Are You Fucking Serious?

Well, it's official.

I received this little gem from my supervisor yesterday, to be filled out "by the end of the week."

As I mentioned a while back, our new department boss has a hard-on for training and professional development.

Not once in my long and illustrious career has any sort of this bullshit training benefitted me in any way.

I'm really fighting the urge under Description of Career Goals to write, "RETIREMENT."

I Seriously Wonder…

…why I am continually invited to meetings at work and expected to contribute, only to have every. single. suggestion. dismissed out of hand, as if I never said a word. "Oh, but we're a team and we value your input!"

Yeah, whatever.

You reach a point where you don't even care anymore, having pointed out for months the same thing again and again that's not working, and while they promise to fix the issue, it never gets fixed.

(An example I've been complaining about almost since the day I came on board is the fact that my colleagues work tickets and don't bother assigning said tickets to themselves or even closing them when the work is completed. Me, thinking they're just hanging out there open, contact the customer and am told, "Oh, Chris took care of that weeks ago." I've brought this up so many times during our team meetings that I'm not even bothering to discuss it any more because I know it's never going to change.)

It's Almost As If…

…the Universe is telling humanity, "I gave you a chance to change your ways—break the capitalism/trash-the-planet cycle and for a while you did. But now you're being stupid again and we're going to do it my way this time."

The mask/social distancing mandates are returning to my workplace—for the unvaccinated as well as the vaccinated—starting Monday. They are however—as stated in the email announcement—strongly encouraging everyone to start immediately.

Once I heard that the Delta variant was infecting even a minuscule number of fully vaccinated folks I said fuck it…I'm masking up again like last year. Surprisingly, I'm seeing the number of masked folks rising when I'm out and about as well.

I haven't come this far in life and survived what I have to be knocked down by this—or any other—fucking COVID variant. I'm just not.