Well, It Happened

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross." ~ Sinclair Lewis, 1935

Thanks to a horrifically outdated electoral system based on slave ownership and proven interference by Russian Intelligence led by Vladimir Putin, 25%—TWENTY FIVE FUCKING PERCENT—of eligible voters in the United States just legitimized and put in power what is for all intents and purposes a reborn and rebranded American Nazi Party. And this party is led by a 70-year old, emotionally unstable, sociopathic man-baby whose only concern is is own aggrandizement, communicates to the world via Twitter, and now has access to the country's nuclear codes. What could possibly go wrong?

Meanwhile, another 25% (plus about 300 million, give or take) of us who actually voted for the sane candidate, did everything in our power to prevent this—although my faith in our current Democratic leaders has been seriously compromised because a last-ditch effort to merely examine and debate Electoral College irregularities yesterday was thwarted because a Senator was required to make this happen and no Democratic Senator—not a single one, not even Bernie FUCKING Sanders—stood up to join the two brave Representatives who brought it to the house floor prior to Congressional confirmation.

While no one can totally predict the future, those of us who saw this coming have a reasonably good idea of what lies ahead, and it ain't pretty. Battlestar Galactica's famous line "All this has happened before and will happen again," resonates loudly.

I can't help but wonder what half the country who couldn't pull themselves away from their 50-inch flat screens, Survivor reruns, porn and fast food drips long enough to get their fat asses to the polls will think once the economy tanks (like it has under every other Republican administration since Reagan) and they start losing their jobs, their healthcare, their social security benefits, the minimum wage disappears, and the air and drinking water start turning brown because 80 years of government oversight and the social safety net that generations have relied upon have been dismantled.

As Ben is constantly telling his students, "Actions have consequences."

I Suspect…

…that the people who voted for him "because Hillary's emails," or as a protest vote "I didn't think he'd actually win!" or the rabid Bernie Bros who did it out of spite, or simply sat at home and didn't vote at all because "both parties are the same" are going to be in for a very rude awakening in the next few months.

Submitted for Your Approval…

"I happen to think that the singular evil of our time is prejudice. It is from this evil that all other evils grow and multiply. In almost everything I've written there is a thread of this: a man's seemingly palpable need to dislike someone other than himself." ~ Rod Serling

Kudos To My Favorite City

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors has taken an important—although admittedly symbolic—step against the incoming Trump administration by unanimously passing a resolution reaffirming The City's commitment to LGBTQ rights, religious freedoms, and racial, social, and economic justice—values completely at risk under the incoming Trump administration.

Here's the full text:

WHEREAS, On November 8, 2016, Donald Trump was elected to become the 45th President of the United States; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That no matter the threats made by President-elect Trump, San Francisco will remain a Sanctuary City. We will not turn our back on the men and women from other countries who help make this city great, and who represent over one third of our population. This is the Golden Gate-we build bridges, not walls; and, be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, That we will never back down on women's rights, whether in healthcare, the workplace, or any other area threatened by a man who treats women as obstacles to be demeaned or objects to be assaulted. And just as important, we will ensure our young girls grow up with role models who show them they can be or do anything; and, be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, That there will be no conversion therapy, no withdrawal of rights in San Francisco. We began hosting gay weddings twelve years ago, and we are not stopping now. And to all the LGBTQ people all over the country who feel scared, bullied, or alone: You matter. You are seen; you are loved; and San Francisco will never stop fighting for you; and, be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, That we still believe in this nation's founding principle of religious freedom. We do not ban people for their faith. And the only lists we keep are on invitations to come pray together; and, be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, That Black Lives Matter in San Francisco, even if they may not in the White House. And guided by President Obama's Task Force on 21st Century Policing, we will continue reforming our police department and rebuilding trust between police and communities of color so all citizens feel safe in their neighborhoods; and, be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, That climate change is not a hoax, or a plot by the Chinese. In this city, surrounded by water on three sides, science matters. And we will continue our work on CleanPower, Zero Waste, and everything else we are doing to protect future generations; and, be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, That we have been providing universal health care in this city for nearly a decade, and if the new administration follows through on its callous promise to revoke health insurance from 20 million people, San Franciscans will be protected; and, be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, That we are the birthplace of the United Nations, a city made stronger by the thousands of international visitors we welcome every day. We will remain committed to internationalism and to our friends and allies around the world-whether the administration in Washington is or not; and, be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, That San Francisco will remain a Transit First city and will continue building Muni and BART systems we can all rely upon, whether this administration follows through on its platform to eliminate federal transit funding or not; and, be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, That California is the sixth largest economy in the world. The Bay Area is the innovation capital of the country. We will not be bullied by threats to revoke our federal funding, nor will we sacrifice our values or members of our community for your dollar; and, be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, That we condemn all hate crimes and hate speech perpetrated in this election's wake. That although the United States will soon have a President who has demonstrated a lack of respect for the values we hold in the highest regard in San Francisco, it cannot change who we are, and it will never change our values. We argue, we campaign, we debate vigorously within San Francisco, but on these points we are 100 percent united. We will fight discrimination and recklessness in all its forms. We are one City. And we will move forward together.

Resist…be like San Francisco.


"Goodbye and thanks for all the fish."

That quote, in case you're not familiar with it, comes from Douglas Adams' seminal Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It was attributed to the dolphins as they were teleporting themselves off the Earth in advance of the Vogon's demolition armada and seems especially fitting considering today's tweet from the Unstable Orange Shitgibbon:

Never in my life have I been so gripped with fear for the future as I am now—and not just for me and my loved ones, but for this entire fucking planet. While I lived through the Cuban Missile Crisis, I was born only a couple years before it happened so I have no conscious memory of the events, but in the years that followed I did grow up learning the laughable Duck-and-Cover routine and living under the specter of Russian nukes raining down from the skies at any moment.

It wasn't until the fall of the Berlin wall and the dissolution of the Soviet Union that I—and no doubt the rest of humanity—was able to breathe a collective sigh of relief. The Cold War was over and a general understanding grew that because of mutually assured destruction, nuclear weapons would never be used in another war.

But then, sometime over the last twenty or so years, humanity started going collectively batshit insane and now, thanks to the cheeto-faced fuckmuppet and the powder keg that all of civilization seems to have become over the last several years, that's no longer a given. As I half-jokingly said during the primaries, "If Trump is elected and has the nuclear launch codes, all it's going to take is one foreign leader to diss him on Twitter and it's GAME OVER."

It's no longer a joke.

Never mind the loss of civil liberties and societal progress we've made over the past 50 years that a Trump "presidency" brings to this country. I'm starting to worry about the annihilation of all life on earth because that unqualified, mangled apricot hellbeast with a hair-trigger temper has the intellect, emotional maturity and self-restraint of a toddler. I mean he is still whining about not winning the popular vote! I have never seen a more sore group of winners than that fucktrumpet and his vulgar, ignorant minions in my entire life.

I only pray that when the bombs start falling, I—and my loved ones—are at or near ground zero. I want it to be over in a flash; to be incinerated before the pain signals even reach my brain. The alternative—to die a slow, painful death over the days or weeks that follow is something I don't even want to contemplate. And the absolute last thing I want to do is to "survive" a nuclear war and witness the downfall of civilization.

I'm seriously starting to wonder if this is the reason the Universe is not teeming with interplanetary explorers knocking at our door. Perhaps 99.99999% of all sentient life that arises in this universe cyclically destroys itself each and every time it's on the verge of becoming a spacefaring species and there are only a handful that survive their perpetual childhood and mature, wandering the blackness of space encountering nothing but the burnt-out cinders of millions of civilizations that weren't as lucky as they.

Alternately, perhaps it will take a near-civilization-ending event to force humanity to finally grow up, put aside our infantile beliefs in invisible sky fairies and finally come to realize we're all in this together and no one's going to save us but ourselves. As Albert Einstein is quoted as saying, "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones," and it seems more true now than ever.

Looking to the Star Trek universe, it must be remembered that their society arose only from the ashes of a nuclear war—although to be honest I doubt humanity will recover as quickly as it did in the Trek timeline unless the next war is a very limited one—something I find extremely unlikely in today's climate of supercharged hate and intolerance.

The sense of dread so many of us are feeling is not hyperbole. It's not sour grapes because our guy girl lost. Hell, I've been voting all my adult life and there have been only a handful of elections when the candidate I voted for actually won. I've had to suffer through bad president after bad president—Nixon, Reagan, Bush I, Bush II—doing what they could do to fight progress and set the clock back to some mythic "Ozzie and Harriet" time in America that never even existed. But Trump's treasonous ascendancy to the presidency and the fact that he is now surrounding himself with people who are without exception the absolute antithesis of the posts they are filling is NOT business as usual. This is not normal! It is not just a case of "good presidents come and go." For the first time in our history, we are about to have someone at the helm of this country who has the capability of causing an extinction level planetary event and no one seems to care or understand except a few of us acting as modern day Cassandras screaming into the darkness. Unless his own party—or the opposition finally grows a spine—and stands up, says No Donnie, you can't nuke [insert country of your choice]! and takes away his goddamned Twitter, I'm not holding out hope the United States will not be recognizable—much less have another presidential election when he can be removed from office—in four years.