Speaking of Fuck
Crop Circles Finally Explained
"You Know…
…Eloise, you really should learn how to suck dick properly so your husband will leave my husband alone."
I am Incorrigible
People of Walmart indeed.
After the Job Interview
I'm Going to Miss Nan
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If It Walks Like A Duck…
From The Advocate:
Sherri Shepherd, a cohost of The View, claims she's not homophobic just because she believes homosexuality is a sin and LGBT people are going to hell.
Shepherd sought to defend herself in a recent interview withFusion host Alicia Menendez. When Menendez asked what Shepherd felt has been the biggest misconception about her has been throughout her career, she said it was that people had labeled her antigay — unfairly, in her opinion. Shepherd insisted she had no malice toward LGBT people, saying her beliefs are the result of her Christian background and though she hates the sin, she still loves the sinner.
"I think people don't know my heart," Shepherd told Menendez. "I think people feel I'm very judgmental. I think people feel I'm very homophobic. If they knew me, and knew my heart. … You grow up being a Christian and you grow up believing homosexuality is a sin; you're going to hell if you're a homosexual. This is something that they teach in churches. So it's something that I grew up believing."
"I might not agree with your lifestyle, but I love you," Shepherd continued. "You may not agree with my lifestyle, but you love me … I don't say it's a choice. If you tell me, 'Sherri, I was born gay.' OK. I'm not gonna argue with you, because I can't tell you how you feel and what's going on inside. I'm trying to make it into heaven by the skin of my teeth … I don't know who I'm gonna see. So if you tell me you're born [gay], I'm not gonna argue with you. And I absolutely respect you for that. I just ask that people respect how I feel, [I] respect how you feel and we can have a great dialogue."
All I have to say is…
Quote of the Day
"It now appears inevitable that, at some point, Google will know more about you than you do. If you're at all concerned about privacy, forget the NSA; it's Google you should be worried about." ~ Steve Tobak
"But if You Use…"
…polished black granite floors, you'll be able to see right under the toilet partitions."
Aspire to Greatness
RIP, Mr. Johnson
Yes, Please
Despina, Moon of Neptune
From APOD:
Despina is a tiny moon of Neptune. A mere 148 kilometers across, diminutive Despina was discovered in 1989 in images from the Voyager 2 spacecraft taken during its encounter with the solar system's most distant gas giant planet. But looking through the Voyager 2 data 20 years later, amateur image processor and philosophy professor Ted Stryk discovered something no one had recognized before—images that show the shadow of Despina in transit across Neptune's blue cloud tops. His composite view of Despina and its shadow is composed of four archival frames taken on August 24, 1989, separated by nine minutes. Despina itself has been artificially brightened to make it easier to see. In ancient Greek mythology, Despina is a daughter of Poseidon, the Roman god Neptune.
I Think My Tongue Just Got Hard (NSFW)
This is Satire, Right?
I Hate Snow
The honeymoon with Denver is definitely over. At this point I am more than ready to go back to five months of 115° temps in Phoenix rather than spend one more day driving in snow. Hell, at this point I'd even be willing to move back to earthquake country rather than deal with this crap!
When my folks divorced, my mom moved back to Wisconsin where she was born and raised. She lasted exactly one winter before returning to Arizona. Now I know why. (And Denver winters are mild in comparison!)
Back in the 80s when my tribe relocated en masse to San Francisco, not all of us took to the City or embraced it the way I did. I could not understand how Lee—my best friend in the world—didn't love the place the way I did. Now I do. Some locations are a perfect match for your energy and some aren't. For me, Denver has proven itself to be in the latter category. I cannot wait to get the fuck out of here and away from the stupid-ass weather and the fucking insane drivers.
There is nothing about living here that I will miss. NOTHING.
Unfortunately, leaving Denver right now—as much as I would love to—is simply not an option. It will be three more years and three more fucking winters before we can leave. But rest assured that when that day comes and the truck is loaded and we're heading out of town, not a single fucking tear is going to be shed.
I mean seriously…HOW?
And her move out has been delayed yet again. Apparently she has an eviction on her credit report (something she never bothered to tell anyone) that doesn't drop off it until next month, and because of that there isn't an apartment complex in a hundred miles that will even talk to her.
If hell were a real place, I now know what it would be like.
It's all Fun and Games…
…until someone has a hurricane.
A Simple Question
Fuck yeah.
Mirror Mirror On the Wall (NSFW)
Leia, You've Changed
It's a Bunny With a Backpack
Your argument is invalid.
Imagining the Future
This says a lot about our society, and it's not pretty.