Gas Prices

Get used to it, my fellow humans.

Gas prices are never going down again. The days of sub-three-dollar-a-gallon petrol in the US are gone and never returning—unless demand completely dries up like it did under the lockdown two years ago. And I don't see another lockdown being put in place at this point no matter how horrific COVID variations become.

People will be dropping dead in the street before a certain segment of society—and you know who they are—will ever agree to it (and even then I doubt they would). I mean,"MAH FREEDUMBS!" Just getting those people to wear masks has been a lesson in futility.

I realized this yesterday while passing my usual fuel stop and seeing that the price had gone up ten cents a gallon after dropping—even though the price for crude has dropped.

Corporate greed knows no bounds. And now it seems the prices on everything are going up, because. Yachts must be purchased and private islands maintained after all.

I'm somewhat fortunate that while the MINI demands Premium Grade, it is a light drinker. On our recent trip, Rabbit averaged 31.375 MPG (the highest being 35.49 to which I incredulously said, "WTF?!"). Usual city driving comes in at the low-to-mid 20s.

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