No Longer A Conundrum

I was wide awake at 3 am this morning. I almost sat down at the time to write this post and title it "Conundrum."

But that wouldn't have been necessary.

For the past few days I've been getting emails from recruiters concerning a "Config & Deploy Specialist" position. It came with a state req number and I had a sneaky suspicion that it was from my former place of employment. I returned one of the emails to verify this, and yes, indeed it was.

My first contract at ADOT was with the Config & Deploy department and I loved it. I adored my supervisor and coworkers and at one point actually—in all honesty—told my boss that I really enjoyed coming to work (quite something after having come from DISH).

And yet, my initial reaction to this new position was "Not only no, but HELL no!" if for no other reason the manner in which my last contract was terminated. But the more I mulled it over last night, the more sense it made to at least apply and see what happened. Though the new supervisor of the department was a bit of a dick, he'd praised my work with the Macs and working with my former colleagues again was a definite draw.

And oh yeah…the money was significantly more than I'd even been making as a desktop tech.

So at 3 am last night I resolved to call my previous supervisor first thing and ask if there would be any reason why I shouldn't apply for this newly available position in C&D.

I said I was asking her first because I still had no idea why my previous contract was terminated. Even then she still wouldn't tell me. Her words:  "I'll run it past Bruce and Bill since they're the ones who…and you'll be reporting to them, so let me get your number and if it's okay I'll let you know and if you don't hear from me…"

So that would be a no. I never had a problem with her, so I don't understand this reticence to be completely forthcoming as to the cause of my dismissal, but obviously it was more than just personnel shuffling or overstaffing and this silence points to the fact that it might not have been entirely above board.

And quite frankly just hearing her voice again gave me the heebie-jeebies, so fuck 'em. It truly is time to look ahead and move on.

On a more positive note, that removed the conundrum I might've found myself in.

During the past week or so I've been interviewing (2 phone, 1 video) for a short term contract installing and setting users up on a single sign-on solution project for one of the major hospital systems in Phoenix. When the description was first sent to me I swear it felt like it fell from heaven. It would get me back into a clinical hospital environment where I could come home each day feeling like I was actually doing something worthwhile for a change.

The downside is that it was only a 2 month, 32-hour-a-week gig. But it's paying nearly twice what I've been making, and that alone will get me out of the financial hole we're slowly sliding into. (And my friend Cindy, who retired from this hospital system said, "They'll never get it done in 2 months. I know those people.")

I'm supposed to hear back from them today or tomorrow. There are 8 positions total, significantly improving my odds of being selected. The agency's account manager listened in during the final phone interview with the client, and he said I did a great job.

Fingers, toes, and eyes crossed.

And Here I Am…

…sitting in Starbucks filling out on-line employment applications and submitting resumes, something I had hoped I'd never have to do again.

Memories of Denver. Sigh.

Sticking My Toe Out Of The Box

I spent the better portion of yesterday with my friend Cindy. We met ten years ago when I was working at the hospital.

You know how once in a blue moon someone enters your life and from the very beginning you know they're going to be someone special to you? That's Cindy. We bonded almost immediately.

As I mentioned a couple days ago, when she learned I'd been laid off, she offered to hire me to set up her daughter's tech and help her retrieve photos from a bunch of old hard drives.

So mid-morning I drove out to her house thinking we'd just dive into it. But she had other plans. "Let's just sit and talk for a bit." She wanted to know exactly what happened so I described (to the best of my knowledge) what had gone down and she said, "Well there you go. You stuck your toe out of your box and they cut it off." She then went on to say that her own experience in healthcare—and she assumed it was the same, if not worse—in government work, taught her that most of the people who work in those fields are perfectly happy to work inside their own little boxes, never deviating from the proscribed script. Considering that "think outside the box" has become such a corporate cliche, the hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance when confronted with what actually happens is absolutely deafening. Do NOT think outside the box. Stay in your lane and don't deviate. And WHATEVER you do, don't make anyone else look bad—ESPECIALLY if they're higher up the food chain and you know more than they do.

That certainly describes my experience since moving from Config and Deploy to PC LAN support eighteen months ago. Instead of "continuous improvement," the motto at that place should be "If it's broke, don't fix it."

Interestingly, we both feel like this is ultimately going to be a good thing. I was ready to quit more times than I can tell you over the past six months, but never did anything about it because I hate interviewing. But frankly the reaction to being shot down a second time for finding a solution to an ongoing problem was my breaking point and swore that was the last time I was ever going to share anything with the team. Fuck 'em.

"You've only got a few more years in the workforce," she said, "You shouldn't be miserable every day for those remaining years."

We both admitted a hard-to-describe feeling that something good is coming from all this. After the initial shock, disbelief, and panic wore off, unlike other times when I've been laid off, I'm actually feeling pretty positive about the ultimate outcome.

Or maybe I'm just whistling past the graveyard, but I refuse to go there.

I remember many years ago telling another friend (who has a much more reactive, rather than proactive personality) that if you know changes need to be made in your life and you don't do anything about it, the Universe will step in and make those changes for you.


"You teach best what you need most to learn." ~ Richard Bach, The Messiah's Handbook


Maybe a Blessing in Disguise?

My contract at the government agency I've called home for the last 28 months was terminated yesterday.

This is not completely surprising. While I'm not sure (and will probably never know) why this happened, I do have my suspicions.

About a month ago I found a solution to the "A referral was returned by the server" as well as "The system administrator has set policies to prevent this installation" errors that have been plaguing us on Win10 systems while trying to install some agency-written software since I first started working there. I shared this with the team and thought that was the end of it. Prior to finding the registry modification solution, we had to remove the machine from the domain, perform the installation, and then rejoin it.

Two weeks ago I got an email from my supervisor asking where I found this registry solution. "Google," was my response.

Then, yesterday morning we all received this email:


 About a month ago this solution was suggested.   While the solution below helps us to quickly resolve issues for our customers, it is a violation of security policy.

 If you are having problems installing this application or other access issues, please bring it to my attention and I will work with management on getting a resolution for you.

 All possible solutions need to be vetted by IP.

All I can figure out is that because I dared to think outside the box and find a fix (that actually reset to the group policy default after rebooting) to the problem that was not being addressed by Infrastructure Protection, I had committed that violation of security policy—evidently grounds for immediate dismissal.

Anyhow I received a couple of panicked phone calls/texts from my recruiter after I left for the day and finally got in touch with her last night around 8 pm.

Supposedly no reason was given to her for my contract termination. The manner in which this was done was also not surprising; I'd witnessed similar with other contractors. One day they're there, and the the next they're gone, followed up by a generic "So and so is no longer employed by the agency."

My biggest concern was retrieving my personal possessions. The recruiter said, "I'll coordinate to have your things returned. They don't want you back on campus." All she was concerned about was getting my access badge (like it hadn't been disabled the moment I left the building yesterday) cell phone, and laptop, so after explaining that the phone and laptop were both in my office, we agreed to meet this morning at the local Starbucks to hand off the badge and parking permit.

While waiting for her to arrive, I reached out to my colleagues and asked that they gather my stuff up. Unsurprisingly they hadn't heard of my dismissal at that point, but after verifying it with our supervisor they went through my desk and got everything together. After coordinating with my department H.R. rep, I was able to pick everything up a couple hours later.

Interestingly, yesterday morning—well ahead of any of this going down—I must've tapped into something because after them both laying dormant for the last year, I reactivated both my and my profiles and uploaded new resumes.

I did this because I was so totally disgusted with the official reaction to solving this ongoing problem (this was not the first time a suggestion for improving a process had been shot down in spectacular fashion). I was done.

When my good friend Cindy learned of this turn of events, she extended an offer to hire me to set up her daughter's home office tech and to help her transfer years of photos from a half dozen naked hard drives onto her Mac. (Something she swears she was thinking of doing prior to any of this happening.) Needless to say, my day is booked tomorrow.


I'm So Tired Of Dealing With Assholes

So in their infinite wisdom, the I.T. Powers-That-Be decided that all the techs need to get fingerprinted and pass an FBI background check in the unlikely event that any one of us may be called upon to cover for the usual tech who supports our Enforcement building. Or something. Because reasons.

No big deal. I've done this before and there's nothing in my background to raise any red flags.

My coworker (the one who I wrote about earlier who randomly gives me attitude when he apparently gets up on the wrong side of the bed in the morning) and I were both scheduled to get fingerprinted at the same time at the same location. It seemed stupid for us to take two cars there, so I asked if I could catch a ride with him.

You'd think I asked for a goddamn kidney.

"Well, I was going to go by myself…"

So you can disappear for hours off-campus the way you do when you're on-campus?

I told him it didn't make any sense for us to take two cars if we were going to the same place at the same time.

He reluctantly agreed to let me ride with him.

The more I thought about it, the more pissed off I got. The next morning I sent him an email that simply said, "I've decided to take my own car. Thanks anyway."

His response: "Are you sure?"

Really? Really?

Yes, I'm sure. I should never have asked you in the first place, motherfucker.

There were four of us (the other two were from different sites) scheduled at the same time. Said coworker was the next to last to arrive because he hadn't bothered to read the email to know where to park. Yet he was the one who pushed his way to the head of the line when they started calling us back.

When I was finished with all the bullshit—and since I was driving my own car—I decided to take a short detour on the way back to the office and stop at my local coffee shop to grab an extra-large Tuxedo mocha before returning to work. Because reasons. Fuck it.

I'm Just DONE Today

I've worked other places where I barely tolerated some of my coworkers (cough, DISH, cough), but I can't honestly say I absolutely despised the lot of them the way I do at my current job. Granted, I have never worked for a government agency before, so maybe ineptitude and sloth are just business as usual and what's expected, but the arrogance that some of these people throw while not doing their jobs is just infuriating.

Paranoia runs rampant. I have written before about one of the techs I work with who keeps paper records of everything she does for fear of being reprimanded for not having answers if questions come up regarding any particular task she may have worked on and ironically is—for lack of a better term—a corporate tattletale. I'm convinced it was her running back to our boss that got two contract techs fired last year for the most innocuous reasons.

As if I needed any more proof of her proclivities, the other day she came back from lunch and couldn't wait to tell me about a homeless woman she saw at the local Circle K who was filling up an empty soda bottle from the soda machine and muching down on taquitos while she did it—and how my coworker then ran to the clerk (who has hip deep in customers at the time) and interrupted everything to tell her about it.

Okay, it is petty theft, but couldn't you have just walked away without saying anything?

Apparently not.

And then there's the other guy I work directly with. He's reasonably friendly, but some days gives me attitude for no reason at all. Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, buddy? His queue isn't any worse than mine, yet he disappears for hours every. single. day.

Don't get me started on our Network Security and Networking groups. They have everything so fucking locked down that in many cases we don't have the rights to effectively do our jobs. I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO TAKE A MACHINE OFF THE DOMAIN IN ORDER TO INSTALL A PIECE OF SOFTWARE THAT OUR OWN APPLICATION PEOPLE WROTE!! "Installation of this software is blocked by network policy" or "A referral has been returned by the server."

It's just ridiculous.

Be Careful What You Ask For

Because you may get it…

In addition to the other project I'm involved in at work, and because I'm 95% of the way to solving their issues, I have now been tasked with upgrading our video department's Macs to High Sierra and getting them to play nice on our Windows domain. Apparently I am the only person in this entire organization who has any real knowledge of MacOS. The level of apathy—if not outright disgust—I have received from the Enterprise Networking and Infrastructure Protection departments is astounding. I don't care if you personally don't like Macs or that they're "too much trouble." We've been directed to add them to our network by people way above your pay grade so fucking get over yourselves and assist me! (I have the complete backing of my supervisor, my supervisor's supervisor, and his supervisor—who is in charge of those assholes as well—so don't be giving me any crap or I will cut a bitch by proxy!)

Since before I worked at DISH and was there only tangentially exposed to Macs in the Enterprise, I had fantasized about working for a shop that was all or mostly Apple—if for no other reason I was suffering profound burnout with Windows and it would be a great opportunity to do something different. Never mind it would look great on a resume.

It's been a struggle getting these machines to behave, and it has definitely been a learning experience, but not an unpleasant one. One important fact I learned was that most problems can simply be solved by upgrading the OS. These Mac Pros were on an early iteration of Sierra and network drive aliases were constantly disappearing and refusing to reconnect after rebooting. I upgraded to the latest version of High Sierra after binding them to our domain and the problem completely disappeared.

I'm certainly no expert at any of this, but at least I know the right questions to ask and know how to use the Google.

There are a lot of things that automatically work and you take for granted in the Windows world, but when you throw Apple into the mix it seems everything has to be specifically spelled out. It's not that difficult; it's just a lot of moving parts to keep track of, especially when you have multiple users logging into the same machine.

It's still not completely sorted out, but I'm almost to the point where I can cut one of the machines loose for testing and let the users tell me what breaks.

(But yeah, I'd still like to work in a Mac shop…)

Oh, We Can't Do That!

About two months ago I got an email from my supervisor asking, "Do you know Mac and how to fix issues?

I responded that I was no expert by any means, but I did know my way around the OS. I asked what was up.

She responded, "Nothing right now but I may ping you at some point."

Because, you know, this is a government agency and we are hip deep in need to know bullshit—for even the littlest things.

A week later I got an invite for a meeting titled, "Mac Computers and Exchange" at the headquarters of our famous magazine.

Turns out there's been a years-long problem with the Macs crapping out and losing connection to the Exchange server, forcing calls to the Service Desk for password resets multiple times a day. (How exactly they were speaking to the exchange server through Outlook without being bound to the domain was something I never got a clear answer for, but I was pretty sure all the problems would disappear if the machines were actually on the domain.

The guy from the network group claimed it was a pain to add the machines to the domain. I knew this was bullshit from having worked at DISH, where there were literally hundreds of Macs on the domain—all of which worked flawlessly.

I did my own outside research on binding Macs to Active Directory and realized it wasn't nearly as much trouble as the network guy had indicated—especially since he said they were already set up for it on the back end. I convinced the magazine folks to lend me one of their machines so I could do some troubleshooting.

Back at my office, after wiping and doing a clean install of the OS, I easily bound it to our domain. I hadn't yet gotten the links to our MS Office installer, so I set up Apple Mail to connect to the Exchange Server. Rock steady. After logging in initially, it never prompted for my credentials again.

The general consensus among the Mac Troubleshooting team was that several applications (Adobe CS and Outlook among them) were having issues getting past our anal-retentive firewall. Even though it was set up in networking with the correct name and port, getting to certain locations—easily accessible on a Windows machine—was impossible.

After speaking with the magazine's webmaster, I got a list of websites that needed to be whitelisted in order to get past the firewall to connect to Adobe services. I was also told that several certificates needed to be copied from my Windows machine.

I added the sites and the certificates, and I was able to connect Adobe Creative Cloud and download applications and fonts. I could also get to most websites—on Chrome at least. (Safari refused—and is continuing to refuse—to connect to anything outside the firewall.)

Even while logged into Adobe, Apple Mail and the connection to the Exchange server remained steady. I felt like I was making progress. I'd been documenting everything in mails to the group and getting positive feedback from the magazine folks.

A few days later I was finally able to install MS Office. Sure enough, once I started using Outlook all hell broke loose. Not doing anything on the machine, Outlook would kick me out, prompt for credentials and then lock my account.

I asked the magazine's webmaster (who had become the group's de facto contact person) if they'd ever considered just using the native Apple apps for mail and calendar. "I don't remember the exact reason because it was several years ago, but we were told by network security we couldn't do that."


Apparently unlike anyone else on this fucking team, I actually went to the Google and did some research on the Outlook issue. I discovered the credential-prompting problem was at one point fairly common and had been addressed by a subsequent Office update. Imagine that.

Of course, the only problem in our locked-down environment was getting the Office update because—of course—the automatic downloader in Office was being blocked by the fucking firewall.

More research led me to the direct download link from Microsoft, and once it was downloaded and installed, the prompting issue—for the most part—disappeared.

After the update, for the rest of the day I remained connected without so much as a hiccup.I left everything logged in that evening, but returned to work the next day to discover that at some point Outlook had logged me out and was once again prompting for my credentials. Discouraged, I stepped away from it for a while and went back to my other duties (i.e. wasting time on the internet).

Apple released the 10.13.4 OS update late last week, and at this point I felt I had nothing to lose by upgrading the machine. Outlook still wasn't working 100% and the worst case scenario would be that the update would break something horrifically and  I'd have to wipe and reinstall everything again. I could live with if the update actually did something to alleviate this issue.

So last Friday I downloaded the "combo update" package for 10.13.4 (because the App Store is also blocked by our firewall) and upgraded the machine.

I stayed logged into both our domain, Adobe CC, and our Exchange Server through Outlook over the weekend. Except for one unrelated incident this morning that caused everyone to be bounced, the connection has been rock steady.

All's well and good, right?

Well, not so fast. When you work for a government agency, you can't just  go fixing things, y'know. Prior to our last meeting, just getting as far as I had prior to the upgrades was met with a flurry of "Oh well, we can't do thats" from the network guy. The magazine people were fine with binding to the domain. They'd have access to network resources without having to jump through hoops, and if the Outlook/firewall issue was solved, this solution could be implemented for other Mac-using (or wanna-be-Mac-using) departments in the organization (such as Video and Creative, who have their own set of issues).

For shits and giggles—since this was not specifically part of my purview)  I loaded our Citrix client on this loaner machine, and was able to access my Citrix desktop and use all the same Windows tools I do through Citrix on my Windows laptop.

In a way this was frustrating because It makes me want a Mac at work. The UI is so much more elegant than Windows. The machine boots up and connects in a heartbeat, and it's just a much more pleasant user experience. Since I was told I'm now the backup Mac support guy for the magazine a good case could be made for it, right?

Yeah, well, that's not going to happen and eventually I'm going to have to return the loaner.

Last week I was working with one of the guys in Creative who—who, along with the other members of the team—is struggling with the Adobe Suite on an admittedly decent Dell workstation. Recently they've been complaining about how it takes forever to do anything and have asked for quotes on more powerful machines (10 core processors, SSDs, 32GB RAM). They got a quote of around $4K for the monsters and of course, there was much hand-wringing.

While I was trying to get this particular user's CC apps to update to the latest version (they refused, because the latest version of Windows 10 is not installed on the machine) I told him that they really should be using Macs. "Duh!" was his response.

I related the research I'd been doing for the magazine, and suggested that for the amount of money they were going to lay out for new Windows machines, if the problems fully integrating Macs into our environment could be solved, that taxpayer-provided funding would be better spent on buying Apple gear.

I told him I'd run the idea past his supervisor.

I met with her yesterday, and she said she'd spoken to purchasing about this and got nothing but pushback. It was obvious they had little to no knowledge of the work that we'd been doing over at the magazine and was still quoting the company line,  "Macs don't work in our environment."

Well no, they don't—if it's going to be business as usual and my suggestion that the machines be put on the domain continues to be ignored.

At this point I'm frustrated because they want solutions—but yet it seems they don't. The entrenched bureaucracy in Networking and Network Security are dismissing my recommendations and more than anything else I'm getting the attitude from them that I don't know what I'm doing, and furthermore why should they listen to a contract employee anyway? I'm almost to the point of asking my supervisor why I even need to be on this team if all my suggestions are shot down. What's the point?

If nothing else, this exercise has made me realize I really want to work somewhere that I can support Macs.


The Last Workday of 2017

And I'm here by myself, with both coworkers again being "on leave" at the last minute.

I knew from looking at my supervisor's calendar earlier this week that they'd be gone yesterday, but there was nothing about either of them being gone today as well. I guess that's one of the perks of being a beloved FTE who has worked ONE PLACE YOUR ENTIRE LIFE; you get to magically extend your paid leave with little or no notice.

I can just imagine what would happen if I tried that. Nevermind that as a contractor I have no paid or holiday leave (and I only have a meager amount of sick time because of a new Arizona law that went into effect last July). "Uh Mark, there have been some staffing changes, and we've notified your agency that your services will no longer be required." Yeah, we've seen that script played out many times over the nearly two years I've worked here.

Oh well. There was literally nothing going on yesterday, and based on how empty the parking lot was when I rolled up I doubt much will be happening today either. Heck, all the lights were off in my section of the building when I arrived…


What I've Learned

What I've learned over the past two years contracting as a PC Tech at a state agency:

All you really need to survive here is to basically show up for work and don't piss anyone off.

Expediency, efficiency, and providing good customer service are not requisite—and in some cases are actively discouraged in spite of their newly adopted bullshit continuous improvement "Kaizen" initiative.

And lastly, it's all about power. Power over people. Power to control. Fiefdoms abound.

A few examples:

Unlike every. other. place. I've worked, we don't have complete rights to the tools within Active Directory. We can no longer delete computers (sometimes necessary to troubleshoot them dropping off the network), nor can we change users' groups or permissions. ALL OF THAT requires generating a ticket to the Service Desk, who then routes it to Access Management, where it can languish for weeks before being addressed.

Just last week I had a device that had fallen off the network. This particular customer is already a PITA, so I wanted to get it fixed right away. I went to delete the object from AD and I got an error that I didn't have rights. What the hell? I'd done this dozens of times before. So I apologized to the customer, went back to my desk, called the Service Desk and asked them to delete it.

They didn't have permission. So I called Access Management and spoke to one of the drones there. She wanted to know why I wanted the object deleted and recreated, and after an extended discussion she agreed that needed to be done and supposedly deleted and recreated it.

I returned to the customer's desk and attempted to rejoin the domain. Same error. At this point I said fuck it, and returned to my desk, created a new object with the same asset tag number and an "L" designation (for laptop) instead of "T" (for tablet). I returned to the customer's desk, renamed the machine and finally got it rejoined and back online. Was it kosher? No. Was the customer happy? Yes.

We also got chewed out yesterday for occasionally making users local administrators on their machines. This is sometimes necessary to  install software under their profiles, or to allow software to run properly. (Surefire way of telling if it's a permissions issue is for me to check it under my profile. If it runs fine there but not under the customer's, it's a permissions issue.)

Apparently we aren't supposed to do this. (I can't find this spelled out in any documentation anywhere.) If someone needs local admin rights there has to be written justification and—you guessed it—a ticket generated for Access Management to move the person into the proper security group. My question is this: how much damage can a local administrator really do, other than completely fucking up their own machine? They don't have rights to mess with anything on the network, so worst case scenario would be that a machine would have to be reimaged. I guess it's another one of the many on-the-fly directives that have gone into effect without notifying the people affected. Anyhow, we were informed that if this happened again there would be disciplinary action!

Whatever, bitch. Whatever.

And as one final example of the bullshit "continuous improvement" initiative, at every other place I've worked, I've kept a couple "spare" ready-to-deploy computers around to swap out in the event of an emergency. I suggested this to my boss and it was immediately shot down. "Oh, we can't just have state equipment sitting around." Oh no…if a machine goes down it has to be picked up, sent to Hardware for repair/reimaging, picked up from there and then transported back; a process that normally takes 2-3 days. God forbid I should be able to swap out a piece of equipment in less than an hour and allow the customer to continue working. Efficiency? NOT AT THIS PLACE.

Lastly, in the area of Customer Service, I am appalled at what passes for it around here. One of my coworkers (let's call her Maria) is a lifer. The woman is in her 40s, and this place is the only place she's ever worked. She crosses every "t" and dots every "i". She has paper copies of everything she's ever worked on locked away in file cabinets in case anything she's done is questioned. EVERYTHING she does has a process, and if something requires thinking outside that process, you can almost see the hard drive light in the middle of her forehead flashing wildly, not being able to access the data. And yet in spite of all these years of "service," her lack of knowledge about basic tech stuff is flabbergasting. There's no curiosity, no initiative. And never mind her complete lack of customer service skills:

Projector stops working. I pick up the ticket.

"Oh, we don't support that. Tell the customer to contact the vendor directly."

"What if it's just a matter of it simply not being plugged in? Don't you even go look?"

"No. Note in the ticket that customer needs to contact the vendor and close it out."


(As it turned out, I did go check it out and it was simply unplugged.)

Memories of San Francisco

Hogg & Mythen Architects, Part Four


I have a ready answer whenever I'm asked that infamous interview question, "What was the biggest mistake you ever made at work and how did you fix it?"

H&M did a variety of work, but our bread and butter income came from tenant improvement projects (a client leases space in an existing building and creates offices to their design specifications). Of these, the building at 30 Van Ness (at the corner of Market and Van Ness) was primary. One of the first CAD-intensive projects we undertook was to completely measure and draw up all four floors (plus underground parking garage) of the building since these shell drawings could be easily used again and again when it came time to build out any particular area.

I don't remember the exact circumstances, but I must've been fucking around with something on my system (the one where all our drawings were stored) one day and all that work was gone. Might've reformatted the hard drive, or updated the OS or god knows what, but all I knew was that all that data was no longer there. I checked for copies on the other two machines where we had AutoCAD installed and came up empty handed. I was in a panic. After scouring every location I could think of, I put my tail between my legs and told Nick.

Surprisingly, he wasn't angry. All he said was, "Well, you'd better get back to work and recreate them." Wow.

Fortunately, we still had all the measured sketches we'd done, so it wouldn't involve physically measuring the building again, but I was looking at a lot of work nonetheless. I sucked it up, went back to my desk and started drafting.

I happened to glance over at a stack of banker boxes against the wall and noticed the FedEx mailing envelope we used to take diskettes back and forth to the blueprinters (this was before we had own own plotter on site). I walked over, looked inside, and let out a yelp that was undoubtedly heard down the street. In that envelope were three diskettes containing all the plans of 30 Van Ness. They were several days out of date (we'd started a new TI project), but damn…a few days out of date was infinitely preferable to having to recreate months of work.

My ass was saved.

Immediately thereafter, we bought a tape backup for each of the PCs and began a thorough backup routine.


The biggest project H&M was ever involved in was the design and construction of a new school in Seoul, South Korea. I've long since forgotten how this particular project fell into our lap, but it was the one thing I am most proud of during my time at the firm. Jack and Nick were pretty much hands-off as far as design was concerned, giving Neill free reign and he definitely thought outside the box on this one. Very "post modern" (it was the mid 90s, after all) I remember the main multi-story facade being a diagonal black and white checkerboard with horizontal red brick accents. The client loved it.

I didn't travel to South Korea with Nick, Jack, and Neill even though the invitation was extended because—reasons. I didn't have a passport, dreaded the thought of a twelve hour flight over the open ocean, and frankly, simply didn't want to be away from home for the two weeks this visit was projected to take. So along with Cerese, I stayed back and "held down the fort" until they returned.

I just emailed Nick, hoping that he has some photos of the project he can send me. If I hear back from him I'll post them.


August 1994. I'd reached the end of my rope with many aspects of life in San Francisco. Still smarting from the breakup with Rory a year earlier, it seemed life in The City had lost all the magic it once held. Two unplanned trips back to Phoenix to deal with parental health emergencies showed me that life in Arizona really wasn't as bad as I'd remembered—although I still had no real desire to move back to Phoenix; if I returned to the Grand Canyon state I'd definitely head south to Tucson. After much thought a particularly nasty run-in with a meter maid downtown (the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back), I decided it was time to leave. I gave notice on my apartment and at work.

They were devastated.

During the following two weeks while boxing up my life (Annie Lennox's Diva is forever burned into my mind as the soundtrack for those weeks), strange things started to happen. San Francisco was not going to give up her grip on me so easily. The magic started returning: a cool ocean breeze, fog spilling over Twin Peaks, friends all but begging me not to leave, more than one encounter with a handsome stranger after exchanging glances…and discovering the joys of a newly-opened sex club South of Market called The Playground. (Pet Shop Boys' Relentless will forever associated in my mind with that place and its wonderful wanton memories.)

I suddenly found myself wondering why the hell I was leaving San Francisco.  Was it really too late?  My buddy Stan was fond of telling me it wasn't.  I wondered if he might be right.

One evening I sat down to write in my Journal, hoping to sort this all out, but I didn't get more than a paragraph completed.  I started writing about everything that had happened during the previous week; the men, the realization that I really did have friends there who didn't want me to leave, the magic that had come back into my life in various forms—and I wrote, "I can't leave!"  I broke down and cried.

And then, at 12:15 a.m. that night, I made a decision.  I wasn't going to leave.  No matter what it cost, I was not going to say good-bye to my beloved San Francisco.  The only problem was the financial Catch-22 I found myself in.  I had to leave Hogg & Mythen in order to remain in San Francisco; I needed the severance money they were going to be giving me in order to pay the two month's rent I now required in order to stay in my apartment.  I didn't relish the thought of leaving the guys, but at the same time I knew from my conversation with Nick a week earlier that because of the however-misplaced sense of betrayal was feeling, staying on was probably not an option.  No matter.  It would force me to find a position doing more computer and less (much less) architecture, which was my ultimate goal.

What I was not prepared for when I told him of my decision to stay was the fact that he wanted to keep me on—and—would be willing to loan me the money to pay my rent so I could stay.  Now that is something you just coudn't find in any workplace. Needless to say, I accepted.

Unfortunately—or fortunately, depending on your perspective, this magic didn't last. It was all a ruse by San Francisco to get me to stay. Once I'd signed that dotted line, life returned to "normal." A year later, I was packing again—and this time it was for real.

The only picture I have of the four of us together. Amazing, considering I worked with those guys 8 years!

The folks at H&M at first didn't believe me, but as the clock ticked town to the last couple days I think it finally sank in that this was goodbye. On my last day, we all went out to lunch and returned to the office where we had a very tearful goodbye. They even let me keep the infamous bright red desk chair that I'd picked out a year earlier…

Tucson lasted only six months (another story for another time), but when I found myself back in San Francisco again—and gone, and then to return again—I didn't approach H&M other than to offer my services as an independent contractor. We'd all been through so much, and if I was ever going to make a clean break from architecture, this was the time to do it. As it turned out, I ended up at a major architectural firm for a few months following my first arrival back in The City out of necessity, but thankfully that gig was cut short by an opportunity to dip my toes into the then-exciting career of PC Support. By the time I'd left San Francisco and returned again three years later, my previous architectural career was already but a fading memory.

Would I go back and change anything if I could? Not a thing. Everything that's happened in my life has brought me to the place where I am—and who I'm with—now, and I wouldn't have it any other way.


Memories of San Francisco

Hogg & Mythen Architects, Part Three


323 Fremont Street

We found a new home for the office about a half mile southeast of our old location. It wasn't the one of the several we looked at South of Market that I liked the best, but then, it wasn't my firm. It was another older building—albeit one that passed its earthquake inspection, was entirely wood frame, and for the rent offered an incredible amount of space (we occupied the entire upper floor). It was kind of a lofty space, although not really a loft as strictly defined, even though the entire rear half the office had a structurally-exposed two story ceiling. We eventually added a bunch of color to the space—as well as painting the front door a bright canary yellow on which we overlaid the company logo in black. We also put up track lights (it was the 90s, after all) and bolted the shelving units to the wall. Lesson learned.

My work area after a good cleaning

Our workload swelled—and then crashed—as the years passed following the move.  After the infamous Black Wednesday of 1992, things got so bad Nick and Jack were forced with either laying us all off or asking that we voluntarily go to four day weeks. Since they had done so much for both Neill and I over the years and neither one of us particularly wanted to look for work in that kind of economy, the decision was a no-brainer. When everything snapped back, not only did our workload necessitate the hiring of two more drafters, but it also resulted in raises and bonuses, the likes of which we hadn't ever seen. Neill and I even convinced the bosses that in addition to the already paid vacation and holidays, to stay competitive they also needed to provide health insurance. Done and done.

To say that we were like a family was an understatement. When the owners exchanged words, Neill and I would retreat to the kitchen, whispering to each other that it was like when our biological parents fought.


We always did something special for the holidays. The first year I worked for H&M, it was a ferry ride across the bay to Sausalito for lunch. The second year was much more exciting, and not necessarily in a good way. Nick decided that we needed to go fishing on the bay. He contacted a longtime friend with a boat and off we went—during some of the worst weather we'd ever seen in December.

As I wrote in those infamous Journals (and amended some time later):

Today we went out on San Pablo Bay to go fishing in lieu of having a regular Christmas Lunch.  It was interesting, but not something I think I'd jump at again.  I'm still very uncomfortable on small boats, and even though the water is supposedly only about thirty feet deep where we were, it was murky enough to make me uneasy.

The weather today was awful.  It was bitterly cold, windy and raining.  The bay calmed down for about an hour, but heading back to the marina (in Richmond), it was very choppy.  Neill caught a 40 lb. sturgeon and we all  ended up with sturgeon steaks. I threw mine out upon returning home (I wasn't going to eat anything that came out of that bay), and after seeing Nick bludgeon the poor thing to death on the dock, it caused Neil to become a vegetarian.

3 almost-drowned rats: Neil, Jack, and Your Host
Mike, the unfortunate sturgeon, Your Host, Neill looking a little green, and Jack

Subsequent holiday lunches were either spent in The City or down the coast, anywhere from Pacifica to Santa Cruz. One memorable lunch was had at The Shore Bird in Half Moon Bay—where I had the most delicious halibut I have ever eaten. Sadly, the restaurant has long since closed. Another year we drove down to Capitola for dinner at a Shadowbrook, a restaurant that you entered via a small tramway. (Nick got very drunk that night and while I was designated driver and responsible for driving us back to The City, it was Nick's minivan and we had to listen to the soundtrack from Twin Peaks on endless repeat all the way home.)

(to be continued)

Memories of San Francisco

Hogg & Mythen Architects, Part Two


About six months into my employment at H&M, one morning I arrived at work to find a brand new IBM XT PC sitting on that fold-out conference room desk. Okay, it wasn't a real IBM; it was a no-name locally-grown clone, but still…it was 1987 and this was a personal computer! It sat there for several days until I asked, "Is anyone going to do anything with that?"

Nick replied, "We were hoping you'd ask. It's all yours."

And so began my descent into the madness that would lead me to my current career.

Bernie (my ex, with whom I was sharing that flat with) was working as a legal secretary/assistant/word processor and had more experience with personal computers than I had. (To this point my only exposure had been with a Commodore VIC-20 about five years earlier.) I told him what had been loaded on the machine: DOS 3.1, Wordstar and some database program whose name eludes me. I'd started teaching myself Wordstar when Bernie said, "Fuck that. You need WordPerfect, and promptly supplied me with a set of 4.2 installation disks.

He was right. WordPerfect was much more intuitive and allowed me the opportunity to start creating fifteen years of obsessive, self-absorbed Journals that are at this point cringe-worthy reading.

Prior to moving to San Francisco, I had worked for a firm in Tucson that was on the verge of converting to AutoCAD. They brought Autodesk in to demo their product, and even then in the prehistoric days of 8088 processors and CGA displays, I knew this was the direction architecture was headed. Unfortunately converting the entire office was so cost-prohibitive (not to mention the initial loss of productivity that was expected) the project was shelved. But that spark of "the future" had taken hold in my imagination, and when the opportunity to obtain a copy of the program presented itself to me in San Francisco, I jumped on it.

Two roadblocks stood in the way of converting H&M to this new way of doing things: (1) I had to gain enough expertise with the program that my productivity wouldn't be measurably impacted and (2) sell the whole concept to the bosses.

By this time I'd gotten my own PC at home, so teaching myself AutoCAD consumed me. Prior to this you would find me at the beach most every weekend (weather permitting) and sometimes even after work. That—and my meticulously curated tan flew out the window thereafter.

(As an aside, one of the things I most loved about this firm was on the first sunny day after a long, wet winter, Nick would often just close the office and say, "Go to the beach! Enjoy the weather!")

All that came crashing down once I welcomed the electronic demon into my home. I was literally moving objects in my dreams by calling out cartesian coordinates—that's how thoroughly and completely AutoCAD had consumed my consciousness.

But it paid off. After I felt comfortable enough putting my own set of architectural floor plans together, I suggested to Nick that on our next project we try it live. If it works, great. If not, then we continue drafting the old fashioned way.

He went for it—and many more instances of pushing the envelope—allowing me a degree of freedom to learn and explore that has been unmatched in any position I've held since.

The office's original XT class computer had only a monochrome "Hercules" display. It was unbelievably crisp, but differentiating layers in AutoCAD was difficult and time consuming. I convinced them to buy a color monitor to make life a bit easier and offset the amount of money we were wasting on plots that didn't come out looking the way they should because items weren't on the correct layers. It wasn't a high-res setup, but the colors at least cut down on the errors.

As time passed, the four of us settled into certain roles. Jack was the one who brought in the work, Nick managed the projects, the office, and the accounting. Neill became the de facto firm designer (he avoided doing CAD for years), and I was the guy who created all the production drawings. Life was good.

As the years went by, my knowledge and expertise increased. DOS gave way to Windows. AutoCAD and Wordperfect were purchased and regularly upgraded. We finally gave up on WordPerfect altogether after their initial foray into Windows crashed and burned spectacularly, forcing our hand to MS Word. I also somehow managed to teach myself Excel during this transition, something that's paid off many times over the years. After spending hundreds of dollars to have our drawings printed at the local blueprint shop, we bought our own plotter. The original XT-class PC was replaced by a 286, then a 386, and by the time I left in 1995, a 486 machine. It was augmented by three others, eventually being crudely networked thanks to Windows for Workgroups.


On 17 October 1989 I left work about fifteen minutes early. I don't remember why; only that I did. I was about three blocks from home, walking down 12th Street, when I rubbed one of my eyes and the contact lens rode up onto the top of my eyeball. As I was struggling to get it repositioned, the ground started shaking. "That's odd," I thought. And then I realized what was happening.

As my contact lens finally made it down to where it was supposed to be, the shaking continued, and I looked up to see the cantilevered billboard at the corner of 12th & South Van Ness wobbling vertically. I heard glass breaking and people screaming. The shaking stopped. A few errant car alarms could be heard wailing.

I arrived home to find my then-roommate Frank, mopping up water from the fish tank that had sloshed onto the floor. That—and the fact we were without power for several days afterward—was the extent of the damage we suffered.

The same could not be said for the H&M office at 2nd & Mission, however. Nick (who was the only one in the office at the time) related that when the shaking started, the shelves (which had not been secured to the wall) began to fall and he sprinted for the exit.

The building was red-flagged.

If I'd left work at my usual time, I would've been on the underground when it hit.

Like a lot of places in the aftermath of Loma Prieta, the office was closed for an extended period as the Bay Area dug itself out. But Jack and Nick—being the type of folks they were—continued to pay us as the search for new office space began.

(to be continued)

Memories of San Francisco

An old coworker/friend from my days in San Francisco whom I haven't heard from in ages in popped into a dream this morning. Seeing Neill again after all these years left me with such a wonderfully warm feeling—as if to remind me that the world hasn't always been the shit storm we currently find ourselves in—that I decided it was way past time to start jotting down memories of my time in The City before they slip away completely.

(Even now I must publish this caveat: they may or may not be a hundred percent accurate; such is the nature of the human mind and while I can go back and read my journals from the period, I only started writing them in 1987 and I didn't record everything.)

Hogg & Mythen Architects, Part One

When I first moved to San Francisco thirty one years ago this month, employment was not immediately forthcoming. I didn't expect to just walk into a job, but I had a desirable skill set, and knew it would just be a matter of time before I got settled.

After about a month, a landed a job working as an architectural drafter in a small firm in Japantown. The only downside to this was that I was working as an independent contractor, i.e. paying all my own taxes and had no benefits whatsoever. It didn't take me long to realize the office was filled with "independent contractors," all of whom had the classification but none of the perks of actually being independent. We were expected to work in the office with fixed hours and all the tools we needed to perform our tasks were supplied by the owner of the firm. And did I mention there wasn't ever any sort of contract for services signed by either party?

The owner was in the midst of renovating a three unit Victorian about two blocks from the office and my second partner and I (we'd moved to SF together after splitting up, go figure) ended up renting the bottom unit. That is another story for a different post.

Anyhow, as the months dragged on, I was becoming increasingly disenchanted with this employment arrangement, especially how I saw how we were all being taken advantage of. I brought up my concerns with the grizzled old bitch of an accountant who came into the office periodically (another "independent" contractor, no doubt), and I was told in no uncertain terms, "Everything we are doing is perfectly legal."

By the time January rolled around, I'd had enough. I sent out resumes to every San Francisco architectural firm listed in the phone book. A few days later I received a call asking me to come in for an interview.

Hogg & Mythen Architects was located on the third floor of a building on the southeast corner of Mission & 2nd Street downtown that had obviously seen better days. As I entered the rickety elevator and reached the third floor, greeted by a locked gate that cordoned off the lobby from the offices, I seriously thought about just turning around and leaving.

2nd & Mission Streets, 1987

But I didn't.

I rang the bell, and was greeted by Nick, one of the owners. He showed me into the long, narrow office space and told me to take a seat at the fold-up conference table nestled up against a wall of bookshelves containing product catalogs and reference materials. A few moments later, Jack—the other owner—joined us and we started talking. The interview went on for over an hour. I showed the examples of my work, went over my background, and asked about the type of work they specialized in and what they were willing to pay. Despite the rather dank environment, everything sounded great and I liked these guys. It was an easy commute via a single bus line and as I left I really hoped I'd get a call from them.

By the time I'd arrived back home, there was already a message waiting on the answering machine. "We like you and would like for you to come work for us."

And so what was to become an almost decade-long relationship began.

I started work at H&M the following Monday, giving my current employer next-to-no notice (after all, I was an independent contractor) and shortly thereafter turned the bastard into the IRS. They nailed him to the wall. He ended up having to pay back taxes on all his "contractors" and I didn't owe a penny that year.

I was not H&M's only employee. They had one other drafter, a guy named Neill who had been on vacation when I'd interviewed with them. We met about a week into my employment. He was a tall, lanky ginger lad who had dual US/UK citizenship and had recently graduated from UC Berkeley. We hit it off immediately, but we really didn't bond until one day we were out measuring a building and he said something about cocksuckers. Without missing a beat, I replied, "Hey, some of my best friends are cocksuckers!" and he replied, "So are some of mine!" And that was the moment I came out to him.

Neill, Your Host, and Nick, on the Ferry to Sausalito for our Christmas Outing, 1987

Neill wasn't gay, but being a resident of San Francisco, he was still a staunch ally. While we butted heads on several occasions, to this day I still have nothing but affection for Neill and my only regret is that over the years we've lost touch with each other. He successfully got his architectural license the last year we worked together, and as I understand it has long since moved to the UK, gotten married, and now has kids of his own.

(to be continued)

Customer Service

With all the years I've been doing PC support, one truth is self-evident: every company has approximately a dozen users who are unmitigated pains-in-the-ass. It's either because they're willfully ignorant, refuse to learn and expect you to hold their hand through every step of a process—or they're arrogant assholes who they think the entire organization will collapse if they can't do their work. Usually the two go hand-in-hand.

Yesterday I had a very unpleasant interaction with one of these Dirty Dozen. Afterward I mentioned this user's name to one of my coworkers, and he responded, "Oh, you mean 'Queen-Of-All-She-Surveys?'" Glad to know it isn't just me who has this opinion.

I have a bit of history with this person. Several months ago I was assigned a ticket to help her recover some pictures from a CD. I didn't think anything of it until I actually got deskside and found out that they were personal photos from her daughter's birthday party.

I told her I would be unable to assist because this was not work related. She lit into me about not providing good customer service and how the entire support structure here was crap and she was going to speak to my supervisor…yada, yada, yada.

It was all I could do to not roll my eyes.

Well, after I got back to my desk I immediately called my boss who backed me 100%. "That was definitely not work related and she shouldn't have called it in. You did the right thing."

Well about a week ago I got a request from her admin to install a certain piece of software on five workstations in her department (including Queen-Of-All-She-Surveys). Thankfully QOASS was out of the office when I did the install. Unfortunately, I immediately ran into a snag because the software has to be registered online before it can even be used and it appeared that our firewall was blocking access to that particular website—as well as its alternate.

I let the admin know I would try connecting to the website with my Mac (which isn't on the corporate network) when i got back to my desk, and if successful would circle back around with her to get the necessary activation codes entered into the five machines.

I wasn't able to reach the website from my Mac either. I checked that night from home and it still wasn't reachable. This told me the manufacturer was having issues. I spoke with the admin the next day and told her I would keep checking over the next few days and when the site was back online I'd be in touch. "No problem," she said.

Well, yesterday morning I got a nasty email from the subject of this story asking why the software still hadn't been activated. "It's been over a week!" (Yeah, bitch, there was also a four-day weekend in there in case you hadn't noticed.) Before I contacted her, I attempted to reach the website through our network and lo and behold, it was finally working.

I called her, connected to her machine, and activated the software. The software of course, required additional user-specific setup to be done before it could be used, and when I told her it would be a few more minutes, she snapped, "I don't have time for this! We ordered this software weeks ago and it should work without having to go through all this!" At this point I had to bite my tongue. I very calmly asked, "When do you have time available to finish setting up the software?"

"I don't know! You have control of my PC and I need to look at my calendar!"

I told her to take the mouse, open Outlook and check.

"1 pm. It's the only time I have available."

"Great," I said. "I'll send you an Outlook invite for 1 pm today."

I called her at 1 pm. "I don't need your help any more. My admin set it up for me."

What. A. Cunt.


When I came on board at this agency eighteen months ago as a contracted "imaging specialist," they were hip deep in a statewide PC refresh project that was not going well. (I had interviewed with them two prior times during the previous six months to assist with this project, first as a "morning after" service desk technician and then as a PC tech. I was rejected both times—and at that point they were already nearly a year behind schedule.)

Initially the new equipment was being pushed out with Windows 10. It was resoundingly hated by the user base, but more importantly it didn't play nice with several mission-critical software applications. (You'd think they would've done some testing first, but no—this is the gub'mint after all.)

About three months into my tenure, the grousing from the users and the software incompatibilities became such an issue that it was announced that we were no longer to be rolling out Windows 10, and were reverting to 7 from that point forward. The machines that were already in the field with 10 were going to remain unless they needed to run that incompatible software (or the users screamed loud enough).

Prior to this gig, I had next-to-no experience with 10, and after fighting to get it to behave (as did all of my colleagues), I welcomed the news that everything was going back to 7.

But then something funny happened. As my contract was starting to wind down, I decided to load 10 on my own workstation. All the job postings I looked at required at least a modicum of Windows 10 experience, so I figured I'd better grab what I could while I had the opportunity.

And it turned out I actually came to like the OS—not enough for me to ever want to give up Apple for my own personal computing, but in a work environment it really wasn't bad!

The main part of the refresh project ended last fall, but instead of packing my things and saying goodbye as I'd anticipated, they offered to keep me on as a pc/desktop tech (with a 30% increase in pay). Naturally I accepted, so I didn't need the Windows 10 experience, but I'm still glad to have gained it.

We just completed Phase 2 of the statewide refresh, and Windows 7 is still being put out there. Surprisingly, there's been no talk of revisiting Windows 10, even though Microsoft's support of 7 will be ending in about 30 months—only halfway through the agency's 5-year hardware refresh schedule. I find that more than a little short-sighted, especially since as far as I know, nothing is being done to get the non-compliant applications brought up to speed.

I guess if nothing else it's job security for me…

The Island of Misfit Toys

That's how I describe my current place of employment.

Prior to this gig, I had never worked for a government agency. Needless to say, the past eighteen months have been an eye-opener, and what stands out the most is the sheer number of societal outcasts and broken people—both mentally and physically—working here. And before anyone says, "But you work there too!" I readily admit that being here obviously puts me in that class as well. But is it societal, mental or physical? As Ben says, it's probably "Some o' Column A, some o' Column B."

That's not to say any these folks are unpleasant. They aren't. But they do tend to fall into two broad categories: those who don't give a fuck yet somehow manage to retain their jobs, and those who are absolutely anal about dotting every "i" and crossing every "t".

The two colleagues with whom I share office space and work closely—both of whom have been here forever—each come from one of those groups. One disappears for hours on end; no one seems to know where he goes, but our customers have noted he spends an awful lot of time in the parking lot on his phone. He does close his assignments, so I assume he's doing something job related during his vanishing acts.

My other co-worker has a hissy if I fail to move my magnetic dot on our in/out board to the proper column—even though there are only the three of us in this office and we can readily see each other from our desks. She has years' worth of file folders full of copies of all her completed assignments, equipment transfer forms, and department policies and procedures. If anything happens that's out of the scope of her daily routine you'd think aliens had landed.

The one common element between the two of them is that they both don't seem to have a clue about what constitutes good customer service; something that has left me shocked on more than one occasion. "We just install the software. Troubleshooting it is up to the customer," or "We don't handle [fill in the blank] hardware. They need to contact the vendor directly."

This flies in the face of a lifetime of trying to do my best work. Okay, I get that you don't handle [fill in the blank] hardware or troubleshoot software after install, but would it kill you to at least go look at the problem in case it is something that you can easily fix? Showing you at least made an effort leaves a much more positive impression than simply telling the customer in so many words to go fuck off because it's not your responsibility.

Despite the longevity of some of the workers here (one of my favorites is a guy who's worked here fifty-five years), there is also huge amount of turnover, and along with that comes a lot of knowledge lost.

Most recently (and what really prompted this post and illustrates the problem of lost knowledge) was a situation where I'd swapped out a customer's laptop. While not quite ready for official refresh, it was an older model that was being wonky to the point that troubleshooting it wasn't a good use of my resources. Her installed software list raised only one red flag—simply because I had heretofore no experience with it—but that one piece of software has become a thorn in my side.

The refresh went well. I even found the installer for this bit of software and everything was going smoothly. The problems started after I'd left and she attempted to use the software. The response I got from both my colleagues was, "We just install it. Roger (not his real name) in Applications Support configures it."

Well, trouble was, Roger had quit about two weeks earlier. His official replacement knew even less about the program than I did. To the guy's credit, he did attempt to get it working. Everything functioned normally on the new laptop under his profile, and the customer could log into any other machine in the department and have it work as well, but for some reason it refused to function with her login on the new laptop.

Since this particular customer is a private-office-with-a-door squeaky wheel who I sensed wouldn't have a second thought about getting my boss involved, in spite of what my colleagues had told me, I returned to do some basic troubleshooting to see if the problem could be resolved—going so far as to totally recreate her profile from scratch, thinking that whatever was borked would sort itself out on clean load.


Roger's replacement stepped up and attempted further troubleshooting with the vendor, but after several days they both gave up, recommending reimaging or replacement the machine. Since reimaging would leave the customer without a way to work for 24-48 hours, I opted for replacing the entire laptop so she could work until time came to do the swap.

Well, I got the new laptop yesterday and loaded all her software except the one application in question. I took it over to her this morning so that Roger's replacement could install that once piece of software himself it to ensure it was done correctly.

But he didn't have the admin rights to do so. He also didn't even know where the installer was located!

Our software repository is a disaster. It's spread out in multiple folders across multiple servers, and even after 18 months on the job, I'm sure I still don't know all the hidey-holes where all this stuff is squirreled away. I went to the so called new "official" repository, but the version of the software I found there was ancient. I found a newer version at a different location, but as I was loading it, Roger's replacement said, "That's 6.2. We need 6.3."

"Do you know where I can find that?"

"No. [Coworker who lives on his phone in the parking lot] always installs it for us."

And with that, I turned to him and said, "We need to reschedule. [Coworker who lives on his phone in the parking lot] is on vacation until next week and I have no way of contacting him."

Needless to say, everyone was frustrated.

How can you be point-of-contact support for a software application and not even know where it's installed from?



Sorry for the lack of real posts lately. I just haven't been feeling inspired. Between the shit show that is DC and the return of my regularly scheduled 4 am insomnia (a time when I should probably haul myself out of bed and write instead of just tossing and turning until I finally fall asleep fifteen minutes before my alarm goes off), I just can't, y'know?

Add to that I was voluntold for a little project at work last week. On one hand it's a nice change from the day-to-day drudgery of my job, but it's forced me to work with two techs—while pleasant and easy to work with—simply do not possess the depth of knowledge or motivation I thought they did. You don't know how to highlight an entire line in Excel? Seriously?

We've been pulled off our regular duties to finish up the stragglers of the PC refresh project that was actually started more than a year before I started work here. I have assumed the de facto lead role on this because it seems I'm the only one who has the logical mindset and desire to do the paperwork involved in getting all this equipment rolled out before June 1st.

Initially we were told there were about 180 outstanding devices. That number dropped to about half that when it was clarified that we would only be doing the central locations—four sites in downtown Phoenix. The number dropped even further when I took it upon myself to look up all the PCs and laptops on the master list and determined that probably thirty percent or so had either already been refreshed (and never updated in inventory) or sent to surplus for recycling.

I understand why my supervisor selected me; she said she'd gotten so much positive feedback from the customers on the computers I've been rolling out by myself over the past six months I was a logical choice. (My site is totally finished.) But the other two? They're the secondary techs at the sites with the greatest number of unrefreshed machines.

"A Referral Was Returned From The Server"

As much as I bitch and complain about the Apple OS, let's not forget that I have to support their chief rival's abortion in the corporate environment—and Windows is still far. and. away. a more fucked up system than macOS or OS X or whatever the hell the brain trust in Cupertino wants to call it these days could ever be.

The latest bit of banging-my-head-against-the-wall comes from that delightful little error message above. It popped up today while I was trying to install a driver for a standalone thermal printer. First off who was the genius that wrote it? Somewhere, at some point in time, some asshole programmer must have thought, "Let's write the most obscure error message possible."

For those of you who have the displeasure of encountering this bit of fuckery on a Windows 10 box running in a corporate (domain) environment, the solution is actually rather simple, but annoying as hell. Trying to run the offending installer as a local admin didn't work. Trying to run it with administrator rights didn't work. Disabling UAC (we're getting warmer, but still no cigar) was a suggested solution via the Google, but didn't solve the problem either. What I ultimately discovered that it was some godforsaken issue with something in the Domain Group Policy and UAC. Simply disabling UAC on the local machine won't fix the problem; and since I didn't have rights to do anything with the the Domain's Group Policy, the only way to make it work is to remove the device from the domain entirely in order for the software to install.

I now have this documented at work since apparently none of my coworkers have ever encountered it—with the current thorn-in-my-side (who already views and treats me as just an ignorant imaging tech and not a full-fledged desktop tech with more years of experience than she's been alive) looking at me like an escapee from the Short Bus when I told her I had to remove the machine from the domain in order to install a printer driver.

I'm glad it's Friday…


No, Mr. Little, The Sky Is Not Falling

About a week ago I was given notice that as of September 30th, my contract was finally coming to an end and it would be my absolute, absolute last day at my current place of employment. However, because I'd been told this so many times over the last eight months, I took it with a grain of salt and went on about my business, thinking, "Yeah, right." This past Monday morning however, I received email from my recruiter confirming that after speaking with my boss, my time here was indeed coming to an end.

Well fuck.

Yeah, I know I was making way less money than what I'd been prior to coming here and it was a constant reminder of how woefully under-employed I was, but for the most part—even with the multiple instances of stupid I have witnessed during my tenure—I have genuinely enjoyed working here and realized that I was going to miss my coworkers much more than I ever thought I would.

Even so, as much as the thought of having to go through a job search yet again (not to mention interviewing) left a pit in my stomach, I tried to remain positive. Firstly, since this was not a for-cause or a voluntary termination, securing Arizona Employment Benefits—as meager as they are—while I looked for work wouldn't be met with the kind of resistance I got from DISH after I left there. Secondly, I tried to keep the attitude that everything happens for a reason, and this was happening now because it was time for me to move onto a new chapter in my professional life.

Well, wouldn't you know as soon as I wrapped my head around that, accepted it, received a glowing Letter of Recommendation from my supervisor's boss, and actually started looking forward to having some time off, everything changed.

My boss walked in late yesterday afternoon with a very serious look on his face and his cell phone glued to his ear. I didn't know who he was talking to, but I overheard, "So this isn't FTE? Okay, I'll ask him how he feels about it."

Next thing I know we were sitting in his office and I was being offered a job; not as an "Imaging Specialist" (my current title), but as a proper Desktop Tech. It would still be a contract position, but unlike my current gig, this one was open-ended and could potentially last years. (There's a hiring freeze on right now for full-time employees; otherwise they'd offer to hire me outright.)

To be honest, my initial internal reaction—after seeing how things are done around here and dealing with some of the personalities I'd have to interact with on a daily basis as a Desktop Tech—was "Oh hell no!" But almost immediately I remembered this had also been my initial reaction to the offer of employment at Abrazo after contracting there those many years ago—and that resulted in some lifelong friendships being formed and the job itself ultimately becoming the one to which I compared all that followed.

I told my supervisor it sounded interesting, but frankly it would all come down to the money. I'd already applied at two other state agencies where I'd be making significantly more and he was aware of that, so he understood completely, saying that I'd have to discuss those specifics with his boss.

This morning when I arrived at work I sent an email off to the man holding the purse strings asking if we could meet sometime today. Not thirty seconds later my phone rang and the he said, "How about now?"

To sum up, after discussing everything and getting a ballpark salary estimate sometime later, I accepted the offer. My new title and pay grade takes effect Monday even though I'll still be reporting to the same location and doing the same tasks I have been until they figure out exactly what they're going to do with me. It still needs to be determined which facility I'll be based at and who I'll be paired with—requiring some personnel shuffling—but it looks like I'm set for the foreseeable future and I can finally exhale a bit…


I'm starting to believe that along with basic manners, civil discourse, and common courtesy, professionalism is going the way of the dinosaur in our society. I am amazed at the number of times over the past few years I have been praised for simply doing my job. Are companies really hiring such grossly unqualified and incompetent workers that the mere act of showing up on time, completing tasks that are assigned to you, and basically not being a dick to your fellow coworkers is now worthy of adulation?

Apparently so.

One of the things I have always prided myself on was the fact that my supervisors knew they could give me a task and it would be completed as requested without requiring their constant oversight. This managerial hands-off approach seems to work best for both parties, and probably stems from my many years as an architectural drafter. Once I was given a set of parameters, I was set loose to complete the task with a bare minimum of oversight thereafter.

Apparently this ability to work independently and actually do one's job without having to be micromanaged is a rare commodity in today's workforce.

Bitching and Moaning

First off, let me say that I am very grateful to have a job and to be working—even if it is for less money than I was earning ten fifteen years ago.

That being said, working for a government agency these past six months has been an eye opening experience. I have nothing in my work history to compare the level of dysfunction I encounter on a daily basis. Not even DISH was this broken, and that's saying a lot.

You would think that this agency would've learned from the fiasco that was their 3-month new equipment refresh project that was started before Ben and I returned to Phoenix and is just now—more than a year later—wrapping up. Hiring Dell to basically do everything short of placing the new equipment on users' desks wasn't their first mistake. That was failing to get the necessary teams in place to do proper testing of the hardware and software before pushing it out to the thousands of employees across the state. If that sort of infrastructure had been in place, then maybe—just maybe—it wouldn't have been necessary to terminate their contract when Dell failed to live up to the ridiculous expectations and timeline they'd been given…and then turn around and rehire them because it was obvious that without their outside knowledge and assistance the entire project was going to crash and burn in a spectacular fashion.

But no! Get it out, get it out, get it out! NOW NOW NOW.

So six weeks after I came on board and a few hundred Win10 machines had gone out the door, most of those machines started coming back in to be reimaged with Win7. Mission-critical software didn't work properly. Users hated the OS. The CIO "left to pursue other opportunities" and his replacement immediately announced that unless the hardware wouldn't support it or there was an overriding business reason for Win10 to be used, all new hardware that went out was to be loaded with Win7.

I can't tell you how many problems that cleared up—not to mention it cut down our machine prep time by half.

My time here was supposed to have ended when the refresh project wrapped up, but I truly believe my supervisor wants to keep me around long enough to survive the agency's hiring freeze so he can bring me on as a full time employee. (This would be a huge pay increase, bringing me back in line with what I have been making prior to this.) Thankfully for both of us, a new project was coming online—the replacement of around 250 customer-facing kiosk devices across the state; all of which would need to be imaged and prepped for deployment.

And that is where today's rant comes in.

Once again we are being told to get something pushed out the door without adequate Q&A testing being performed—even though we know things are not working properly—because apparently it's more important to show that something is being done rather than wait and make sure what's being done is right.

With one batch of machines already out the door and in the field, the first time I had to unbox a few dozen other already-imaged machines was when the powers that be realized the assigned computer names were too long and couldn't properly join the domain. The second time the machines (which thankfully hadn't gone out yet) were unboxed was because someone realized that from a data security perspective, these very public machines probably shouldn't have their USB ports active. The third time they were unboxed was because someone else realized that the machines needed to have an auto-login to the service account that ran the kiosk software.

The auto-logon worked sporadically at best, and seemed to be tied to the machines being in the proper group in Active Directory. Once they were in the correct bucket in AD, some worked and some still didn't. "Oh, it's a back-end issue they're working on," my supervisor said. "Go ahead and box them up and get them ready to go out."

Against my better judgment, I boxed them up again. My boss returned to the workroom shortly after I'd finished the chore and said, "We need to force group policy again."

I wonder what stupidity tomorrow will bring?

Not Surprising

From TechnoBuffalo:

Windows 10 might be a nice upgrade for most PC users—especially when it was free—but many just aren't interested in it. Businesses especially are avoiding Microsoft's latest operating system, according to new data.

Softchoice, which has obtained data from the TechCheck IT asset management service that is supplied to 169 firms in the U.S. running over 400,000 Windows machines, has found that only 0.75 percent of businesses are currently running Windows 10.

That's right—not even a full percentage of businesses are running Windows 10 more than a year after its release.

Windows 7 is still used by 91 percent of enterprise customers, according to Softchoice, and that percentage continues to grow. It's actually up 18 percent since the same time last year. Windows 8 is currently being used by 4 percent of businesses.

"It seems businesses don't see an urgent need to move operating systems, so long as their cloud-based applications are still running fine on Windows 7," said Craig McQueen, director of the Microsoft Practice at Softchoice.

However, McQueen does believe that Windows 10 will see a boost in adoption once organizations begin to "grasp the user benefits," such as improved touch interaction, greater security, and baked-in Cortana.

User benefits? Touch interaction doesn't work on desktops and Cortana was the first thing the organization blocked as part of Group Policy at my place of employment!

In addition, after a very poorly executed pilot program and a rush to get new machines into the hands of the users, nearly all of the machines that went out imaged with Windows 10 when I was first brought on board for this refresh project have now come back in to be reimaged with Windows 7. The users hate it, and a lot of home-baked mission-critical applications aren't compatible.

Maybe someone should've looked into that before we rolled out all those machines?