"My supreme omnipotent being is a hormonal teenager with shitty aim and a murder boner and you all need to watch out or else!"
Oh Sah-NAP!
"Listen, Shapiro, you little prick, gay people have been crushed into the dirt, beaten and murdered, shamed and fired, denied housing and the common good of our own country, used by pro politicians and political HACKS like yourself for way too long now. We're fighting back and fuck you for your wordy little efforts to stop us.
"It's YOU and yours who use the worst kind of violence against us. Gays don't beat up straight people on dark streets in the dead of night. We don't tie them to fences to freeze to death after beating them unconscious. We don't go home with straight people and slit their throats after having sex them. We don't FEAR straight people so we don't have to do those things. We're going to take advantage of your fears and use them against you. And we'll use our own laws against you — and that's the one thing you hate more than us. LAWS. No more hiding for us. You go live in the shadows now. Our truth will win out.
"What's your beef with gay people anyway, you and your kind? Why do you revel in putting us down? Is it because your tiny little dick gets all bothered by gay boys? Where does your homo-hate and homo-negativity come from? Is it from the dark and secret closet you live in? Come out and play, sweet boy. I'm sure somewhere there's a man willing to make use of that big, fucking mouth of yours." ~ JMG Commenter Blackfork in response to this.
On the Subject Of Everyone Bitching About Battery Life
It seems that every time Apple updates its iOS, People With Very Important Opinions© start bitching about how iPhone battery life has taken a nosedive. I have to laugh because none of these very important people seem to realize that when a new OS comes out, people initially use their phones more to explore the new OS.
So of course your battery life is going to go down!
Someone Make This Happen!
Karma, She's a Bitch
Old news, but still delicious:
Five months ago when Bank of America filed foreclosure papers on the home of a couple, who didn't owe a dime on their home.
The couple said they paid cash for the house.
The case went to court and the homeowners were able to prove they didn't owe Bank of America anything on the house. In fact, it was proven that the couple never even had a mortgage bill to pay.
A Collier County Judge agreed and after the hearing, Bank of America was ordered, by the court to pay the legal fees of the homeowners', Maurenn Nyergers and her husband.
The Judge said the bank wrongfully tried to foreclose on the Nyergers' house.
So, how did it end with bank being foreclosed on? After more than 5 months of the judge's ruling, the bank still hadn't paid the legal fees, and the homeowner's attorney did exactly what the bank tried to do to the homeowners. He seized the bank's assets.
"They've ignored our calls, ignored our letters, legally this is the next step to get my clients compensated, " attorney Todd Allen told CBS.
Sheriff's deputies, movers, and the Nyergers' attorney went to the bank and foreclosed on it. The attorney gave instructions to to remove desks, computers, copiers, filing cabinets and any cash in the teller's drawers.
After about an hour of being locked out of the bank, the bank manager handed the attorney a check for the legal fees.
"As a foreclosure defense attorney this is sweet justice," said Allen.
Some People Need to be Reminded
Go to Mordor!
But They Can't, Wonka! They Simply Can't!
Apple is Doomed!
Doomed, I tell you! DOOMED!
Be Advised
It's the Hypocrisy, Stupid
And the fact that these people don't even know what's in their fucking holy "inerrant Word of God."
Be Careful What You Ask
Sunday Sermon
Worth Repeating
A Reason for the Season
And To All a Good Night
Quote of the Day
"I have been courted by various people and government officials to do business in Uganda. I was seriously considering it. However, the dreadful witch hunt against the gay community and lifetime sentences means it would be against my conscience to support this country. I would urge other companies worldwide to follow suit. Uganda must reconsider or find it being ostracised by companies and tourists worldwide. Governments must realise that people should be able to love whoever they want. It is not for any government (or anyone else) to ever make any judgements on people's sexuality. They should instead celebrate when people build loving relationships that strengthen society, no matter who they are." ~ Billionaire entrepreneur Richard Branson, in a statement published on the front page of the Virgin companies' website.
It's a Valid Point
I so want to get this made into a bumper sticker, but I also don't want my car vandalized.
Compare and Contrast
Remind You of Anyone?
Let the Orgy Begin!
How many will be trampled this year? Place your bets NOW!
Happy Thanksgiving
Lost your appetite yet?
I Know, Right?
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