More Strangeness From the Surface of Mars

There's just something…off…about the pictures that are coming back from the Mars rovers. I can't put my finger on it. It's definitely not that they're fake—most definitely the opposite—and that's what I find the most unnerving.

If there was once advanced life on Mars, after all these billions of years, how would we even recognize what's remains of it? If man were to disappear from the face of the Earth tomorrow, nearly all remnants of his time here would be completely erased within only a few thousand years (the Hoover dam and similar structures being the exceptions). But after millions of years? There would be no trace we were ever here.

I'm not saying that Mars has life or intelligence now, but there was plenty of time when it was hospitable for it to have arisen and then been wiped out by some incomprehensible cosmic tragedy.

The Mask of Sorrow

The Mask of Sorrow (Russian: Маска скорби, Maska skorbi) is a monument located on a hill above Magadan, Russia, commemorating the many prisoners who suffered and died in the Gulag prison camps in the Kolyma region of the Soviet Union during the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s.

It consists of a large concrete statue of a face, with tears coming from the left eye in the form of small masks. The right eye is in the form of a barred window. The back side portrays a weeping young woman and a man on a cross with his head hanging backwards. Inside is a replication of a typical Stalin-era prison cell. Below the Mask of Sorrow are stone markers bearing the names of many of the forced-labor camps of the Kolyma, as well as others designating the various religions and political systems of those who suffered there.[1]

The statue was unveiled on June 12, 1996 with the help of the Russian government and financial contributions from seven Russian cities, including Magadan. The design was created by the sculptor Ernst Neizvestny, whose parents fell victim to the Stalinist purges of the 1930s; the monument was constructed by Kamil Kazaev. It is 15 meters high and takes up 56 cubic meters of space.

While I Know This is a Public Library…

…it reminds me very much of a very expansive house I designed when I was in high school. It had wrap-around glass walls and on the interior the various rooms were individual boxes that were normally open to the surrounding spaces but could easily be closed for privacy. I don't have the plans any longer; they were one of many casualties of moves over the years, but I do remember the layout, including a circular elevator and staircase that led up from the underground garage. All very 70s sci-fi.