One Reply to “Fuck the Republicans”

  1. Republicans have become very adept at side-stepping serious issues that normal people would see as serious issues. Following Trump's lead, it seems. As they explained-away many wrong doings as normal life! When they should have had alarm bells going off in their heads, instead! Much of what they did does not make sense, yet they did it anyway. As Republicans claim to desire "small government", yet they seem to be doing a great job of putting government in many peoples' lives with new laws and such. As they lead us down the road to fascism. The same fascism which we fought World Wars to stamp out in Europe! At the same time, their "dis-information" items are being spread by their operatives, too. ALL of which they believe is true, when Snopes determines that they only read half of what was said or did not understand the whole situation the comments came from. Some commentators spreading these things also mention "One World Order", which I first heard of in relation to the "Tri-Lateral Commission" in the earlier 1970s. Hasn't happened yet, after 50 years. More conspiracy theories and such, which they believe as "true" as they heard it on a religious radio station, so it must be true. The danger of what they are seeking to do is there, just that many do not fully understand the complete necessity of voting for Democrats in ANY election, in the future.

    Funny how Republicans blame "the elites" for everything they don't like. Yet, Republicans have more elites in their ranks than they might every perceive. Their "elites" have money to buy what they want, no matter what. The "affairs of the world" do not concern them as they retreat into their gated world. As the allegedly bad Democrat elites do what they can to make the world a better place for EVERYBODY, amid much Republican resistances.

    Whenever Republicans blame somebody for something, or talk bad about them, they need to look in the mirror when they do. They are telling on themselves and don't know it. Which is highly amusing to me.

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