Smack. Down.
Gimme Some of That Damn Cake!
Brutal, Surreal, and SPOT ON
Gratuitous Jai Courtney
Someone needs a tongue bath.
Donald Trump vs. The American People
Thought For The Day
Shower Thoughts
The basics of investing and saving should be a mandatory class in high school.
In Honor of the Queen's 59th Birthday
My favorite Madonna video of all time.
Like Cockroaches
Just When You Think…
…nothing more vile can come out of that Shitgibbon's mouth, he proves us all wrong.
As if we needed any more proof, today it became abundantly clear we have a literal Nazi sympathizer in the Oval Office. Even the bimbos at Faux News were left shaking their heads in total and complete disbelief at what Twitler said this afternoon.
What, exactly, is the line this piece of excrement needs to cross before the Congress of the United States steps up and does what is needed? Yes, Pence is abominable, but he's caught up in Mueller's investigation and is as knee-deep in Russian collusion as Trump himself so he can be removed just as quickly. That leaves Paul Ryan as next in line, but even he is involved with Russia.
That leaves Orrin Hatch. At least he won't nuke another country because someone dissed him on Twitter.
It Was Fun For a While (NSFW)
…but I just can't anymore. My name ended up on the RNCC mailing list after responding to their initial survey on how the Shitgibbon-in-Chief was doing several months ago. For a while it was fun responding to their weekly—or increasingly daily—email money begs with appropriately disgusting graphics telling them in no uncertain terms how I felt, but after Charlottesville, that's changed. Telling them to go fuck themselves isn't sufficient. I realized that as long as was on their mailing list, they viewed me as a de facto supporter, and I could not have that.
So I unsubscribed after sending one final image.
Serves a Legitimate Purpose
A Leopard Cannot Change His Spots
Over the next four decades, Trump burnished his reputation as a bigot: he was accused of ordering "all the black [employees] off the floor" of his Atlantic City casinos during his visits; claimed "laziness is a trait in blacks" and "not anything they can control"; requested Jews "in yarmulkes" replace his black accountants; told Bryan Gumbel that "a well-educated black has a tremendous advantage over a well-educated white in terms of the job market"; demanded the death penalty for a group of black and Latino teenagers accused of raping a jogger in Central Park (and, despite their later exoneration with the use of DNA evidence, has continued to insist they are guilty); suggested a Native American tribe "don't look like Indians to me"; mocked Chinese and Japanese trade negotiators by doing an impression of them in broken English; described undocumented Mexican immigrants as "rapists"; compared Syrian refugees to "snakes"; defended two supporters who assaulted a homeless Latino man as "very passionate" people "who love this country"; pledged to ban a quarter of humanity from entering the United States; proposed a database to track American Muslims that he himself refused to distinguish from the Nazi registration of German Jews; implied Jewish donors "want to control" politicians and are all sly negotiators; heaped praise on the "amazing reputation" of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, who has blamed America's problems on a "Jewish mafia"; referred to a black supporter at a campaign rally as "my African-American"; suggested the grieving Muslim mother of a slain U.S. army officer "maybe … wasn't allowed" to speak in public about her son; accused an American-born Hispanic judge of being "a Mexican"; retweeted anti-Semitic and anti-black memes, white supremacists, and even a quote from Benito Mussolini; kept a book of Hitler's collected speeches next to his bed; declined to condemn both David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan; and spent five years leading a "birther" movementthat was bent on smearing and delegitimizing the first black president of the United States, who Trump also accused of being the founder of ISIS.
Oh and remember: we knew all of this before he was elected president of the United States of America.
"It's like arguing against gay marriage with a dick in your mouth."
I love Trae.
Shower Thoughts
I love how white supremacists carry flags of the two most notorious failures in western warfare.
I am SO Ready for Summer to be Over
I want cool, overcast, drizzly mist enveloping me…
How To Bring The World To The Brink Of Nuclear War In Six Months (Along With A U.S. Civil War For Good Measure)
From Johnny Spade:
In six months this illegitimate fraud who illegally sits in the Oval Office has brought us to the brink of World War 3 with North Korea, while simultaneously our nation is divided at the seams with ignorant neo-nazi scum holding torches and screaming "Heil Trump" desperate to see the Union burn.
I ask Republicans how they can STILL buy this Orange Turd's bullshit with all the proof available right under their noses? Not just from reports from CNN, MSNBC or the NYTimes, you know, the "fake news" organizations as #GOP's attempt to brand them, but from FoxNews, the AP, the Wall Street Journal, the very memos & press releases from his administration AND the sociopaths very own tweets?!
Why make every effort to block the Russian Hacking & Collusion investigations if he did nothing wrong? Why, six months in now, are his finances and tax returns STILL hidden from the publics view?! Where's the outrage about him spending more time on the golf course in six months than Obama did in 2 years?
Or at the very least how can Republicans still blame and scapegoat everyone else for their failings, as they now hold both houses of Congress with a Republican "President"? That disgusting health care bill, the #NoCare bill, they redrafted and messed with for months could not pass the smell test in their own party! Why did John McCain refuse to vote for a ludicrous plan of "repeal & replace later" (i.e. take away millions of peoples healthcare and uhhh, we'll figure it out later)? Because he's an honorable man who knows bullshit when he sees it!
This is what happens when 60+ million people stay home and don't vote; when a foreign government disrupts the very fiber of our democracy by hacking our election process for the benefit of a completely inexperienced bafoon and when we adhere to an archaic system where one candidate recieves 3 MILLION more votes than the other yet still "loses"…we get a silverspooned, failed casino owner/reality show star sending our country back decades.
While refusing to listen to the scientific and intelligence communities, the other countries in the Paris climate agreement shake their heads (including China!) while his military and diplomatic advisors are ignored because of his obnoxious hubris and ego. The infant won't even call the other living former Presidents for their advice and viewpoint, breaking with over a century of tradition.
I hope the Earth survives and something positive happens, but since all of the warnings LibDems gave out re: Trump during the campaign have come to pass I have no idea if nuclear winter is right around the corner but know we're the closest we've been since the Cuban Missle Crisis. Considering the bulk of #GOP's are Christians who welcome the end of the world/Rapture like it's some big reunion concert, who knows if anyone can convince FührerTrump that sending out statements that are just as crazy as what's coming from North Korea is not wise and Nuclear War is NOT GOOD. Considering he had to be told during the campaign by the Joint Chiefs why we DON'T use nuclear weapons I don't feel too good about the outcome.
Where are the GOP Congress members who haven't drank all of the Kool-Aid, the Generals in the Joint Chiefs, the CIA Agents, the Secret Servicemen who won't allow the world to be engulfed in nuclear winter?! Is the retention of power more important to the Paul Ryan's & Mitch McConnell's than preventing their families bodies melting in a nuclear war?!
Are everyone of these sub IQ80 degenerate duncecaps who show up to these ridiculous post election election rallys too stupid to see the domino effect ANY nuclear weapon usage would cause throughout the world?! This isn't as easy as "leveling" North Korea and only North Korea! Millions of casualties will suffer a litany of negative consequences, and that's just if ONE nuclear explosion takes place.
If one missle is launched, Pakistan, India, Israel, Japan, China and those with WMD's we may be unaware of will be given license to fire at will on their percieved enemies.
But hey, Derp Derp! Go on with your bullshit talking points and AVOID REALITY! "The economy", "Benghazi'", "but her emails", "MAGA!" "The billionaire who's never bought his own groceries & has a personal attendant wipe his ass understands me!!" "He'll save muh coal job from dem nasty mexicans!"
Fuuuuck. I guess it's been a good run…man is man's worst enemy, and the past two years has illustrated that more than any other time in history.
I Have No Words
I have no words for the events of the last 48 hours except What the FUCK is wrong with this country?! But plenty of people more eloquent than I do. Here is just a small sample. We will not be silent.
Not Again!
Vintage Audio Porn

Gratuitous Rahull Kohli
We made it through one—maybe two (I can't remember)—seasons of Kohli's iZombie before giving up. It wasn't a bad show. we just lost interest; probably from Zombie overload. At the time I think we were watching The Walking Dead and ZNation (which was a hoot before it started taking itself too seriously) in addition, and frankly there's just so much of the undead anyone can take on a weekly basis..
Rahul has an active Instagram, in case you want to see more of him.
Gratuitous Wes Bentley
Because fuuuuuuuck!
I Could Live There
Shower Thoughts
The Internet was created to share information, but has devolved into a propaganda distribution and misinformation platform.