It took us a while, but we finally got around to seeing Skyfall last night. We paid an extra $2 per ticket and went for the "VIP" seating at the Landmark theater where we saw it, and I have to say, it was worth the extra money just for the larger, more comfortable seats. We'll definitely be returning to this particular venue; even non-VIP seats are treated to complimentary soda and popcorn.
I thought the movie itself was fantastic. I found the opening sequence and the cinematography in general to be absolutely stunning. In fact, of the three Daniel Craig Bond films, I think this one is the best of the lot.
All I can say is if you haven't seen it yet, don't waste another minute. Skyfall definitely makes up for the incoherent mess that was Quantum of Solace.
This is the temperature when I arrived at work this morning. But that's nothing. It was 0℉ when I woke up. I think we had a high of 13℉ today.
It's supposed to get into the 30s tomorrow. I guess I'll break out the shorts and flip-flops.
Holy Shit!
Is That a Caduceus or are You Just Glad to See Me?
Mirror Mirror on the Wall (NSFW)
Amazing Student Short
"Go Ahead, Touch It."
"Mary B. Moron, of Sarnia, OH was indicted today for multiple counts of child abuse and willful neglect. Her 5 year old son was recently photographed in the company of at least three known pedophiles, and no parent or guardian was present.
In the indictment, the state claims that Ms. Moron deliberately took her son to a den of pedophilia and criminal activity. Shockingly, she also left a large sum of her own money with the leaders of the criminal organization."
Thought for the Day
This sums up the entire company that I work for.
Best AHS Scene EVAH
This will mean nothing if you haven't been watching the second season of American Horror Story, but if you have, I'm sure you stood up and applauded Lana's goodbye to Briarwood and Dr. Threadson.
And watching her later blow the filthy rapist's head off was so very satisfying.
"All This Has Happened Before And Will Happen Again."
The Chocolate Bunny Homicides
Fucking Insanity
Just when you think gun nuts cannot get any crazier…
From Talking Points Memo:
We know what people mean in a political context when they talk about "gun rights." And the Supreme Court has now said that there is an individual right, though not an absolute one, to own guns. But now an NRA boardmember in Arizona is taking it to a whole new level—claiming the guns themselves have rights. Now Todd Rathner is threatening to sue Tucson police over yesterday's gun buyback program, saying they have no right to destroy the guns themselves, despite the fact that the owners sold them ($50 gift certificate per gun) to the police to destroy them. In other words, the guns—not the people who have a right to own them—but the guns themselves, i.e., the metal and miscellaneous composites that make up the firearm, now have rights.
Jobs Fit for a Psychopath
From the Houston Chronicle via SF Gate:
You might think someone you work with has psychopathic tendencies, but the chances are you're wrong.
The prevalence of psychopaths in the general public is around 1 percent, making it unlikely that you are working with one or a group of psychopaths.
But certain professions are more likely to attract psychopaths than others because of the nature and skills required to do the job successfully, according to an AOL story.
Psychologist Kevin Dutton wrote in his book The Wisdom of Psychopaths: What Saints, Spies, and Serial Killers Can Teach Us About Success about certain job fields that attract psychopaths.
The following jobs have the highest rate of psychopaths, according to Dutton's research:
1. Chief Executive Officer
2. Lawyer
3. Media (Television/Radio)
4. Salesperson
5. Surgeon
6. Journalist
7. Police officer
8. Clergy person
9. Chef
10. Civil servant
The list is scattered across several fields, but Huffington Post blogger Eric Barker notes each of these professions "require an ability to make objective, clinical decisions divorced from feelings." In a more straightforward way, the traits that define psychopaths are also the skills that can make people successful in the workforce.
Psychopathy is an often misdiagnosed mental disorder that is characterized by amoral or antisocial behavior, lack of ability to make emotional bonds and extremely egocentric, according to the Journal of Abnormal Psychology.
While there are plenty of negatives, The Smithsonian Magazine points out psychopaths typically have some useful traits for the modern world and for the business world.
"Psychopaths don't procrastinate," the magazine reported. "Psychopaths tend to focus on the positive. Psychopaths don't take things personally; they don't beat themselves up if things go wrong, even if they're to blame. And they're pretty cool under pressure."
A 2010 study examined 203 corporate professionals selected for management training to determine whether psychopaths might be overrepresented in the business world, according to a Time Magazine story.
The study, which was conducted by psychologist and executive coach Paul Babiak, found one in 25 bosses may be psychopaths. The mental illness is typically found in about 1 percent of the general population, according to the Toronto Star.
The Guardian reported Babiak's survey suggests "psychopaths are actually poor managerial performers but are adept at climbing the corporate ladder because they can cover up their weaknesses by subtly charming superiors and subordinates."
So what about the other end of the spectrum?
It shouldn't be a shocker that professions that require empathy or emotion had a lower rate of psychopaths. According to Dutton, these professions have the lowest rate of psychopaths.
1. Care aide
2. Nurse
3. Therapist
4. Craftsperson
5. Beautician or stylist
6. Charity worker
7. Teacher
8. Creative artist
9. Doctor
10. Accountant
Oh Wait…
Mirror Mirror on the Wall (NSFW)
The Centurion Shall Not Be Mocked!
Another Day, Another Butthurt Christian
You thought you'd get a break from teh st00pid after the Mayan Apocalypse came and went without winged beasts marauding our cities or fleets of UFOs attacking from space, right? Guess again dear readers, and get ready to reboard the crazy train. Apparently the folks over at a well known right-wing wacko website have their already over-tight panties in a twist because in their fevered minds, CBS is mocking has-been footballer Tim Tiebow, Jeebus's chosen emissary on earth (and by extension, all of Christianity) by running an ad for the Super Bowl featuring outspoken homosexual actor Neil Patrick Harris.
Apparently because Mr. Harris has the date of the game, "Feb 3" and "2013" on his eyeblack, this is somehow mocking Tiebow, who felt the need to put bible verses under his eyes (perhaps as a reminder to not grope grab other players' asses too tightly).
I have several friends who consider themselves Christians. These friends are not, however, the foaming-at-the-mouth "I'm being persecuted for my faith!" type who seem to find offense at every turn in modern society. No, these friends are who I consider "good" Christians, people who quietly live their lives, personally practicing their faith without feeling the need to shove their belief system down the throat of everyone they encounter. I respect their right to believe; they respect my right not to.
Perhaps if more of these publicly butthurt whiners like the ones finding offense at this Super Bowl ad would spend more time actually practicing the words of their savior (y'know, doing good works, feeding the poor, loving their neighbors, etc.) and less time playing the martyr while trying to make their faith the law of the land, the rest of society might take a more favorable view of them.
In other words, they need to get a life.
That Apple Genius
How Can You Not Love Dame Maggie?
Send in the Clowns
A few weeks ago I ordered two memory modules at work from our normal supplier. This is how they were packed.
Abso-fucking-lutely ridiculous.
What's worse? When Xerox sent me a pinch roller assembly (an item that's about 3 inches square) in an 18" square box. Seriously.