Someone Give That Man A Medal!
It's Worth Pointing Out…
Dude, Stop Talking
Sunday Sacrilege
Oh Snap!
Sunday Sacrilege
"The Human Body Is Perfect. God Doesn't Make Mistakes." 🙄
Jon Stewart Is A National Treasure
In an interview about gun control with Oklahoma State Senator Nathan Dahm, Jon Stewart argues Dahm's support of anti-drag show laws directly conflicts with the logic he uses for loosening gun restrictions.
Jon Stewart to conservative state senator: 'you don't give a flying f**k' | CNN Business
Oh Snap!
If The Sinking Of The Titanic Happened Today
Well, It Certainly Was When I Was In College…
Western Time Zones
Just Sayin'
Because It's True
Quote Of The Day
If SCOTUS gives presidents full immunity then Biden can execute Trump and then go for ice cream…How ridiculous that the Supreme Court is spending even five minutes digesting Trump's idiotic premise. ~ Buddy Winston