Some Thoughts About My Instagram

(To be filed under shameless self-promotion.)

Whenever I request to follow someone on Instagram—especially if its someone I know in real life—I always do a quick run through my own Insta.  (Link at right.) It's not that I'm ashamed of anything I've posted—and anyone who knows me knows me—but rather just to get a sense of what I'm presenting to the world; what kind of artificially beautiful view of my life I'm putting out there.

I did the same thing last night after accepting a follow request from my old boss in San Francisco (I'd been following his nearly empty account for quite some time). I wondered what he'd think of the boy (and by boy, I mean I was 39 the last time we had any interaction and was ten years younger than that when he'd hired on as an architectural drafter in that tiny 3-person office back in 1987.

I have to say that I'm quite happy with what I've put out there. I spent quite some time scrolling back to the beginning, back to 2012 when I recreated my account after, in a fit of madness, deleted my original account when Facebook took over the platform.

My only regret is that there are a lot of duplicate images, mostly of the #tbt (Throwback Thursday) variety. I mean, when you've posted nearly eight years of photos there are bound to be duplicates, right?

I removed myself from Facebook years ago. I gave up Twitter back in July. The only remaining social media platform I'm still on is Instagram, and while I know it's probably just as evil as Facebook, I just can't give it up yet. (Although the constant barrage of random ads for absolute shit that pepper the feed on the mobile app is pushing me in that direction.) I enjoy my feed of "bears, vinyl collectors, men who apparently don't own a single shirt among the lot of them, drag queens, d-list celebrities, and alcoholics" as I like to call it. And where do you think a lot of the menz I post here come from. C'mon…

My account is locked down, but if any of you want to follow along, just send a request and maybe leave a comment here or send an email (link at right under "Warning") to let me know its you. Maybe you're already following and I just don't know…but I'd like to!

Songs From Another Life

This is a playlist that I put together a few years ago and burned onto CD as a holiday gift for my surviving friends from the 80s with whom I shared these musical memories. These songs—mostly from the mid-to-late years of the decade—in addition to the pop hits of the day, comprised the soundtrack of our lives as we transitioned from life in Tucson to life in San Francisco. It puts me in a…strange…headspace, so I don't listen to it very often, but sometimes it's just what the doctor ordered to remind me that life has not always been the psychic clusterfuck we all currently find ourselves living through.

It's Called Hypocrisy

Conservatives are still talking about how Ocasio-Cortez spent $300 of her own money at a hair salon, but we never found out who paid $200,000 of Brent Kavanaugh's mysterious credit card debt.

And how the hell does one run up $200K in credit card debt?!

Quote of the Day

The modern GOP has given us Nixon, Agnew, Bush II, Cheney, and now Trump and Pence. Plus the Religious Right, the Tea Party, the Freedom Caucus, and has granted the NRA's every wish. From cunning crooks to war crimes criminals to corrupt authoritarians. It is all down hill, and getting worse fast." ~ John Dean

Quote of the Day

We should take the "does it spark joy?" question to social media. Go through your Facebook and remove friends that do not spark joy. Go through instagram and unfollow people and pages that do not spark joy. Don't surround yourself with things that don't make you happy." ~ renegadebusiness via Tumblr

Quote of the Day

I like cancelled plans. And empty bookstores. I like rainy days and thunderstorms. And quiet coffee shops. I like messy beds and over-worn pajamas. Most of all, I like the small joys that a simple life brings." ~ Unknown

A Curse For Our Times

May Trump live long enough to impotently scream his innocence before the court…to be caught time & again in lie after lie and crime after crime.

May he live long enough to be branded a traitor and see his name reduced to a word of derision & shame. Watch as the edifices bearing his name, one by one, tear his disgraceful name away.

May he live long enough to see his wealth stripped away from him and his odious crotch-fruit; his wife eagerly leaving him, attempting to live on the profits of a scandalous tell-all book about her marriage to a loathsome, envious, tiny-dicked monster.

May he live long enough to spend the rest of his miserable life in jail…whining about his innocence to no one listening. May all this drive him to the final, unloved, lonely & reviled madness he was always destined to arrive at.

And only after all this, may he go screaming into the void of the hell that he so richly deserves.

~Uncle Mark,  via Joe.My.God.

Quote of the Day

A soulmate is someone who is willing to grow with you, who chooses to be with you until the end, and will love you through good and bad. It's not about sunshine and laughter, it's about mundane moments filled with unknowns." ~ T.B. LaBerge

Quote of the Day

Trump's rage over the anonymity of the whistleblower may seem excessive, but it has its own logic. Anonymity means Trump can't give the person an insulting nickname, can't call him or her ugly or fat, can't use his surrogates to smear and intimidate. He can't make it personal. And if Trump can't make it deeply personal somehow, his only alternative is to challenge the whistleblower's account on its merits, on factual grounds, which Trump knows is impossible. THAT is why he's so frustrated. His foe's anonymity disarms him." ~ Jay Bookman via Twitter


I'm really starting to hate people. Obviously not the people who are in my life either through blood, friendship, or affection, but that faceless, rude, self-centered mass of humanity that exists beyond the boundaries of my own life that I am forced to engage with.