This is Where We Are Now

This is where we are now.

Repugnants are just going to REFUSE to concede and every election is going to cost millions of dollars more than they should because nutcases like this bitch are going to refuse to concede forever and a day.

Kandiss (stripper spelling) got 3.4% of the vote but she swears that she got "way more votes."

"Given that my vote total currently lags my number of volunteers by nearly 20,000, I do not trust these election results and neither should any supporter of either of my opponents or candidates in any other races. I know a rigged election when I see one, and this bears all the marks"

Ugh…this is why Trump remains a clear and present danger to this democracy and election processes everywhere and why—paging Merrick Garland—he needs to be arrested and tried publicly

In Case You Haven't Seen It…

None of this is new to anyone who has been paying attention as this has played out over the past 17 months, but it's not intended for you. This is for those in the middle who haven't been following it.

I found the initial hearing incredibly powerful.

This is the 10 minute video from Thursday night's opening of the January 6th committee hearings.

As I watch this, I am still stuck on the woman who says "I am not allowed to say what's going to happen today because everyone is just going to have to watch it for themselves. But it's gonna happen; something's gonna happen"

Who is she?

What did she know?

Who was she with?

Did anyone pay for her to be there?

I Will Never Understand…

…how so many people of my age, who grew up in the counter-culture 60s, and came of age in the free-for-all 70s, turned into the exact thing society was fighting when they were kids. I just don't get it.


Just because we've returned to our regularly scheduled programming around here, it doesn't mean I've lost sight of ANY of this.