Which is Worse?

Do you think Jesus was better or worse than his dad? I know there's probably an argument to be made that they're both terrible, but is one less terrible than the other?

I've long enjoyed Hitch's take:

"The totalitarian concept of the afterlife: The hideous idea doesn't even occur in the violent, rape and genocide filled books of the Jewish bible. There's no punishment of the dead. When god has destroyed your tribe and had your virgins and your children murdered in front of you, and had your flocks and herds scattered and so on, and you also fall down to a bronze sword, he's done with you. The earth can close over you. That's it. You tangled with the wrong tribe, the one he favored.

Not until gentle Jesus, meek and mild, are you told:  If you don't make the right propitiations you can depart into everlasting fire—one of the most wicked ideas ever preached, and one that's ruined the lives and peace of mind of many, many children preached to them by vicious, child hating old men and women, in the name of this ghastly cult, which we're met here to discuss tonight."

I think there's a pretty good case in the bible that Jesus is worse, simply because he's not better. He's supposed to be, but isn't. Lord is what he is—a violent, celestial overlord who acts simultaneously like a terrorist and a giant baby.

Jesus brought the "new covenant." He could have heralded all kinds of social improvements such as ending slavery, and revealing new knowledge. But he didn't. He could have brought the message that humanity's greatest commandment was to bring peace and wellbeing to everyone on the spheroidal planet. But he didn't. He could have told everyone that Lord is an eternal, immortal being, and mortal, temporal love for it doesn't even make any sense whatsoever, that humanity's efforts should be for each other, and doing that, seeing its children's success, that will make Lord happy and proud. But he didn't.

He was supposed to bring a new, better relationship with Lord. He supposedly brought all the love and hugs. But did he? You're with him or against him, you're to love him more than your family, he comes to bring a sword and division, he comes to fulfil the law, not replace or end it, commanded love remains the first obligation, and no evil is too bad for a believer to be denied paradise. All in the bible, as I've quoted before.

On top of this, he cranked up the manipulation another notch. orchestrating his own suicide-by-centurion in a public blood-magic ritual. Over a problem his dad created in the first place, and either couldn't or wouldn't solve. And then demands people thank him for this manipulation by pledging allegiance to him, or else be cast into eternal hellfire. Your choice.

Whatever "good" he did seems to have been for the spectacle of bolstering his own reputation and fan base, not for the good of humanity or the furthering of moral progress.

And of course, his ultimate objective is to come back and just fuck the entire world completely up, eviscerate everyone who was "not with me", demonstrating the black and white thinking one would expect from the psychopathic offspring of a psychopath. The same extinction-level Second Coming that Xians the world over are salivating for.

The difference between them really is a matter of technicalities. His father being a grandiose narcissist, and he himself a vulnerable narcissist. The grandiose narcissist is at least fairly up front about what he's doing – the logic of the Lord isn't that complicated: obey or die. Jesus wants to manipulate you into thinking he's doing you a favor.

It's sort of like the bully in the playground, who declares that everything there is hers, she makes the rules and everybody has to follow them, she'll take your lunch money, ban you from playing games she doesn't like, and forbids telling on her. Eventually she sits at the top of the slide and just glares at everyone.

Jesus is her weaselly friend who says "hey, don't worry, I gotcha. I'm here to make everything better, don't worry. All you have to do is declare your undying fealty to me, abandon all your friends, make me the center of your world, and I'll look after you. Of course, if you don't, I'll get her to beat the absolute shit out if you. To show you how much I want to protect you from the bully, who is my best friend., I'm going to give up Twinkies for you. Until the weekend, that is. That's how much I want to protect you from my friend, the bully. You'll owe me big for that. You're welcome."

Lord is the bully who wants to subjugate the entire world to its will. That is, of course, the entire point of the first couple of Commandments, and those didn't go away in the New Testament. (Believers like to pretend that "tHe oLd TeStAmEnT nO LoNgEr aPpLiEs!!!" but if they genuinely believed that, Xianity itself could not exist.) Jesus wants you to feel like that subjugation was your choice, that it was a good idea, that it was a loving act to set up this trap in the first place, and for you to thank him for it.

Such a level of manipulation while still positioned as "gentle Jesus, meek and mild" I find somewhat more disturbing than the unapologetic bluntness of Lord.

That said, the problem ultimately comes back to Lord anyway. If Lord wasn't such an unrelenting narcissist and malevolent sociopath, Jesus wouldn't need to be his standover merchant.

Thank goodness that, like Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader, they're also both—and very obviously—complete fiction.



I like quirky.

I drive a MINI. I love my husband's blue hair (I'd do it myself if I had any). And then there's this:

A year and $400 later (believe me, a bargain!), these little buggers are finally back home after being completely refurbished.

How do they sound for all the time and expense? To be honest, not much different from what I remember. Every now and then I hear an instrument or riff come out that I don't remember hearing before, but for the most part, still the same.

And that's just fine.

I didn't send them off in hopes they'd come back sounding better; Considering my 40 year history with these models, I knew exactly what they were capable of and didn't expect a sonic miracle to occur. I sent them off because I knew after four decades, vintage audio gear, no matter how well it was built originally—even if it's functioning normally and has no obvious sonic issues—needs some TLC. Capacitors leak or dry out. Transistors age. Resistors fall out of spec. Contacts tarnish. While the guy I chose to do this work came with high recommendations, I didn't want to trust him with my then-newly-acquired Kenwood receiver—which also needed attention—right out of the gate. I wanted to make sure he knew what he was doing. If he fucked up these Technics units I'd be upset, but not as nearly upset as I'd be if the Kenwood got fried.

Yeah, it took months for him to start repairs (he's apparently popular enough among the vintage community and this is such a niche profession these days that he has a full workload), but he was as professional and thorough as any of the guys I've seen performing similar work on YouTube.  Once he started repairs he kept me appraised of the progress, sending photos that explained what he was doing.

Parts replaced

I now feel confident enough that I can entrust him with the Kenny…even if it will take 10 months to get it back I know it will be as close to "as new" as humanly possible thereafter.


Gas Prices

Get used to it, my fellow humans.

Gas prices are never going down again. The days of sub-three-dollar-a-gallon petrol in the US are gone and never returning—unless demand completely dries up like it did under the lockdown two years ago. And I don't see another lockdown being put in place at this point no matter how horrific COVID variations become.

People will be dropping dead in the street before a certain segment of society—and you know who they are—will ever agree to it (and even then I doubt they would). I mean,"MAH FREEDUMBS!" Just getting those people to wear masks has been a lesson in futility.

I realized this yesterday while passing my usual fuel stop and seeing that the price had gone up ten cents a gallon after dropping—even though the price for crude has dropped.

Corporate greed knows no bounds. And now it seems the prices on everything are going up, because. Yachts must be purchased and private islands maintained after all.

I'm somewhat fortunate that while the MINI demands Premium Grade, it is a light drinker. On our recent trip, Rabbit averaged 31.375 MPG (the highest being 35.49 to which I incredulously said, "WTF?!"). Usual city driving comes in at the low-to-mid 20s.