AI Variations on a Theme

I don't think we need to worry about robot overlords just yet, but I may have to revise that assessment in a decade or so.

I uploaded this photo of Myrtle Snow (played by the fabulous Frances Conroy) from AHS: Coven into the DALL・E 2 AI System website and asked it to generate variations.

These are what it came up with:

And here's my default wallpaper image:

And the variations DALL・E 2 came up with:

You can also type in descriptions of what you'd like to see and it will generate an image.

A photo of a blue fish riding a yellow bicycle against an orange background digital art:

A stegosaurus crossing the Atlantic:

It's fun. It requires registration, but it's totally free to use.

In Case You've Ever Wondered…

…how the plane of our solar system is oriented to the plane of the Milky Way.

Because I have.

But then, I'm an astronomy geek. Have been since I was a wee young thing. But I'd always wondered how the solar system was oriented in regard to the galaxy itself, since it seemed improbable that everything was oriented in the same direction.

In Memoriam

If it's war these Trumpists/QAnon Nutbags want, it's war they're going to get. And we're going to take as many of them with us as we can. Fuck this shit!

Sadly, no. Damien was evil and cunning. Trump is just a self-absorbed narcissistic man-child who has never faced consequences for a single thing he's done in his life.

Why Can No One See This?

Hard to believe it's been nearly 20 years now, but when I landed my first full-time job after returning to Phoenix from San Francisco, I worked with a guy who was like this. He had an entire bedroom in his house stacked floor to ceiling with firearms of various types. We weren't close; we seldom spoke, but he was a damn fine looking man and verily I lusted in my heart for him from the moment I came on board. All that disappeared after he proudly showed off photos of "collection."

57 Years Later

My mom loved this—and in fact all of the Tijuana Brass—albums. I will always associate Herb Alpert with lazy summer vacation days as it seemed his music was always playing on the hi-fi in our family room.