspicuously absent from the commute.  People on the freeway were actually allowing sufficient space between them and the car ahead to actually stop in an emergency, something I have not seen in this city since our arrival last June.  It was a pleasant relief.

I realized while driving to work however, that one item missing from my winter kit is a windshield scraper.  Since I don't have the luxury of covered parking at work (unless I want to pay $35 a month), Anderson is sure to be covered by the time I leave this afternoon.  My boss also forgot his, so I guess I'm going to have to improvise…

The Creeping Crud

Ben and I have both been down with the creeping crud the past few days, and I'm ready for it to be over. What a waste of a perfectly good weekend.

I guess it's one of those unintended consequences of being partnered to a teacher; he's exposed to little walking petri dishes day in and day out, much like I was when I worked at the hospital.  (I've never been as sick as often as I was when I worked there, despite the copious amount of hand washing and hand sanitizing I engaged in.) I just wish he wasn't quite so inclined to bring the illness du jour home with him.

(I kid, I know it can't be helped.)

Ben missed two days of work last week, and I was out on Friday. I think I got off relatively easy this time, as I'm feeling pretty good now that the headache from hell has disappeared and my sinuses are once again functioning relatively normally.  Ben, however, hasn't been as lucky. He got hit with the full force of the crud and still isn't feeling anywhere near back to normal.  Send him some good thoughts, okay?

Worth Reposting

Since that nutcase Harold Camping is again predicting the end of the world, supposedly today.  Last time was a mistake…

Does anyone even believe his bullshit any more?

Friday Dance Party: Paradise Express – We Are One

…and a story of unrequited love.

Steve Golden and I met in 1979 and had a strange relationship from the very beginning. I think that in another timeline things might've taken a decidedly different course, but in this one, a full blown relationship was never meant to be.  That did not mean, however, that we did not love each other deeply; it just meant that circumstances never allowed either of us to fully move upon those feelings, physically or otherwise.

Steve is now gone from us for twenty years (twenty years!) and is another one of those stories I hope to blog about in more detail at some point, but suffice to say that he was a DJ at one of Phoenix's big gay clubs during the period this song came out.  One night I was down on the floor dancing with Dennis, my partner at the time, and out of nowhere Steve stopped the music (absolutely unheard of), came over the speakers and said, "Mark, this is for you." I looked up to the DJ booth and as he blew me a kiss, played this song.

Unrequited love, indeed.

But if things hadn't gone the way they did, I wouldn't be where I am now, or with who I am now, and that is infinitely better…