Things to Call People You Dislike

  • easy bake oven
  • expired coupon
  • spam email
  • wet sock
  • squeaky grocery cart
  • inconvenient fire drill
  • cold bowl of soup
  • itchy sweater
  • unnecessary movie sequel
  • overdraft bank fee
  • crying baby on a plane
  • wobbly table
  • sun glare when I'm driving just before sunset and I have to put my sun visor down because I forgot my sunglasses but I'm still really uncomfortable and it's just a big hassle all around
  • donald trump

I especially like easy bake oven and expired coupon.

I Can So Relate

"Bobby was enjoying this new brand of paint. The fumes were stronger than anything he had ever sniffed before, and the hallucinations seemed stronger, and wilder. Never again would Bobby see his old paint supplier, from now on he was sticking to the hard stuff like the big boy he had become."

Most people associate Christmas day with the smell of freshly-baked cookies, or turkey and stuffing cooking in the oven. Not me. What takes me back is the smell of plastic model paint. Being a geeky child of the 60s, nothing recalls Christmas to me quite as much as building plastic models, whether they were commercial airplanes, movie monsters, anatomical displays, dinosaur skeletons, or spacecraft. And they all required painting.

You Know You're From Arizona When…

1. You can say Hohokam and no one thinks you're making it up.

2.You no longer associate rivers or bridges with water.

3.You know that a "swamp cooler" is not a happy hour drink.

4.You can contemplate a high temperature of 120 degrees as "not all that bad, after all it's a dry heat."

5.You know that you can make sun tea outside faster than instant tea in your microwave.

6.You have to run your air conditioner in the middle of winter so that you can use your fireplace.

7.The water coming from the "cold" tap is hotter than that from the hot" tap.

8.You can correctly pronounce the following words: "Saguaro", "Tempe", "Gila Bend", "San Xavier del Bac", "Canyon de Chelly", "Mogollon Rim", "Cholla", and "Tlaquepacque", "Ajo".

9.It's noon on a weekday in July, kids are on summer vacation, and not one single person is moving on the streets.

10.Hot air balloons can't fly because the air outside is hotter than the air inside.

11.You buy salsa by the gallon.

12.Your Christmas decorations include a half a yard of sand and 100 paper bags.

13.You think someone driving while wearing oven mitts is clever.

14.Most of the restaurants in your town have the first name "El" or "Los."

15.You think six tons of crushed rock makes a beautiful yard.

16.You can say 115 degrees without fainting.

17.Vehicles with open windows have the right-of-way in the summer.

18.People break out coats when the temperature drops below 70.

19.You discover, in July, it only takes two fingers to drive your car.

20.The pool can be warmer than you are.

21.You realize Valley Fever isn't a disco dance.

22.People with black cars or have black upholstery in their car are automatically assumed to be from out-of-state or nuts.

23.You know better than to get into a car/truck with leather seats if you're wearing shorts.

24.Announcements for Fourth of July events always end with "in case of monsoon…"

25.You have to explain to out-of-staters why there is no daylight savings time

26.You can say "haboob" without giggling.

Stolen from my husband.

Obama Absolutely Kills It

I may not agree with his policies one-hundred percent of the time, but I have to hand it to our President—he has maintained a great sense of humor in the face of all the hate thrown his way, as evidenced last night at the White House Correspondents' Dinner.