And lastly…
What's Wrong With Reagan
It's The Hypocrisy, Stupid!
Mental Illness on Parade
Vomiting It All Up
Something About Cutting Off Their Noses…
If Only…
And I'm Not The Only One
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
I. Cannot.
I Weep For Our Country
Do They Even Realize How Asinine They Sound?
Vomiting It All Up
Fuck Yes!
Oh Snap!
Fuck This Bullshit
Tax should be spent in the prioritizing of public funds for the greater good of society instead of go sports team go subsidization of billionaires.
And yes, a national system like this would cost more than $2b. More likely a couple trillion over a few decades. But we need to start somewhere and get our priorities straight.
This type of thing really shows American priorities. We talk a big game about freedom and all sorts of ridiculous platitudes while expending our resources on frivolous bullshit while letting Americans literally starve, go without education, medical care, or homes. And this isn't just pro sports. Google the new Hebron High School athletic facility in Texas. It's fucking lunacy. And no, I'm not against high school athletics. But i do think they could easily have afforded a good new facility while also doing something worthwhile.
Oh Snap!
Guilty as FUCK
Ooooh Trumplethinskin is in TROUBLE
The problem with the big orange dumb dumb is he won't listen to his lawyers
You can't tell a narcissist to do anything
Imaginr putting Trump on a debate stage with Pence & Christie & he calls one or both of them a rat a snitch a traitor…boom witness intimidation. LOCK HIM UP.
Vomiting It All Up
So I'm in Class All Week…
Elphaba has a hard-on for certifications, professional development, and "advancing your career."
I am 18 months from retirement. I don't give a shit about certifications, professional development, and advancing my career. My only professional goal at this point is keeping my head down, doing my job, getting vested for my retirement account, and getting the fuck out of this place at the end of January 2025.
The last time I had a one-on-one with her (thankfully, something I will never have to do again), I pointed out that I was retiring and therefore additional training for "career bulding" would be money ill-spent. She wasn't having a bit of it. "I expect everyone under me to attend two training classes per year."
Okay, I decided I wanted to take Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator classes. They aren't applications I use professionally, but we do support those users who do use them.
DENIED. "Not job related."
So this week I find myself in an online Sharepoint class. My boss called this "a learning vacation."
I will readily admit that I do not understand Sharepoint. I had some company-provided training prior to COVID and WFH lockdown that allowed me to handle the few requests for minor changes that came in, but since we've been back in the office the entire infrastructure was changed and I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing any more. Add to that the fact that I simply don't care about any of this shit.
Bad attitude? You betcha!
As if to add insult to injury, I don't have rights to do anything in Sharepoint any more anyway. I've pointed this out several times to the people that have the power to do something about it, but—like getting a company cell phone because the greeting on my personal cell was deemed "unprofessional"—nothing ever gets resolved. So any tickets that come in that involve Sharepoint changes get ignored until someone else picks them up.
It's going to be a long week. But at least I'm not in the office.
Got a New Lanyard and Card Holder for Work
I'm waiting for, "Mark, we need to discuss your inappropriate work attire."
Fuck This Bitch
- Jamie Dimon thinks remote work doesn't cut it for all roles.
- The JPMorgan CEO said he understands why an employee may not want to spend time on a long commute.
- But it "doesn't mean they need to have a job there either," he told The Economist in an interview.
This, we know: JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon is an outspoken advocate of the return to office movement. He has held his stance, despite pushback from his staffers.
He is now doubling down on his stance against remote work, saying employees can take up another job if they don't like the commute.
"I completely understand why someone doesn't want to commute an hour and a half every day, totally got it. Doesn't mean they have to have a job here either," Dimon told The Economist in a wide-ranging interview released Tuesday.
Dimon told the publication that some roles at JPMorgan can be hybrid or remote, but such arrangements just do not cut it for some positions.
"It doesn't work for younger kids in apprenticeships, it doesn't really work for creativity and spontaneity, it doesn't really work for management teams," he told The Economist.
"There are real flaws," he added.
Dimon told the media outlet he wasn't opposed to remote work if it works, but he doesn't mind getting rid of it if it doesn't work.
"We're not going to make that decision because we're pandering to employees — that is not the way to build a great company," he said.
He is particularly opposed to those in leadership roles not being around in the office.
"I don't know how you can be a leader and not be completely accessible to your people. I do not believe you can be a leader and not be accessible to your people," he told The Economist.
In January, he told CNBC in an interview that while remote work can work for jobs like coding, those in research, and women in caregiving roles, the arrangement doesn't apply to all roles.
Dimon's comments came amid a furious debate about the future of remote work as the world exits from the COVID-19 pandemic.
The future of where and how employees work could have a huge impact on the economy, including in the real-estate sector.
Lower demand for office space due to remote work could wipe out $800 billion real-estate value across major cities globally, according to a McKinsey report released on Thursday.
I want him gone. I want him locked up in miserable conditions for the rest of his pathetic life. I want his social media network taken down and I want each and everyone of his supporters to wake up and see how they've been swindled. I want to wake up one days and see the headline, "Trump Dies In Prison."
If that makes me a horrible person, so be it.
Sometimes I even scream it at the television or my computer screen!
Just Sayin'
The Germans had no warning of what was about to happen. WE do.