The Reality of Trump Supporters

From Green Eagle:

We are hearing from everyone that there is a difference of world-view between Democrats and Republicans.  The current version of this is between Democrats, who believe that massive evidence exists that the lawless Trump has brazenly broken endless laws- financial laws, laws against sexual abuse, and the grossest misuse of his position of the power of the Presidency, and Republican, who believe the whole thing is a manufactured witch-hunt over insignificant acts, while true Democratic criminals are allowed to roam free.

Well, I've got news for you, buddies: that is completely false.  In fact, except for a vanishingly small collection of the terminally ignorant, no one in the Republican base believes Trump is innocent.  They all know what he did and is continuing to do, just like we do.  And it is not just that they don't care.  They care with every fiber of their being.  It's that for this frighteningly large group of white haters, being a criminal monster that puts Al Capone to shame is exactly what they want in a President.

You see, we have talked about something for years, but they have incorporated it into their souls.  That is the fact that White people are on the edge of no longer being a majority in this country; in fact in many parts of it, they already do not have the votes to win elections without gerrymandering, cheating, violent intimidation and every other tactic of dictators.  They know that they are about to lose power in this country if it continues to uphold the principles that have set it apart from other countries for two and a half centuries, and they know that, if they have to chose between power and principles, they will not hesitate to make the same decision that Hitler and Mussolini and Franco and Pol Pot and Idi Amin have made before them.

And now let me be blunt, and speak in their language and Trump's language.  White supremacists have maintained their power since the beginning of this country by stomping on the necks of the niggers and spics and kikes and chinks, and on the necks of any white race traitors who give a damn about those people.  Now that they cannot win elections fairly any more, they intend to go right on stomping, just stomping harder.  That demands a leader who does not give a damn about democracy or majority rule or fairness or common human decency; who does not care in any way about the lives and welfare of different kinds of people, no more than Hitler cared about Jews and Slavs and Gypsies.  That is why they have reduced their Presidential race to the two most morally hateful candidates in their field, Trump and De Santis, our current versions of Hitler and Stalin, one of whom will slaughter his enemies with glee, the other with a blank, empty countenance.  The contest between these two does not appeal to an electorate that merely ignores their deficiencies, because their voters glorify in criminality, in contempt for right and wrong.  They know this moral debasement in their leaders is the only way they can keep power, and they have committed themselves to move in that direction as fast as they can.  The Republican voting base is consciously auditioning to find the lowest criminal they can put into the White House, because only the lowest criminal can be counted on to give them what they want.

Do these people know that Trump lies to the country every time he opens his mouth?  Sure they do, but they don't care, because they know he is telling them the truth about the only issue that they really care about- crushing all opposition to white minority rule.  They think, stupidly, that this will usher in a paradise in which they will all be rich and powerful, and all own the mansions and yachts and private jets that they have always deserved,  while their perceived enemies will grovel in misery in situations little better than the slums of Victorian Europe.  And they will adore their leader for giving them this victory, just as Germans adored Hitler, until he started losing.  They are looking for the worst person on earth to lead them to this promised land, and they have found him in Trump.

I have been shocked at how many of my fellow Americans have been willing to sign on to this hateful agenda, but maybe I should have read Richard Evans and William Shirer a little closer, and opened my eyes a little wider to what they were really telling us.  Well, it is upon us now.  Thankfully, the bastard has lost the last two electoral cycles, and his understudy De Santis seems more suited for a bureaucratic role like Himmler, than to be the Fuehrer or Duce himself.  Maybe we can hold the fort until demographics completes its work, and it is they who are getting drowned in the bathtub instead of the rest of us.  But it is hardly certain.  If we had been told twenty years ago that we would see in this world an outbreak of white race hatred as malignant as the Nazis, let alone see it right here in the United States, very few of us would have accepted the truth, but here we are.  God have mercy on us.

From NPR:

A popular Orlando burger restaurant known for regularly featuring drag shows is suing the state of Florida and its governor, Ron DeSantis — arguing that the state's new law targeting drag shows violates First Amendment rights.

The owners of Hamburger Mary's in Orlando say their First Amendment rights were violated after DeSantis signed a bill, SB 1438, last week that restricts children from attending certain draw show performances, according to a federal lawsuit obtained by NPR.

The restaurant's Orlando location is asking the court to block the implementation of the state's new law. Other Hamburger Mary's locations across Florida and the rest of the U.S. are not part of the suit.

"It is apparent from the actions of the State of Florida, that it intends to consider drag shows to be a public nuisance, lewd, disorderly, sexually explicit involving public exposure and obscene and that it is necessary to protect children from this art form, in spite of evidence to the contrary," the lawsuit says.

LGBTQ groups sue Florida over the so-called 'Don't Say Gay' law

The owners of Hamburger Mary's in Orlando say the establishment has regularly hosted drag shows since 2008.

They argue in the lawsuit that the drag performances are appropriate for children and that there is "no lewd activity, sexually explicit shows, disorderly conduct, public exposure, obscene exhibition, or anything inappropriate for a child to see."

The owners also claim Florida's new law is too vague, and they allege their bookings fell 20% after the restaurant, out of caution, told customers this month that they could no longer bring children to drag shows.

Florida state Sen. Clay Yarborough, the bill's sponsor, and DeSantis' office did not immediately respond to NPR's request for comment on the lawsuit.

The owners of Hamburger Mary's declined NPR's request for an interview. In a statement posted on Facebook, the owners explain their decision behind filing the lawsuit.

Some States Want To Say Where You Can And Can't Be In Drag

"This bill has nothing to do with children, and everything to do with the continued oppression of the LGBTQ+ community," Hamburger Mary's Orlando said in a statement.

"Anytime our [legislators] want to demonize a group, they say they are coming for your children. In this case, creating a false narrative that drag queens are grooming and recruiting your children with no factual basis or history to back up these accusations AT ALL!" the statement adds.

Florida's new law, referred to as the "Protection of Children" act, prohibits children from attending any "adult live performance."

An "adult live performance" is described in the law as "any show, exhibition, or other presentation in front of a live audience which, in whole or in part, depicts or simulates nudity, sexual conduct, sexual excitement, or specific sexual activities … or the lewd exposure of prosthetic or imitation genitals or breasts."

Florida House passes controversial measure dubbed the 'Don't Say Gay' bill by critics

Those who are found in violation of the new law could face prosecution, in addition to thousands of dollars in fines and having their licenses revoked.

The law is just one of several related to anti-LGBTQ+ topics that were introduced by Florida's Republican-controlled legislature this session.

Last week, DeSantis signed into law a ban on gender-affirming care for minors, restrictions on discussion of "preferred pronouns" in schools and restrictions on using bathrooms that don't match one's assigned sex at birth.

More than 300 anti-LGBTQ+ bills were filed in 2022 during state legislative sessions. However, only 29 of those bills were signed into law.

Sounds Like…

…an open invitation to attend Dodgers stadium in nun outfits during this event.

Sinead O'Connor was right to rip up a picture of the pope in 1992. Stand up for the Sisters today or support a powerful group that wants to distract you from the evil they're protecting within. They literally protect pedophiles. This isn't some whacky conspiracy. It's a fact that the Catholic Church systematically protects abusers. A proven fact

Just like the Mouse, you don't mess with the Sisters.