Aardman Animation director Darren Dubicki created this surreal video to promote BBC Radio 2′s tribute to Pink Floyd's classic Dark Side of the Moon, by playwright Tom Stoppard. If you have an hour or so to spare, the entire radio play (starting at 4:12) that inspired this video can be heard here.
Variations on a Theme
While we're on the subject of early works…
Both were done as gifts, and no longer in my possession.
One of My Early Works
Y'all didn't know that I painted, did you?
This was done over the span of one particularly emotional weekend; each of the stars was individually dotted in by hand.
Sunday Comics (NSFW)
Day 4: Crystal Bridges
After hearing praise from John, we knew we had one last stop to make before leaving Arkansas.
So, after bidding adieu to our little home away from home…
…and grabbing breakfast, we were on our way.
No, not there, although Ben did get a great cut from Robert.
I'm talking about Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art.
I mean seriously, who knew such a fabulous place would be found in rural northwestern Arkansas?
We met up with JP 'n Earl and were joined by Erik shortly after arriving, who took our picture…
Of course, while waiting I couldn't help myself but take a couple sneaky pics.
Several 18th and 19th century pieces caught my eye:
But I really liked the 20th century pieces…
I also got some shots of the man I love…
And someone tried to molest me…
I could've spent way more than the 2 or so hours we were there. We didn't even get to explore the grounds surrounding the museum; something I'd definitely like to do.
After saying our goodbyes and grabbing some lunch, we started our journey home.
Sunday Comics (NSFW)
Sunday Comics (NSFW)
The Impossible Astronaut
More here.
Once Upon a Time
But is it Art?
You know what's depressing? Discovering a 99-cent piece of software that applies an effect to photographs that I've spent the last two decades of my life perfecting with paint and brush on canvas.
A friend of mine remarked that the finished products are similar, but lack the life and sparkle of my paintings. Agreed. But still…
I guess I should really consider it a blessing in disguise; I can apply the effect to the photograph I want to work from before I start painting and then use that as a guide as to where to make the tone differentiations in the painting (the hardest part of my whole process).
Retro Future
Retro Future
Vintage Rocket Illustration
1954 Was a Good Year
To Be Filed Under…
Modern Dance WTF?!?
Draw Your Own Conclusions
Very Nice
…but it's missing a Tardis.
A Long Time Ago In a Galaxy Far, Far Away…
Much, much more here. Go get lost in the future for a while…