H/T to SickoRicko who said, "I want this woman to have a megaphone the size of the Empire State Building!"
Boo Fucking Hoo
I Scored 14—Maybe 15—Out of 34
Good Luck With That
Not if You're Doing it Right!
Evangelicals Will Never Admit They've Found…
Vomiting It All Up
Sunday Sacrelige
Fuck Republicans
The Devil Smiling at the Corner of Your Bed
"Unintended Consequences"
Here's Your Answer The Next Time You're Asked
You KNOW It's True
All Right, Forced Birthers, Here's Your Chance
You Still Have The Right To Choose
Sunday Sacrilege
It Seems Obvious, But…
May The Force Be With You
And You Can Now Add Forced Birth To The List
They're Just Getting Started
We Knew It Was Coming, But It's Still a Punch to the Gut
And mark my words, they aren't stopping with Roe. Clarence "Uncle Tom" Thomas writes in a concurring opinion that the Supreme Court should also reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell — the rulings that now protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage.
Funny how he didn't mention out Loving vs. Virginia…