We're All This Angry, Trey
Sums It Up Nicely
This sums up the shittiness that is Florida and its governor.
I truly do not get Desantis' end game with this. How does all of this not hurt his state's economy? I mean, I suppose he hopes the less affluent populations perish, as they weren't going to vote for him in the first place…but then who is going to clean all the Kentucky Taco Hut bathrooms – should the people who he thinks are the spreaders of the disease – once they call kick the bucket?
I mean, I suppose they don't call the state "God's waiting room" for nothing.
Stupidity is Spreading Faster than COVID
And It's an IQ Test…
As Good an Explanation as Any
One of the Most Dangerous Ideas…
One of the most dangerous ideas that has come about in the last 3 years is that all points of view are equally valid, and that Average Citizen (YOU) are just as equipped to judge which have merit as anyone else.
"Hear all sides and judge for yourself!" No. Full stop. I do not condone the death of Expertise, and neither should you.
I am an expert in very, very few things. But in those areas, my expertise is hard earned through study, work, experience, and aptitude. None of tit comes from attending Google University. But unless you are an expert in exactly the same area, your opinion is not just as valid as mine. It's not.
And my opinion is not as valid as experts' in other fields. That is why THEY ARE THE EXPERTS. So if our leading epidemiologists largely agree that "A" is correct, and a couple discredited doctors make a video that says "B" is correct, our response should not be, "I'll listen to both and decide which makes sense to me." Confirmation bias exists, and only fools think they are free of it. To paraphrase the author Isaac Asimov, your ignorance is not the same as their experience. Genuinely smart people look for answers from people who are smarter than themselves. Only ignorant people believe their guess is as good as anyone else's.
[source unattributed]
And I understand there are now groups of braindead Facebook (may Zuckerberg rot in hell for all eternity) zombies who are claiming that Germ Theory—goddamned motherfucking GERM THEORY—isn't real and is just is some kind of liberal plot to enrich drug companies.
I week for our species.
Who Is The Real Enemy Here?
It's a Laugh Riot
Raises Hand
Right There With Ya, Buddy
Frankly, I am long past caring about the willfully unvaccinated— the Trumpanzees and conspiracy believers and miscellaneous idiots who make up the great majority of that 80 million. These are the people in the 'fuck your feelings' T-shirts, the ones who cheered Trump on through every lie and betrayal, the BFYTW assholes, the people who keep bellowing that global warming is a hoax while half the northern hemisphere dries out and burns, the morons who call masks 'face diapers' and spent the last year and a half bullying store clerks who were required to enforce masking rules, the Deliverance mutants who will shit on anything and everything to 'own the libs.' They hate and despise people like me, and they aren't shy about saying so straight out, and I have no qualms about returning the sentiment. The more of them the delta variant mows down, the better off the country will be." ~ Infidel753
Read the whole thing here.