A Rant

Hey KJZZ…we know Phoenix is a vast radio wasteland. It has been for years. But I find it ironic that you (with those call letters, no less)—one of only two oases in that wasteland of talking heads, top 40 hits on endless repeat, and mariachi-laden Spanish-language programs—only actually broadcast jazz four days a week from 8pm to 1am. Otherwise it's all non-stop NPR and local news that is on repeat all fucking day.

Yeah, I know you have a second, HD channel that does play jazz all day, something I can get on my car receiver—but I'm not in my car all day. I also know you have an internet stream that mirrors the HD offering. But KUVO in Denver also has a stream available and their programming is hands-down a hell of a lot better than yours.


Sorry. It's been a horrible day.

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