This Never Gets Old
Only if the Blue Wave Materializes
Now is not the time to become complacent like we did in 2016. Sure, it seems Biden has this thing wrapped up, but a hell of a lot of shenanigans can happen between now and November, and you know that orange shitstain is going to pull out all the stops when faced with the alternative of, well, you know…dying in jail.
"Alex, I'll Take Frankenstein for 1000."
I'd Say It's His Preferred High
Fuck Pence
I Have An Amazing Husband
That was my best orgasm ever!
— It's all BS (@tallbubba) July 2, 2020
I Dare Say Biden Won't Be Getting that Endorsement!
Trump finally wore a mask the other day & said he felt like the #LoneRanger. But the Lone Ranger's mask had two eye holes in it, while Trump's mask had only one asshole in it.
— bettemidler (@BetteMidler) July 2, 2020
Bette, we love you.
It's All on You, Sparky
Now if Twitter Would Only Follow Their Lead
"Hateful conduct is not allowed on Twitch. In line with our policies, President Trump's channel has been issued a temporary suspension from Twitch for comments made on stream, and the offending content has been removed."
It's Not Like She Didn't Try To Warn Us
Hillary Clinton is the Cassandra of our time. And like the Cassandra of lore, no one listened to her.
You are Not Seeing Socialism
I searched my mind for something relevant to say about our current pandemic crisis, but the situation continues to be so overwhelming and surreal that I could only sit back and watch the responses, see the battle lines drawn, and wonder where this all leads, with the usual suspects spreading their disinformation of "welcome to socialism." Then I came across this, no idea of its origin, but it reflects my feelings very well:
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but you need to know how silly you look if you post some variation of, "Welcome to Socialism…"
You are not seeing Socialism. What you are seeing is one of the wealthiest, geographically advantages, productive capitalist societies in the world flounder and fail at its most basic test: taking care of its people.
The crisis is not about the virus.
The crisis is about the massive failure of our "booming economy," to survive even modest challenges. It is about the market dissonance of shortages in stores, even as farmers/producers destroy unused crops and products. This crisis is about huge corporations needing an emergency bailout within days of the longest Bull Market in our history ending and despite the ability to borrow with zero percent interest rates.
The crisis is about corporatized healthcare systems being unable and ill-equipped to provide basic healthcare, at the same time they post record profits. It is about crisis response depending on antiquated systems nobody remembers how to operate.
But most of all, this crisis is a direct result of the politicization of every aspect of our society of the benefit of the privileged few. This vilification of education, science, media, natural rights, rural lifestyles, urban lifestyles, charity, compassion, and virtually everything else for brief political gain has gutted our society.
Proving that satire isn't dead after all!
To The People On The Attached List:
"Siri, show me the perfect representation of America's COVID-19 response."
There is No Incorrect Answer
Pride Goeth Before The Fall
I know this is a week old, but it still makes me laugh.
Why Not Do Both?
I Think That's a Little on the High Side, Don't You?
Quote of the Day
Never trust any ruler who puts his faith in tunnels and bunkers and escape routes. The chances are that his heart isn't in the job." ~ Guards! Guards!, Terry Pratchett
The Shitgibbon HATES This Ad…
…and is suing to get it shut down. Imagine, them having the nerve to use his own words against him!
It would be a shame if it got reposted any more times than it already has been.
Lying, Ignorant, Or Delusional?
So, what do you think? Is he lying? Ignorant? Or delusional? Me, I'm inclined to go with lying, with ignorant coming in a close second — but it's impossible to completely rule out delusional. I could be talking about any number of Comrade Trump's recent comments, but I'm focusing on this one particular Tweet for now.
He's not entirely wrong about that whole 'scandal of our times' business. But the scandal is we have a president who is either lying about the coming election, ignorant of how mail-in balloting is done, or suffering from paranoid delusions. It's got to be one of those.
I've voted by mail. It's dead easy, and its secure. Here's how it worked for me:
After you fill out the ballot, you put it in an envelope labeled 'Secrecy Envelope', and seal the envelope. The Secrecy Envelope is then placed in an 'Affidavit Envelope', which you have to sign and date and seal that as well. The Affidavit Envelope is then placed in the 'Return Envelope', which also has to be sealed. All of these envelopes are the old-fashioned lick-and-seal type, not the fancy new remove-a-strip-and-press type. If you want to vote Absentee, you have to be willing to sacrifice a lot of saliva.
What I didn't say — and didn't know at the time — is that the Return Envelope had a unique barcode for each ballot to insure the individual ballot corresponded with the envelope. Nor was I aware that my signature on the Affidavit Envelope could be quickly compared to my signature which is kept on file by the local election office (you'll recall you had to sign up to vote the very first time; you also signed in to register for every earlier in-person election).
That level of voting security — signature verification, ballot barcode verification — is only the beginning. The ballot itself has been tested to insure the ballot scanners will read ONLY authentic ballots, and only authentic ballots for that particular election cycle. The scanners aren't able to read ballots from previous election cycles, even if those ballots were created to use the same scanning system.
But wait, there's more. There are 3,007 counties in the United States. There are another 236 first-order administrative divisions, which are basically counties by other names (for example, Louisiana has parishes instead of counties, Alaska has boroughs, and the District of Columbia has…well, the District of Columbia). Why is that important? Because there is NO national ballot.
That's right. Every voting jurisdiction designs and creates its own unique ballot. We're talking the typeface, the weight of the paper used for the ballot, the size of the ballot, the phrasing of the text instructing the voter on how to vote by mail, the envelope in which the ballot is mailed to the voter, the security envelope containing the marked ballot to be returned, and the actual return envelope. These designs are deliberately changed from election to election.
So in order for Comrade Trump's claim that "millions of mail-in ballots will be printed by foreign countries, and others" to be true, those foreign countries (and 'others' — I have no idea WTF he could possibly mean by 'others') would have to exactly duplicate thousands of distinctly different ballot packets unique to every voting jurisdiction in the United States for the 2020 election cycle PLUS be able to match the signatures on file of the individual voters they were attempting to impersonate.
To believe that could happen, Trump would have to be delusional. Which, let's face it, isn't out of the realm of possibility. Ignorance, on the other hand, is not just a possibility but almost a certainty; he's profoundly ignorant of how government works. But I'm opting for lying, simply because that's Trump's natural response to almost everything.
Hey Siri…
You Can't Have It Both Ways
Today's Winner of the Internet
Donald Trump narrated by Sir David Attenborough #TrumpIsNotWell
— ElElegante101 (@skolanach) June 14, 2020
And I loathed Bush! In fact, that was the reason I started blogging so I had an outlet by which to vent my frustration with the direction he was taking the country!