"They Did Their Own Research"

The website SORRYANTIVAXXER.COM lists pretty exhaustively all the antivaxxers who have contracted and/or died from the Trump-Virus. At first it seems devastating (and very, very white) seeing entry after entry of people who were easily manipulated into killing themselves to own the Libs, but then comes both boredom: Another asshole bites the dust, and good riddance.

Before you come at me (@ me?) for speaking ill of the dead, I'll remind you that I spoke ill of them when they were above ground.  I'm just going to say it: these people were selfish assholes who endangered all of us. Lining up to argue with a virus and then die from a preventable disease isn't noble, it's stupid. We're better off without them infecting more people.

Do I feel bad for their families? Maybe in the short run, but these antivaxxer assholes endangered their own families, too. Their families are better off with them gone. Maybe they will get vaccinated and live to see another day.

Look, these assholes were babied, begged, and bribed  to get the free, safe, and effective vaccines and they turned it down; so that's not tragedy, it's a farce. And in the end it is natural selection in action. Again, we're better off without them.

You want to tell me that they were standing on their principles, and I'll tell you that they are now buried with their principles.

I feel a great deal of satisfaction when reading about them (as Clarence Darrow once said). I never used to be this cold and callous towards people, but these selfish, ignorant a-holes have worn down both my patience (which I never had a lot of to begin with) and my empathy. I'm bone tired, both of this never-ending pandemic and the people who are making this pandemic never-ending.

[Source, paraphrased and augmented]


Apologies to any of my readers who have left comments over the past few weeks only to never see them appear. Apparently the WordPress spam filter got a little too excited in its quest for my protection.

I've moved all the comments out of spam that shouldn't have been there and allowed them to post, but if in the future you notice that a comment you left never appears, let me know via email and I will look into it.

That being said, I'll also keep a closer eye on that damn filter!

"Wears a Hat of Someone Else's Choosing"

Here's the list:

    • Curious
    • Extraordinary
    • Eccentric
    • Wears a hat of someone else's choosing
    • Inconsistent
    • A sunset lover
    • Smooth elbows
    • A man with specific mannerisms
    • Sleeps diagonally
    • A perplexment
    • Rides the carousel
    • An evening botanist
    • Classically athletic
    • Fraternally-minded
    • Wears a light wristwatch
    • Gives a careful handshake
    • Gives too much change for a dollar
    • A fluent swimmer
    • A keen-eyed birdwatcher
    • Fond of his mother
    • Elegant
    • Built on an uncertain foundation
    • Fluttersome
    • A real jackdaw
    • Avowed bachelor
    • A gentleman of the piers
    • Born with the caul
    • Limber
    • An aesthete
    • In the way of uncles
    • He throws a party with an open guest list
    • Son of the moon
    • A boy from Eton
    • Always rings twice
    • Has a silk bathrobe
    • Not quite up-to-code
    • He hitchhikes instead of taking the bus
    • Stays ahead of the game
    • A skillful mountain climber
    • Salutes another flag
    • An upside-down chimney-sweep

Quote of the Day

Whenever I hear some bigmouth in Washington or the Christian heartland banging on about the evils of sodomy or whatever, I mentally enter his name in my notebook and contentedly set my watch. Sooner rather than later, he will be discovered down on his weary and well-worn old knees in some dreary motel or latrine, with an expired Visa card, having tried to pay well over the odds to be peed upon by some Apache transvestite." ~ Christopher Hitchens

On Age and Aging

"I see the younglings post things like "are you still on tumblr at 30?" and "go take care of your kids instead of reading fics" and i just feel sad because you have a bunch of young people who are terrified of getting older.

They think age is going to change them, into something boring, something different, something grey, and i just want to tell them, reassure them, you will still be the same person.

Isn't it wonderful?

You will love the things you love for so many years. you will find joy in the same things, decade after decade. you will feel the same inside, through all this time.

Yes, the body will change. Yes there's more responsibilities, less time, even less energy.

But there's no magical age where you stop enjoying that specific story, that specific game, that specific hobby.

But you know what also comes with age?

You have less fucks to give."

I turn 50 in July. I had this HUGE list of things I had to do, that I absolutely KNEW I had to be, before I turned 30, or I was a total failure.

I didn't do any of those things, and it didn't matter.

I was CONVINCED that by the time I was 40, my life was basically over. All the fun stuff I liked, all the music I liked, the games I liked to play, all of it was done for some reason, and I would be a Boring Adult.


I am here to tell you that when you get older, it's fucking AWESOME. You don't put up with anyone's bullshit. You figure out who deserves your time and attention, and you have the fucking BEST TIME EVER with them. All the time.

I still play video games. I still go to concerts. I do everything I can to see and validate and celebrate young people when they come into my life, because I want an entire generation to know that the lies media and advertising tells you about life basically ending at 40 so you'd better buy all the shit they're selling you is GARBAGE.

The older I get, the cooler and more awesome my life is.

I am still the same punk rock weirdo I was when I was in my 20s, I'm just wiser and more comfortable in my own skin than I was then. Getting older did not do ANY of the things I believed it would do.

If I may offer two pieces of advice on the small chance a younger person than me is reading this: take care of your core strength. When you hit middle age, your body is just weaker than it was, and it's easier to hurt yourself. It takes longer to recover from injury, and if I could change one thing, it would be paying more attention to my physical strength.

And the only currency, the only thing the ultimately matters in our lives, is choosing to be kind. The world is a cruel place full of awful people. Don't be one of them.


Nothing's Gonna Get Done Anyway

This is the first year since I was in my 20s that I have the entire week between Christmas and New Years off. Granted, it's earned vacation time and not some holiday gift from the powers that be (the last time that happened was in 1979), but it's nice not having to go through the motions of doing anything at work when absolutely nothing is happening.