
"I sometimes have the feeling that we should kiss."

"I sometimes have the feeling I should do crystal meth, but then  I think, hmmm…better not."

This past weekend Ben and I saw Pitch Perfect. It wasn't a film that was even on my radar, but it had been months since we'd gone to a movie and this seemed to be a good escape.

I went in with no expectations and was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. It was everything—and more—that made the first season of Glee so delightful until it transformed into the hot mess it's become. Great songs, good singing, cute boys (and girls, if you're into that) and characters that you generally come to care about (or at least want to bitch slap).

"Nothing makes a woman feel more like a girl than a man who sings like a boy."

I liked it so much I even got the soundtrack off iTunes…

Highly recommended. Go see it.

Film Short

While this is purely fiction, I know this is where we're headed technologically and as a society. And this is also where I draw the line and the old man in me stands up and says, "I've had enough. Stop the world, I want to get off."

At the same time, I know beyond all doubt that future generations will think no more of this tech and welcome it into their lives the way we have welcomed cell phones.

In fact, this reminds me very much of The Reality Dysfunction. This type of tech was commonplace.

BTW, if you love hardcore SciFi, I would definitely recommend the book (the first in a trilogy). It's extremely violent and bloody, but the story is completely enthralling.

So There's Going to be an Oz Prequel

Sam Raimi and James Franco are working on a Wizard of Oz prequel, telling the story of the arrival of the wizard.

Everything I've seen about it so far looks intriguing, but I have to be honest: since reading Wicked and it's sequels, I've never been able to look at the Oz story the same way again.

Now that is a something I would love to see brought to the big screen—and not as a musical.

Revisiting Prometheus

I saw Prometheus for a second time today, curious to discover if my opinion of it would change any with a subsequent viewing.

Short version: there was no ambiguity walking out of the theater this time. I really liked it now that I'd had ample time to process what I'd seen last Friday night.

The plot holes that stood out so starkly upon my initial screening weren't so bothersome the second time around. The cut from the archeological site to the ship in space, however, remained just as jarring for me. There simply wasn't enough transition; none of the backstory to support Vicker's statement later on to Shaw that, "You convinced him [Weyland] to finance this trip." (I'm paraphrasing.)

The things that I hadn't even noticed on first viewing were more pronounced this time after reading reviews online; especially Elizabeth Shaw running all over creation after just having gone through major abdominal surgery. To the actor's credit, she did double over in pain a few times to remind us that she shouldn't be doing this stuff so soon after having a squid cut out of her uterus.

The other thing that was annoying to the point of distracting from the story is the ton of prosthetic makeup that was necessary for Guy Pierce to portray the aged Weyland. Really?  Did they do this simply because he appeared as a young man addressing TED in one of the pre-release videos?  Why not simply find an older actor who looks like what Pierce would at that age? If they were concerned about the voice they could've always dubbed it.  This one really left me scratching my head.

But then it dawned on me: Weyland's aged appearance was one of two nods to Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey. (The other being the voice of the ship's main computer.) Weyland in his dressing gown looks uncannily like David Bowman at the end of Odyssey.

I also came away with a completely different take this time on Shaw leaving to seek out the Engineers' home world . I think she not only wants answers, but having one of the Engineers' own bioweapon ships under her command, if she doesn't get what she wants she's more than prepared to rain down destruction.

If nothing else, a second screening provided more food for thought, and a lot of speculation about where exactly Ridley Scott intends to take this rebooted franchise…


The Origin of Species

I can't tell you how long it's been since I last paid full price for a ticket, queued up and waited with antici…pation to see a movie on opening day, but that's exactly what I did last night for Prometheus. (And I wish to extend my utmost appreciation to Ben for accompanying me, as I don't think this was on his "must see" list.) Of all the summer movies that were announced, this was the one film I have been most looking forward to, and now that I've seen it, one of the very few in recent years that I want to experience for a second time.

To be honest, before I saw the film I wondered if it would it be a stroke of genius from the man who brought us the original Alien, Blade Runner and Gladiator, or would it be—as so many films have been of late—a total mind fuck, leaving me feeling like someone had reached in and plucked ten dollars out of my pocket?

At the end of the movie last night I walked out of the theater thinking, "Meh. 7 or 8 out of 10 on the live-up-to-its-hype scale," but the more I've thought about it since (and it is one of those films that stays with you long after you've seen it), I now think—despite some glaring plot holes—it was the one of the best sci-fi films I've seen in the last ten years.

The story was engaging and made you think. The acting was decent. I cared about the fate of the characters. The cinematography was sumptuous. I wanted to see more. The score was amazing; it's all I've been listening to for the last week.

Like all good movies of this type, Prometheus raises more questions than it will ever be able to answer. But the answers it does provide to some long-standing questions about the universe of Alien—like who the Space Jockey was and where the Xenomorph actually originated—are satisfying. Ultimately it allows you to form your own interpretations, probably the best thing any piece of art can do.


The biggest complaint I have with the film is with the editing. While I understand the filmmakers are constrained by time limits, I think too much was left on the cutting room floor. Early on in the film I found the transition between the discovery of the cave paintings and the arrival of Prometheus at LV-223 especially jarring. I would've loved to have seen more interaction between Weyland and the two lead scientists and what they said or did to convince Weyland Corporation to finance the expedition.

There are countless theories as to who the Engineers really were, and I confess I have no definitive ideas to add to the discussion. Was the Engineer who appeared at the beginning of the film a rogue, who created humanity against the wishes of his brethren (à la the real Prometheus from Greek mythology), or was he simply performing his role as an Engineer.  Were they truly the creators of mankind, and if so, why had they been planning on returning to earth and wiping us out before those plans were sidelined by whatever they were running from in the hologram? (A creature we never saw; one of those plot holes that demand explanation.)

What is the black goo? Is it something the Engineers created, or did it create the Engineers? Did the goo change the worms into the Hammerpede, and what ultimately happened to that creature after it had entered the biologist's body? Why did the goo affect the individuals who encountered it so differently?

Naturally, there is quite a bit of buzz about this film on the Internet. A writer on one site raised some obvious questions, but ultimately I think the most thought-provoking discussion of the deeper meaning of Prometheus can be found here.

Ridley Scott's explanation of how humanity came to be—even though entirely fictitious—makes about as much sense as any other, and is a topic I hope to explore in a subsequent post.

All I know for certain at this point is that I will be seeing Prometheus again, and will be eagerly awaiting the Director's Cut…


Wow. For the first time this summer I've left a movie not feeling like I'd been forcibly penetrated.

MIB 3 was a very fun romp, with an tear-at-your-heartstrings ending that was just about perfect. This is the type of movie that CGI was made for. It's unobtrusively there to help tell the story, but not be the story. (Are you listening, George Lucas?)

Casting Josh Brolin as a young Tommy Lee Jones was sheer genius.

All I can say is go see it—especially if you liked its two predecessors.


Ben is in Phoenix for the long Memorial Holiday weekend.  My plans were to use these couple days of "me" time to see the movies he had no interest in seeing.

You would think that after the Battleship fiasco, I'd pay more attention and trust Ben's Spidey Sense when it comes to movies, but nooo...

This afternoon after getting back from the airport, I went to see Chernobyl Diaries.

There will be no snarky review this time. I knew after about 45 minutes it wasn't going to get any better and would probably end horrifically, so I walked out and got my money back. Of course, the fact I walked out (something I have not done for many, many years) is a review in and of itself.

I had also planned on seeing Cabin in the Woods tonight, but after this I just thought, "Why bother?"

So what did I do with the rest of my day?  After dropping off two bags of old clothes I'd been carrying around in the back of Anderson for the last week at the local ARC store, I came home, ripped a couple pieces of vinyl into iTunes, finished up the laundry, and began some much-needed anal-retentive cleaning. I didn't get as much done as I'd hoped; it's been a few months since I really did the pull-all-the-knicknacks-off-the-shelves-and-dust thing, but there's always tomorrow. At least the laundry basket is empty.

And now I have two nights of tossing and turning to look forward to. Despite the fact that I can, in the immortal—if politically incorrect—words of the indomitable Lucile Watson as Mrs. Morehead in The Women, "spread out on the bed like a swastika" in Ben's absence, I just don't sleep well when he's not here.

I Think I Found Another Distraction

Love this, but seriously…thank [insert deity of your choice] I'm not in my 20s any more, because some things never change. I remember the angst and the confusion and the general fucked-up-ness.

But it looks like this is going to be a very sweet series.

Well That Was Awful

SPOILER ALERT! I'm going to eviserate Battleship, so if you haven't seen it—and still want to—best to skip this post until after you've thrown your money away.

Remember, you've been warned.

OMG, where do I begin?  Probably by saying that when I first remember seeing a preview (minus the whole alien invasion thing) for this piece of drek a year ago, I rightfully thought, "Seriously? They're making a movie from a fucking kid's game?" and I should've heeded my first instinct and avoided it like the plague. But when subsequent trailers appeared that showed the whole end-of-the-world-invasion-from-space aspect I thought, "Okay, let's give it the benefit of the doubt. It might be a fun little summer romp."

Ben had no desire to see it (smart man), so I went on my own this morning. I almost walked out, not once, but three times—and that was just within the first thirty minutes! Loser brother of successful Navy man goes after hot blond chick in a bar—who just happens to be the Admiral's daughter.

Of course.

Said loser brother ends up being forced to enlist in the Navy after he's arrested for breaking into a convenience store because the blond chick that he's trying to bed wants a chicken burrito. Then, after being in the service for some undetermined period of time,  he's on the verge of being thrown out after getting in a fight with some Japanese guy at a sporting event. (Sorry, I was only half paying attention by this point and got up and went out to get something to drink; I figured I could easily afford to miss five minutes of storyline and not miss anything.)

Before he can actually be discharged however, the aliens arrive and obliterate all the other ships—except the one he's on—inside the Big Bubble of Protection® they throw up around their ships and the entire chain of Hawaiian islands.

Of course.

And it only gets worse from there.

It's never actually explained why the aliens came here after receiving a signal we specifically beamed in their direction, but I suspect it's because they just like to blow shit up, in the most 3D effecty way possible. They also apparently dislike freeways, helicopters, and battleships, but like ponies and chocolate ice cream.

Okay, I totally made that last part up.

But, like all aliens of the destroy humanity genre, they have one vital weakness.

Of course.

In this case, they have lizard eyes (of course they do) that don't like sunlight. Okay, let me get this straight: they came from a planet in the so-called "Goldilocks" zone (explained at length at the beginning of the film) that would supposedly have the same conditions as found on earth—but the sunlight makes their eyes hurt.


I could go on and on, but let's face it: I've already expended far more brainpower than was really warranted on this thing. And the worst part of it all (other than the prominent placement of Coke Zero in nearly every other scene)? It's the fact that while the aliens' attempt to use our technology to phone home after their device was destroyed upon arrival, the transmitters themselves weren't actually destroyed until AFTER the signal had been sent, leaving the whole thing open for an equally odoriferous sequel.

Of course.

Short version of the two hours of my life I'll never get back: Loser brother saves the world and gets the girl.

Redbox rental maybe if you're really bored, but not even worth a $5 matinee…

My Initial Summer Movie List

Dark Shadows
Snow White and the Huntsman
Men in Black 3
The Raven
The Avengers
Wrath of the Titans*
Chernobyl Diaries
Cabin in the Woods*

and most anticipated…

Prometheus (OMFG yes! This flick had better live up to the hype!)

*I know at this point I'm going to have to find dollar theaters for several on the list as they're well past their "sell by" dates. And since Ben has has also indicated he's also not interested in seeing them, guess what I'm going to be doing while he's in Phoenix in two weeks?

Movie Review

Ben and I went to see The Hunger Games today.

Disclaimer: I have never read the book(s).

Overall I thought it was a good film, but the underlying story was terribly depressing. It was one of the most dystopian futures I've encountered in fiction, and I have no desire whatsoever to ever live in a world like that. I mean, what kind of society sacrifices its children…for entertainment?

The disparity between the haves and the have-nots seemed to spring directly from a Republican wet dream.

Josh Hutcherson does not look good as a blonde.

Thankfully it wasn't as graphically violent as it could've been. Guess they need to keep that rating so they can actually get their target audience into the theater.

A film based on the second book of the trilogy is due for release in November of next year.


Apollo 18


Saw it yesterday. It was entertaining. Neither Ben or I felt cheated for spending $5.00 on a matinee showing. We might have felt different had we paid full price.

Dark and brooding, based on the interestingif somewhat unbelievable premise that's been floating around the dark conspiracy-ridden corners of the interwebs for years (just Google Apollo 18, 19, or 20)that the reason we've never been back to the moon is that we encountered something so awful there that it could never be publicly revealed.

It's presented as "real" in the same manner as The Blair Witch Project or Cloverfield—in this case the film having been "pieced together from footage anonymously uploaded" to a website.

But the overall believability was immediately diminished for me when I recognized two of the "astronauts" as being actors (Lloyd Owen and Warren Christie) I've seen numerous times before; Christie actually plays a regular character on SyFy's current series Alphas

Of course, after you see how the movie ends, you immediately find yourself wondering how any of this "real" footage—a lot of it supposedly transferred from 16mm film—ever made it back to earth to begin with. When I looked at Ben and asked that, he just turned to me and raising a finger to his lips said, "Shhh!"