"I Will Not Consent"
? ? ?
Teh St00pid, It Burns!
They Won't Do Either
This Isn't Over Yet
Right There With Ya, Joan
FUCK the Republicans the Way They'd Fuck the Democrats if it Were Reversed
Delta Is Raging Where You Are
More from Tengrain:
We are in a world of trouble, the Delta variant of the Trump-Virus is surging and the merde is hitting the fan as Possum Hollar —as a matter of Fox News orthodoxy— still refuses to be vaccinated.
In at least 46 states, the rates of new Trump-Virus cases this past week were at least 10 percent higher than the week before.
Unvaccinated fools are being hospitalized in alarming numbers. And while nearly all new coronavirus hospitalizations and deaths nationwide are among people who weren't vaccinated, a steep rise in cases has prompted Los Angeles County health officials to reinstate an indoor mask mandate, regardless of vaccination status.
The County of Los Angeles is about 10M people. This is not a small sample. They don't go Shields-Up, Mr. Sulu lightly.
Dr. Sanjay Gupta said that there are two types of Americans now: The vaccinated and the infected. If you're not vaccinated you will eventually get infected. And if you get infected, you will get very sick and may die.
The Rent is too Damn High
Via Mock Paper Scissors:
We got trouble:
"People working minimum wage jobs full-time cannot afford a two-bedroom apartment in any state in the country, the National Low Income Housing Coalition's annual "Out of Reach" report finds. In 93% of U.S. counties, the same workers can't afford a modest one-bedroom….
"Given each state and locality's minimum wage, the report finds that the average minimum wage worker in the U.S. would need to work nearly 97 hours per week to afford the average two-bedroom home. That's more than two full-time jobs."
Housing should be a human right. The American Dream/Nightmare has always been a bit of a bait and switch. But how can working people escape the poverty trap if there are not places that they can afford to live?
I have read recently that the Venture Capitalists have taken to buying entire new subdivisions and renting out the homes at exorbitant rates because there is nothing that late-era capitalism and capitalists cannot make worse.
"They don't have to conspire," as Gay Talese once said of the rich, "because they all think alike."
I See Nothing Wrong With This
Oh Snap!
Help a Guy Out?
I Knew the Jinn Were Our Friends
That's Not How This Works
This has as much chance of succeeding as did the equally ludicrous idea certain members on the left advanced about impeaching and removing BOTH Trump and Pence, automatically elevating Pelosi into the Presidency. It was a fever dream then, and this bit of batshittery is a fever dream now. Ain't gonna happen.
Quote of the Day
"There's something obscenely American about refusing a vaccine that millions around the world are desperate to get." ~ George Takei