Oh Captain Jack…
Monday Mood
And to be honest, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday too.
How Much Happier Would We Be
…if we were more like dogs.
Common Ground
Shower Thoughts
At some point in time, you will be the crazy person in someone else's story.
Let's Play a Word Game
National Puppy Day
Take proper care of your pups!
Why Can't It Be This Easy For Humans?
Go Nancy Go!
In a Nutshell…
Nick Jonas Got Married…
…to a woman.
"I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of gay men suddenly cried out in anguish and then collapsed in uncontrollable sobbing. I fear something terrible has happened."
More Like My Spirit Animal…
Word of the Day
Shower Thoughts
Why is "Sean" pronounced as "Shawn" instead of "Seen," but "Dean" is pronounced "Deen" instead of "Dawn"?
I'm Dying Here
It's Funny Because It's True