Some Thoughts About My Instagram

(To be filed under shameless self-promotion.)

Whenever I request to follow someone on Instagram—especially if its someone I know in real life—I always do a quick run through my own Insta.  (Link at right.) It's not that I'm ashamed of anything I've posted—and anyone who knows me knows me—but rather just to get a sense of what I'm presenting to the world; what kind of artificially beautiful view of my life I'm putting out there.

I did the same thing last night after accepting a follow request from my old boss in San Francisco (I'd been following his nearly empty account for quite some time). I wondered what he'd think of the boy (and by boy, I mean I was 39 the last time we had any interaction and was ten years younger than that when he'd hired on as an architectural drafter in that tiny 3-person office back in 1987.

I have to say that I'm quite happy with what I've put out there. I spent quite some time scrolling back to the beginning, back to 2012 when I recreated my account after, in a fit of madness, deleted my original account when Facebook took over the platform.

My only regret is that there are a lot of duplicate images, mostly of the #tbt (Throwback Thursday) variety. I mean, when you've posted nearly eight years of photos there are bound to be duplicates, right?

I removed myself from Facebook years ago. I gave up Twitter back in July. The only remaining social media platform I'm still on is Instagram, and while I know it's probably just as evil as Facebook, I just can't give it up yet. (Although the constant barrage of random ads for absolute shit that pepper the feed on the mobile app is pushing me in that direction.) I enjoy my feed of "bears, vinyl collectors, men who apparently don't own a single shirt among the lot of them, drag queens, d-list celebrities, and alcoholics" as I like to call it. And where do you think a lot of the menz I post here come from. C'mon…

My account is locked down, but if any of you want to follow along, just send a request and maybe leave a comment here or send an email (link at right under "Warning") to let me know its you. Maybe you're already following and I just don't know…but I'd like to!

One Reply to “Some Thoughts About My Instagram”

  1. My insta is pics of legos, and I follow legit fitness people and porn stars. Because inspiration. In many forms. So, yeah. That's what it should be.

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