2020, Every Damn Day
I Weep For the Soul of Our Nation
WTF is wrong with people? I remember how this country came together in the aftermath of 9/11 and were united like I've never seen. You couldn't buy an American flag anywhere. Now you can't buy toilet paper.
Field Guide to Assholes
Vote Like Your Life Depends On It
Vote like your life depends on it, because it does.
Because your grandmother's life does.
Because people of color lives do.
Because the lives of the LGBT community do.
Because women's lives do.
Because a woman's right to choose is on the line.
And because I can not fucking take 4 more minutes of this batshit insanity, much less 4 more years!
The Madness of King Trump
He really is batshit…
If the "radical left" was "in charge" of social media then you wouldn't be able to post all your bullshit conspiracy theories all day long, your fucking twitter account would've been shut down years ago, and you might actually be forced to do your damn job you lazy, ignorant cunt!
Brutal—And Every Word of it the Truth
I'm glad this is finally being said. These words are not hyperbolic. If you do not believe this, I'm surprised you're even reading my blog:
"A moment of unparalleled national humiliation, of weakness—when you listen to the President, these are the musings of an imbecile, an idiot. And I don't use those words to name-call, I use them because they're the precise words in the English language to describe his behavior, his comportment, his actions." ~ Steve Schmidt, former GOP strategist
This Photo Set My Blood Boiling
And I'm okay with that.
It was written a couple thousand years ago that "The meek shall inherit the earth." If you think about it, who are the meek ones? The scientists, the "brainiacs" who sat quietly at the back of the class yet aced every test they were give. The smart ones; not the gun-toting, statehouse-storming Neanderthals wasting oxygen to throw their tantrums.
All the rest of us can do is try and protect ourselves as much as possible, continue to wear masks, practice social distancing and avoid the type of demonstrably selfish, stupid crowds of people like the photo above when we have to be outside of our homes.
Look, I want to sit in a Starbucks, actually eat in a restaurant, and visit with my friends in person. But I also want to see the Republican party utterly and completely destroyed and that orange shit stain on humanity dragged from the White House in January and thrown into prison or strung up, whichever comes first—not to mention see the beginning of the new world we will grow from the rubble left in his wake, and the only way that's going to happen is if I stay safe.
In Retrospect…
Because Reasons!
Know The Difference!
Selfish, ignorant people are going to make this worse. Don't be one of them.
From Wil Wheaton:
A gentle reminder: when we are out in the world, it's incredibly important to maintain a six foot distance from each other. This virus doesn't go away and stop being dangerous, because we walked into a building.
Most of us who are able to quarantine have been doing that, and it's working to flatten the infection curve, to give our doctors and researchers time to find a vaccine and a treatment to reduce the mortality rate of this virus. Most of us aren't sick, and we aren't carriers. That doesn't mean we should act like it when we are in public.
When we're in public, it's our responsibility to behave as if we are infected and we don't want to spread Covid-19 to anyone else.
This means that we keep our distance from each other, even though it feels weird. This means we wear a cloth mask in public, even if it's uncomfortable or whatever bullshit reason selfish people are using right now to justify their choice to ignore a simple and effective way to keep us safe. It means we respect one-way aisles in grocery stores, and we wait in those aisles, six feet apart, instead of pushing past our fellow humans who are shopping.
If the worst thing we have to deal with in a given day is the inconvenience of actively maintaining six feet from our fellow humans, to protect them and ourselves, there's just no real excuse to ignore that, other than laziness and selfishness.
Let's remember that we are in this together, and let's make an effort to care for ourselves and for each other by making the deliberate choice to stay six feet away from each other, wash our hands frequently, wear our cloth masks in public, and never forget that all of us are going through this at the same time, together.
I know you aren't lazy or selfish, but I know there are people in our lives who need a gentle reminder.
This is for them.
This whole thing we are living through is a lot, and it's really understandable to want to get back to normal. The thing is, science and virology don't care about your timetable, and until science and virology have a vaccine for Covid19, this is our reality. Wishing it would go away, and acting accordingly, is only going to make this worse. Refusing to follow medical guidelines, because you're pissed off and frustrated is only going to make this worse. Ignoring medical advice because you're bored and want to go to the beach is only going to make this worse.
Selfish, ignorant people are going to make this worse. Don't be one of them.
Please, please, please be mindful and self-aware. I get that you're stressed and frustrated and low-key scared all the time, and not just about getting sick. So am I. You're worried about our terrible leadership, you're worried about our cratering economy that our terrible leadership is making worse. So am I. You're worried about this pandemic that we can't control at all. Me too. You just want to get in and out of the store or wherever, the faster, the better.
So do I. So do all of us. But let's remember that we are in this together, and let's make an effort to care for ourselves and for each other by making the deliberate choice to stay six feet away from each other, wash our hands frequently, wear our cloth masks in public, and never forget that all of us are going through this at the same time, together. We can choose to be patient and make the best of a terrible situation, or we can selfishly make it worse for everyone, including ourselves.
Please choose to be kind. Please choose to be patient. Please do not be selfish.
Thanks for listening.
I'm Shocked, SHOCKED, I tell you!
You've Also Got To Up Your Insults
Oh sah-NAP!
You've Really Got To Up Your Threats…
Quote of the Day
What is it about President Obama that really gets under your skin? Is it because he's smarter than you? Better educated? Made it on his own; didn't need daddy's help? Wife is more accomplished? Better looking? I don't know, what is it? What is it about him? That he's a black man that's accomplished, became president? That he punked you on the whole birth certificate thing? What is it about him? Just wondering…" ~ Don Lemon
You Know It's True
At the Risk of Endangering My Own Karma…
…I'm not going to voice what I hope happens to everyone in that crowd. But then, I don't think I have to, do I?
This is what a cult looks like. They view everything through the lens of whether it's good or bad for @realDonaldTrump, instead of whether it's a good idea, a bad idea, or just plain insane. They reject facts & believe #COVID19 is a hoax. And they are likely spreading the virus. https://t.co/wvJaaJ1oJ5
— Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) May 5, 2020
Whatever He Says, Do The Opposite
And if you do have to go out (and let's face it, we all do from time to time whether it's to pick up supplies or just to relieve cabin fever), maintain social distancing (as difficult as it can be since no one else seems to be), and wear a fucking mask.