Caption This
Just Sayin'
😈 😈 😈
😂 😂 😂
I Apologize in Advance
🤣 🤣 🤣
Don't Ya HATE When That Happens?!
😆 😆 😆
"And a Good Time Was Had By All"
Oh Johnnie!
I Apologize in Advance
Who Doesn't Like Cream Pies?
😆 😆 😆
IYKYK 🤣 🤣 🤣
"I Didn't Recognize Them with Their Clothes On!"
The 5 Love Languages
🤣 🤣 🤣
Oh My!
Submitted Without Comment
Probably Why Instagram Doesn't Like Me…
Yes, But…
🤣 🤣 🤣
I love this guy.
I Apologize in Advance
Submitted Without Comment
Saturday "Jokes"
Maybe the 10 Commandments should be posted in the RNC Headquarters instead of public schools.
Posting The Ten Commandments in Louisiana public schools should open the doors for also posting The Five Pillars of Islam, The Five Precepts of Buddhism, and The 7 Tenets of Satanism.
I see your 10 commandments and raise you 34 convictions.
If your state ranks 47th in education, maybe you should require schools to post the ABCs instead of the Ten Commandments.
A friend has inspired me to suggest that we organize a free trip for Clarence Thomas this summer to Haiti, where he can experience real life without an administrative state, and where everyone has a gun with a bump stock.
I keep waiting for someone to tell me, "Yeah, I was a fruit picker until those illegals showed up."
Website: We use cookies to improve performance.
Me: Same!
Finally, my bills are washed, laundry is paid, clothes are baking, and dinner is in the dryer. I got this!
It's said that necessity is the mother of all inventions. That being said, you may find it interesting to find that the modern dishwasher was actually not created as a timesaving appliance. In 1886, a woman by the name of Josephine Cochrane created a hand-powered washing machine because her servants kept chipping her china.
I just fired all my servants for the same thing.
I heard a leak in a dyke can be plugged up with a finger.
(Deb – I know I left this comment on your blog but it was too good not to put it here also. I made it up myself!)
Response from Deb on her blog… "Lesbians sometimes refer to their hands as "Dutch boy fingers".
Her: If you cut off my reproductive choice can I cut yours off?
Her: I'm in a really bad place in my life right now.
Him: Louisiana?
Conversation tip: Ask people questions that give them an opportunity to talk about themselves.
Like… What the hell is wrong with you?
My neighbor couldn't afford his water bill so I got him a get well soon card.
I was late to church, the only place to sit was by a man who passed gas during the service, so I sat in his pew.
Every time I see a crackhead on a bike, I yell, "That's my bike!" Just to see how fast they can pedal.
I just bought a sweet car online.
It was previously owned by Neil Diamond.
Wouldn't be ironic if Popeye's chicken was cooked in Olive Oil?
Police officer: Step out of the vehicle.
Me: It's 103 degrees out there, you get my AC-cooled car and tell me what your problem is.
When I was a kid I would not have guessed the world would turn out to be as dumb as it is.