I Suspect…

…that the people who voted for him "because Hillary's emails," or as a protest vote "I didn't think he'd actually win!" or the rabid Bernie Bros who did it out of spite, or simply sat at home and didn't vote at all because "both parties are the same" are going to be in for a very rude awakening in the next few months.

2 Replies to “I Suspect…”

  1. It will still be Hillary or Obama's fault. The idiots who voted for dipshit live in an alternative reality.

  2. It will take a monumentally blinding flash of the obvious to have any effect. They're so geared toward "winning," that their guy winning is the only thing that matters, beyond that the other side–specifically Hillary–lost. That's it. That's what they care about. There are no bedrock principles the won't abandon to that end.

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