I Know It's Childish, But…
I'm Not Pro-Murdering Babies
May The Force Be With You
Captain of the Incels is Feeling Triggered
Because it's True
This is What We're Up Against
A Literal Island of Sanity on an Increasingly Insane Planet
Stop. Don't. Come Back.
I'm Afraid Elvis Has Left The Building
Putting Things Into Perspective
The outline of the continental United States superimposed over the great hexagon at Saturn's North Pole:
If you're not humbled by that, here's the entire North American continent next to Jupiter's Great Red Spot:
But Christians, please…tell me again how your god is so obsessed with where I put my penis. I'll wait.
Appropriately Inappropriate Responses
I use some of these as email responses to recruiters who insist on sending me job postings after I have told them repeatedly I am not looking for work and have scrubbed the internet of my resumes. Others I use as responses to social media postings.
Yes, I'm that bitch.
Feel free to steal them. I did!

Sunday Sacrilege
Fuck Republicans, Part Infinity
Put a Cock in it, Lauren
Funny, That
Why The Electoral College Sucks
Because It's True
I Must've Missed That Invite…
Spotted on Social Media
X-Men is about civil rights, If you didn't get that, you didn't get X-Men.
Black Panther is about civil rights. If you didn't get that, you didn't get Black Panther.
Captain America literally fought Nazis. He is the embodiment of fighting the alt-right. If you didn't get that, you didn't get Captain America.
The Empire in Star Wars is facist. The Rebel alliance are Anti-Facist. If you didn't get that, you didn't get Star Wars.
The Punisher isn't meant to be a role model for police or armed farces. So much so that the writers of The Punisher made him actively speak out against it in a comic. If you didn't get that, you didn't get The Punisher.
Deadpool is queer, He's pansexual. Fact. If you didn't get that you didn't get Deadpool.
Star Trek is about equality for all genders, races and sexualities. As early as the mid-60s it was taking a pro-choice stance and defending women's right to choose. One of its clearest themes is accepting different cultures and appearances and working together for peace. (It's also anti-capitalist and pro- vegan). If you didn't get that, you didn't get Star Trek.
Superman and Supergirl (and a whole host of other superheroes) are immigrants. The stance of those comics is pro-immigration and pro-equality and acceptance. If you didn't get that, you didn't get Superman or Supergirl.
Stan Lee said "Racism and bigotry are among the deadliest social ills plaguing the world today." If you're bigoted or racist, you didn't get any of the characters Stan Lee created.
The stories we grew up with all taught us to value other people and cultures and to treasure the differences between us. Only villains were xenophobic, or sexist, or racist, or totalitarian. I can't understand how anyone can have missed that.
If you're upset that there's a black Spider-Man, or a black Captain America, or a female Thor, or that Ms Marvel is Muslim, or that Captain Marvel was pro-feminism, or any of the other things right wing "fans" say is "stealing their childhood" – you never got it in the first place. The things you claim are now "pandering to the lefties" were never on your side to begin with.
If you consider yourself a fan of these things, but you still think the LGBTQ+ community is too "in your face", or have a problem with Black Lives Matter, or want to "take the country back from immigrants", then you're not really a fan at all.
Geek culture isn't suddenly left wing… it always was. You just grew up to be intolerant. You became the villain in the stories you used to love.
Sunday Sacrilege
Clapping Back
Sure, Jan
We Need More of THIS
A Helpful Flow Chart If You're Still Confused
Also Known as Fascists