Just Sayin'
No One With a Brain Sees the GOP as the Party of Normal
And We All Know Why
Drunks at a Concert Have More Class
Because It's True
Sunday Sacrilege
Today's Republicans…
Vomiting It All Up
Oh Snap!
Please Please Please Please Please ??
Beating Back teh St00pid
Fuck the NRA and Fuck Their Republican Enablers
Nah…Why Would America Do That?
Yes, I'm in a MOOD Today
Okay, But How Do We Get Rid Of Them?
Well, Well, Well. The Russian Plot Thickens.
A former top FBI official in New York has been arrested over his ties to a Russian oligarch, law enforcement sources told ABC News Monday.
All this ties back to Comey, Hillary's fake Email scandal, and no doubt the Muller Investigation as well.
This is going to get UGLY.
Because They Have Nothing Else to Do
Bat. Shit. Insane.
It's Not Funny Because It's True
They're Not Sending Their Brightest
Fuck Ron DeSantis
Fuck Republicans
Fuck Republicans
Eat the Rich
We Couldn't Do It Today, That's For Sure
I'd be honestly surprised if behind closed doors Republicans haven't discussed getting rid of that as well, because Wyoming Republicans want to ban the sales of electric vehicles!